After Yang Xiaotian and others left for half an hour, sun Ning came out of the hotel in a panic.

On the mountain road, his driving skill is obviously not as good as that on the highway. This is the typical driver who can only run in a straight line and is incompetent when he meets a curve.

In fact, he once ran out of the right front wheel and hung on the cliff, which scared half of his life at that time.

Fortunately, determined to drive at the back, relying on the powerful horsepower, the front wheel was pulled back. Even so, the site was deformed, so it was necessary to go back to overhaul.

"Yang Xiaotian! You wait for me! "

Sun Ning said with gnashing teeth.

In his opinion, all this is Yang Xiaotian's fault.

As for him, what's wrong with pursuing love?

When he saw Land Rover outside the hotel, sun Ning's eyes lit up. He straightened his collar and walked into the hotel. He asked in a loud voice, "boss, which room are the Land Rover customers in? It's my friend

The innkeeper turned his chubby face, looked at Sun Ning with his small eyes for a while, and said with a smile, "five hundred yuan!"

"Well?" Sunning didn't understand, "what do you mean, I come to see my friends, they should live here! I think their cars are parked outside! "

"Ha ha!" The owner of the hotel laughed, pointed his right index finger to his eyes and said, "although I'm from the mountains, I don't have much knowledge, but these eyes can distinguish clearly! You are not their friend at all... "

Sun Ning in the heart "clap Deng" a, but still mouth hard way, "how not? There are three of them, one man and two women

"Ha ha, young man, don't say these words!" The owner of the hotel was very happy. "I don't care what you have to do with them, whether it's debt collection or extortion, or even taking their erotic photos. I don't care! As long as you give me money, I'll tell you! "

After a while, sun Ning took out his wallet directly from the inside pocket of his coat, counted out five hundred yuan bills and patted them on the counter: "here you are!"

"Ha ha!" The owner of the hotel laughed for the third time, put five bills into his pocket, pointed to the mountain and said, "I went up the mountain. I haven't been there for a long time. If you go now, you can't catch it!"

"Now this point up the mountain?" Sun Ning doesn't believe it.

"What's the advantage of lying to you?" The owner of the hotel was not happy. "In business, we pay attention to honest management. We say that if you want 500, you need 500. If you take the money, you have to tell you the news, don't you?"

"No, I don't believe you!" Sun Ning quickly explained, "I just wonder why this point has to go up the mountain!"

"What do you city people think? How can we mountain people know?" The owner of the hotel asked back, and then casually said, "it's the peak season. Our mountain cleaners can collect a lot of condoms and paper towels every day. The smell, tut Tut, the smell of salted fish... I'm surprised. You city dwellers, Simmons, don't want to sleep. Why do you want to go to the mountains? If I had known, I would not have spent so much money on Simmons mattress... "

Before the owner of the hotel finished, sun Ning ran out, clenched his fists and strode forward.

"Asshole! My Yi Jiaxin! Even if you chase her, you dare to fly with her

At the same time, his heart was bleeding.

"Yi Jiaxin, you smelly bitch, I chased you as a goddess, and you ignored me. Now you are playing with other people! What a shame

"Why? How can I leave before I finish my words? " The owner of the hotel was in a trance for a while, and immediately said with a smile, "it's so nice to pretend to be forced! I just casually said that my eyes are very powerful, he even believed it! What a fool. He didn't know that he had gone to fight in the mountains. How could he be a friend? Ha ha, I really don't know whether it's to catch a traitor or something. It's really interesting. Shall I go up the mountain to have a look? "


For the first time in their lives, Yi Jiaxin and Tan Xixi are still in high spirits.

The two girls played from time to time.

There are not many other trees on the mountain, just the bamboo groves. When the wind blows at night, it feels like a sea of trees listening to the waves.

"Be careful, slow down. There are bamboo roots cut off on the ground. Be careful to prick your feet. They are so sharp that they can pierce the soles of shoes! Try to follow the path

Yang Xiaotian is followed by Cao broken heart.

"Oh, how beautiful!" Just over a hill, Tanxi exclaimed.

"Where? Where? " Yi Jiaxin ran to see it, and suddenly she saw a bright light. From the hill, she could see Yangfeng county at the foot of the mountain. The lights in the county were a little bit like stars.

For a moment, she was so crazy that she said, "it's really amazing. It's like looking at the world from the sky."

Yang Xiaotian caught up with him and said, "how about setting up camp here tonight?"

Yi Jiaxin said with a smile: "look at what you said, it's like we're out to fight! But brother Tian, your body is not so good. We are still full of energy. You are very tired! "

"Bah, did you say that?" Yang Xiaotian stretched his neck and retorted, "you two are relaxed. My luggage is on me. Can I not be tired?"

Many snacks have been lost in the car because of going up the mountain, but blankets, mattresses, sleeping bags, water, food and all kinds of emergency medicine and so on must be brought. One person's supplies may not be too much or heavy, but the sum of three people is about 100 Jin.

For Yang Xiaotian's physique, it's not a big problem to carry on one's back at ordinary times, but there is no road at this time, and he has to climb mountains, so the burden of one hundred jin is not light.

Tan Xi Xi Xi also covered her mouth with a smile, and immediately said: "brother Tian, let me help you carry some!"

"Come on, come on, I'll sort it out. I'll make a mess of it if I give you some! I'll do it Yang Xiaotian repeatedly waved his hand to refuse, the expression is still a look of disgust.

Yi Jiaxin also laughed: "come on, if you feel pity for jade, you can feel pity for jade, but you still have a look of disgust. Are you afraid that we should thank you?"

"Hum!" Yang Xiaotian didn't speak any more. Although he thought it was cumbersome to bring two women with him, which would slow down his efficiency of finding medicine, since he brought them out and they were all colleagues, it would be fun. If you want to find medicine, you can come alone next time.

What kind of material, or have to carry their own back, let a woman back what kind of man?

Since the two girls are not tired, Yang Xiaotian naturally doesn't care. He just goes on. Although he feels tired, he can't compare with the load-bearing and time limited cross-country in the army.

Since they are camping, they will definitely not take the ready-made road. The three of them are all undeveloped routes, and there may also be herbs on this road.

Yang Xiaotian watched carefully all the way.

Nature is generous. Along the way, she saw a lot of herbs, but none of them are precious. All the Chinese medicine shops in the city buy them. Yang Xiaotian doesn't have to pick them. It's better to leave them to the mountains.

Another hour later, when the two girls said they were tired, the three came to a beautiful place.

On the left side is a high raised cliff. On the side of the cliff, there is a stream which is about a big step in width, but not deep enough to the calf. In the stream path, there are round pebbles washed by the stream, and it won't hurt to step on it.

The stream goes down along the cliff and divides a peninsula of more than ten square meters on the flat grassland. Behind the peninsula is a bamboo forest that can't be seen at a glance. It looks dark and frightening.

Yang Xiaotian took the lead in jumping over the stream, looked around the grass, stepped on a few feet, and then announced to the public, "we'll camp here tonight!"

"Yes The two girls cried excitedly and jumped over the stream one after another.

Then... Of course, I took out my mobile phone and put all kinds of poses on it.

Yang Xiaotian was speechless for a while. He unloaded his luggage from his shoulder and put them in different categories. Then he said, "well, if you two don't want to take the earth as a mat and the sky as a quilt tonight, do you want to set up a tent?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't take it. Just take a damp proof mat and sleep on the floor! Such a beautiful scenery, you can still see the stars! " Yi Jiaxin said with disdain.

Yang Xiaotian looked at the sky: "ha ha..."

Yi Jiaxin's eyes widened: "are you laughing at me?"

"Ha ha..."

"To die! What's wrong with me? Tell me about it Yi Jiaxin jumped up, ran to Yang Xiaotian and threatened, "if you don't say one or two or three, heathy and I can't spare you tonight!"

"Why can't you spare me?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

As soon as he asked this, he regretted it. NIMA, it's too ambiguous.

Rao Shi Yi Jiaxin, a young woman, blushed a little. She was stunned for a second before she screamed, "well, you are very honest. Now people in the wilderness can talk too!"

Then he cried out, "look out, heathy! I guess xiaotiange likes your sultry style better! Be careful at night

Tan said angrily, "Yi! Good! Xin! What are you talking about

Yang Xiaotian quickly digs off the topic and explains: "although it's still hot now, it's not time. After 11 o'clock, it's too cold to sleep in the tent. And the humidity in the mountain is very heavy. If you don't sleep in the tent, you will definitely have a free bath tomorrow! "

This is to persuade Yi Jiaxin.

The two girls went to set up the tent in high spirits. Of course, they didn't forget the most important photo. They took pictures of each other with their mobile phones. Their postures were basically holding a corner of the tent.

However, it seems that it is difficult for them to set up a tent. It is not like doing anything. Not only can it not help, but it will also make mistakes and help.

Yang Xiaotian had no choice but to send them to hammer nails on the ground to fix the tent.

As a result, the nail is soft, let alone fixed, and can be kicked down with one foot.

Helpless, Yang Xiaotian had to wave his hand and said: "you two can play freely... I'll do it myself!"


The two girls cheered and ran to the side of the stream. Then... The water fight began.

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