Undeveloped mountain is very dangerous, not only the road is steep, easy to get lost. It's because there are many kinds of animals in the mountains because they are not disturbed by human activities.

In this mountain range, there are not only wolves, but also bears, clouded leopards and other beasts.

However, Yang Xiaotian didn't think he could meet him, because it's not too far from the village. It's just like ten miles away. In this season, animals don't lack food, so there's no need to be close to the residential area.

There is no trample of pedestrians and no environmental pollution.

There are many herbs in the mountain, but not all of them are needed by Yang Xiaotian.

It took him more than an hour to find the herbs he needed.

Very happy to pick down, carefully preserved in the bag prepared in advance, and then put into the backpack.

Working for another two hours a day, Yang Xiaotian was tired after tossing about in the mountains until more than 11 o'clock and almost 12 o'clock. He looked around at the dark bamboo forest and turned to go back.

Just then he heard a "help" sound.

I can't help frowning and listening carefully.

Sure enough, it's not an illusion. It's someone calling for help at three o'clock.

There is something in common between the mountain and the sea, that is, you can't see death without help, because no one can guarantee that you won't be in danger in the future. In front of the power of nature, everyone is small.

He took out a dagger made of cold rolled steel from his backpack. Although the price of the dagger is not high, it can crush 80% of the ancient magic weapons.

This dagger was made by Yang Xiaotian. After several years as a soldier, although he was very tired of the rule of "obeying the orders of the superior without reason" -- he always thought it was reasonable to obey. Why should I obey without reason? Moreover, all kinds of darkness in the modern military make him feel that it is better to retire. After all, the darkness in society can be exposed by the media. The darkness in the military, not to mention the specific country, is closed in the name of all kinds of state secrets, so no media dares to report.

Let's go further. This dagger is different from ordinary daggers. Yang Xiaotian imitates the M1918 trench dagger made by the US Army. The strangest part of the Dagger's shape is that the handle is a knuckle fist. The whole dagger looks like a knuckle fist and a dagger.

Although the shape is strange, but the practicality is very good, when the backhand can not hit the opponent, a full face peach blossom.

It is said that it is the favorite weapon used by street hooligans when they fight.

The whole dagger is seventeen centimeters long.

Putting the dagger on the knuckle, Yang Xiaotian ran to the direction of three o'clock.

After running for about five or six minutes, he heard more clearly the sound of life-saving and the roar of wild animals. However, there was no way ahead. There was a cliff about seven or eight meters deep.

Due to the shelter of the trees, Yang Xiaotian couldn't see what happened below. He could only hear the cry for help, but the sound was familiar.

He looked around and saw a vine on a tree, so he went to observe it for a moment, then pulled it hard. When he saw that it was firm, he cut it off with a dagger, and then went to the edge of the cliff, tied it firmly to the tree, and then put the vine down.

It's just the right length.

In order to avoid the contact between the cane and the edge of the cliff being worn off, Yang Xiaotian cut off a piece of cloth from his clothes and wrapped it on it to protect him.

Below the cry for help is getting smaller and smaller, but also mixed with screams.

Yang Xiaotian couldn't care to tie the rope in his crotch. He directly tore off several pieces of cloth on his clothes, tied them to his hands, and then slipped down.

More than one meter away from the ground, Yang Xiaotian felt that his hands were hot, so he let go and jumped directly on the ground, put his hands in front of him and blew hard.

The clothes and cloth wrapped around them were carbonized due to severe friction, and the skin fell off the hands.

"Wipe, forget to bring a pair of gloves, always forget things!" Yang Xiaotian depressed way.

"Help! help! Help me Seeing Yang Xiaotian, the rescuer immediately raised his voice.

Yang Xiaotian fixed his eyes and was startled.

I saw a boa constrictor with thick arms, tightly winding around a man.

This person is sun Ning. No wonder Yang Xiaotian feels familiar.

The boa constrictor opened his mouth, and the letter continued to stretch out and retract, making a hissing sound, full of fishy smell.

Yang Xiaotian just visual inspection, think this snake at least three or four meters long, can be regarded as a very rare python.

Sun Ning stretched out his arms to prevent the boa constrictor from wrapping his chest and making him unable to breathe.

Fortunately, this snake is a non-toxic Wang Jin snake. If it's a poisonous snake, give it to sun Ning directly, and sun Ning won't have to ask for help.

Non toxic snakes like Wang Jin snake usually don't bite their prey first, but strangle them and swallow them again.

However, sun Ning's small body, even if it broke out in a crisis, was no stronger than Wang Jin snake.

Just listen to "pa".

Sunning issued a scream, an arm was broken, and then quickly squeezed on the ribs, pain.

"Help, just me!"

Although sun Ning is unhappy, he also knows that sun Ning must come here to find Yi Jiaxin.

But Yang Xiaotian is not a person who can't help him.

"Hold on!"

He immediately rushed up and slashed at Wang Jinsha.

"Hiss!" Wang Jinsha let out a cry, not only didn't loosen sun Ning, on the contrary entangled more tightly.

Yang Xiaotian cuts continuously.

Although Wang Jinsha is in pain, he doesn't let go of it and makes more effort to entangle it. Maybe he thinks that if he strangles sun Ning earlier, it won't hurt.

We all know how to beat a snake seven inches, but a snake can move. It's not so easy to beat a snake seven inches.

"Bite, bite the snake's neck!" cried Yang Xiaotian

"Damn, what are you hesitating about? No more hesitation will kill you. Bite quickly!" He roared.

Sun Ning quickly bit Wang Jin snake's head.

This next Wang Jin snake's body a burst of twist, force of twist head, seem to want to throw off sun Ning.

"Bite tight!" Cried Yang Xiaotian.

Taking advantage of the moment that sunning bites Wang Jinshe, Yang Xiaotian perches on it and cuts it with great force. With a knife, he cuts the snake's head with the skin.

Wang Jin snake twisted violently. Before he died, he twisted his head and took sun Ning's teeth.

Although there is no head, the lower animals such as snakes have independent ganglia in their vertebrae. They can move, feel and control muscle contraction just after death.

It is said that, like earthworms, after being cut into two pieces, both pieces can survive independently, and they become the most familiar strangers to each other.

The scene was terrible.

Wang Jin snake fell on the ground with its head and trunk about half a meter long. It was still twisting on the ground. Its mouth opened and closed as if it wanted to bite.

And the three or four meter long body is still contracting violently, the sun Ning of Le screams in bursts.

Yang Xiaotian continued to chop with a knife.

Hand and foot pulling.

After all, he pulled sun Ning out of the snake meat. There was snake blood everywhere on the ground, and the smell was very bad.

After observing sun Ning's injury, the bone on his arm was cracked, and several ribs and chest bones were broken. Although it was serious, his life was not in danger.

But the trouble is how to get him out.

After all, it's very dangerous to move a broken bone in such a situation. If you don't care, the broken bone will stab into the internal organs like a sharp blade. At that time, you really don't know what to do in this wild mountain.

"You're OK. Hold on! It's not fatal! " Yang Xiaotian comforted.

Sun Ning said: "thank you... Thank you..."

This makes Yang Xiaotian's impression of him change. Although he is not polite, he seems to be basically polite.

Yang Xiaotian cut off a snake and put it on sunning's mouth and said, "open your mouth. Drink some snake blood first. It will bring you enough heat. It's too cold here!"

Snake blood mouth, strong smell almost did not let sunning vomiting, followed by a severe cough.

"Keep drinking. It's better to eat some raw snake meat, which will increase your chances of survival!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Then he went to the snake's body, looked for it for a while, cut it accurately, took out a snake gall with a big fist, and showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. It's a good thing.

In fact, the medicinal value is average, and the nutrients can be synthesized chemically. But the key is that many rich people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy such a large snake gall, which can be sold for at least $1.2 million.

Unfortunately, there is no fresh-keeping box here. I'm afraid the value will shrink when I go back.

Of course, how much money can be sold in the end depends on deception.

Just at this time, Yang Xiaotian suddenly felt bad, turned to look, but did not see anything, he looked carefully, but saw a pair of shining eyes in the jungle.


Yang Xiaotian understood immediately.

I've just killed a snake and met a wolf. It's really bad luck today.

However, compared with the three or four meter Wang Jinshe, the wolf seems to be easier to deal with

After being found, the wolf ran away immediately.

Yang Xiaotian was relieved.

Continue to check sun Ning's injury.

At the same time, call Yi Jiaxin and Tan Xixi and tell them what happened here.

Both girls were surprised.

When he was about to ask for details, Yang Xiaotian said, "Damn, the wolf is coming again..." and then he hung up.

This time the wolf did not dodge, but jumped out directly.

Vigorous posture radiates perfect power.

Yang Xiaotian some dull, this wolf is too beautiful, white hair color does not have a miscellaneous hair, and the kind of Gray all over the wild wolf gap is too big.

It looks like a vicious version of husky, or a pure white one.

The wolf was still holding a wild rabbit with blood dripping and legs flapping.

When he was four or five meters away from Yang Xiaotian, the White Wolf stopped and twisted his neck, and the wild rabbit was thrown at Yang Xiaotian's feet.

"What a lot of strength!"

Only by twisting the neck, we can throw the rabbit three or four meters away

Yang Xiaotian was surprised and more cautious. He focused his attention and strained his muscles.

Then he saw the White Wolf wagging his tail at him, and then looked at the snake gall on the leaves at his feet.

Yang Xiaotian moved in his heart, pointed to the snake gall and asked, "do you want this? Trade the rabbit for me? "

White Wolf immediately nodded, his eyes seemed to be smiling.

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