Yang Xiaotian looked at the snake gall with residual heat and even slight beating in his hand, and said with a smile, "you know it's a good thing. OK, here you are. You can keep your rabbit for yourself."

Then Yang Xiaotian threw the snake gall to the white wolf.

Snake gall originally comes from the mountain forest. Since the creatures in the mountain forest want it, give it to them. Yang Xiaotian is very open-minded about it.

As for those who don't have money, although it's good to have money, it's hard to buy it, isn't it?

White Wolf's vigorous body leaped forward quickly, and his body drew a beautiful arc in the air, just like a work of art. The snake gall was caught in its mouth before it touched the ground. It grinned.

"You are very clever, you fellow!" Yang Xiaotian exclaimed that such a beautiful white wolf is very rare.

White Wolf turned and left.

"Your rabbit!" cried Yang Xiaotian

The White Wolf scorned it.

"This guy..." Yang Xiaotian shook his head.

He took out the snake blood and scattered it around sunning. Although the snake was dead, the smell of snake blood would make many wild animals afraid to come.

He said to sun Ning: "you can't move your body rashly in your current situation, but you can rest assured that your life is not in danger! I'll go back and find someone to carry a stretcher to save you. Don't worry, I will come back! "

Then he took off his coat and covered sun Ning to keep him warm and prevent the loss of heat.

After that, he ran to the edge of the cliff, turned the cane around his crotch, grabbed the cane and climbed up. After a while, he climbed up.

All the way.

By the time he arrived at the tent, Yi Jiaxin and Tan Xixi were standing outside the tent, dressed up and waiting for Yang Xiaotian.

"What's the matter? What about the clothes? " Yi Jiaxin asked.

"Hi, keep it for sun Ning!" Yang Xiaotian said, "it seems that we are busy at night. We have to go to the village to find someone to walk around from a flat place and carry a stretcher or something. Moreover, there are wild animals in the mountain. We'd better live at the foot of the mountain. If we want to play, we can play during the day!"

"The beast?" Tam asked in surprise.

"Ha ha, do you know what I saw just now? A wolf, or a white wolf, very beautiful! And the wolf is very clever, and will exchange things with me! " Yang Xiaotian said.

"Brag Naturally, no one believes it.

"Really, I have nothing to cheat you for?"

As they spoke, they quickened their pace and walked to the village at the foot of the mountain. It took them more than an hour to come. As they were familiar with the road, they might go a little faster down the mountain.

Eyes can see the village, Yang Xiaotian suddenly pulled two people, whispered and nervous said: "don't move!"

The two girls looked at Yang Xiaotian strangely and cast inquiring eyes.

However, Yang Xiaotian said with a bitter smile: "the mountain is really not peaceful. Are there so many wild animals?"

As soon as he spoke, a gray black head emerged from the grass half a meter high by the side of the road. His mouth protruded like a cone, with a bare arched nose at the top. His head was very long, and his ears were small and upright.

It's scary.

Two girls "ah", hiding behind Yang Xiaotian.

Yi Jiaxin is a little bolder. She looks at the ugly animal from behind Yang Xiaotian and asks, "brother Xiaotian, what is it?"

Yang Xiaotian said cautiously: "boar!"

At this time, the wild boar has come out of the grass.

Yang Xiaotian can't help but take a breath of air conditioning, thinking that there are mutant genes in NIMA's mountain, how big they are? This wild boar is almost two meters long. It's at least 250 kg in stature. It has two sharp tusks on its face. It's scary.

He drew the dagger out of his backhand and his muscles were tense.

"Wild boar?"

When she heard that it was a wild boar, she looked out.

However, he was soon scolded by Yang Xiaotian: "be careful, this thing is not easy to deal with, don't irritate it!"

"Isn't it a wild boar..." Tan Xixi didn't think so.

"Ha ha..." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "don't think it has a pig in its name and despises it if it can mate with a domestic pig. This wild boar is a boar. It's very grumpy and easy to get angry. Even tigers and lions dare to fight when it's angry!"

"Isn't that for death?"

"Ha ha, in fact, tigers and lions dare not fight wild boars! It's not that you can't fight, but that you will be injured if you win. It's very likely that you will die if you can't catch the prey because the speed and strength of the injured will be affected! " Yang Xiaotian explained.

"So terrible?" Tam covered her mouth in surprise.

Yang Xiaotian said: "let's put it this way. Do you know that kind of shotgun in the Republic of China? Sometimes you can't get through the fat of wild boar! You see, my dagger is sharp enough, but it can't pierce the subcutaneous fat of wild boar in a fight! "

"And do you know that the Japanese like to say" pig Tu "when charging? This pig is not a domestic pig, but a wild pig! Why is it called pig instead of tiger and lion? Imagine the fighting power of the wild boar

During the popular science popularization, both girls were a little nervous.

"Don't come here. I'm just passing by. You're full!" Yang Xiaotian also prayed in his heart.

It's not the time to play heroism. Besides, it's not the time to play heroism. Fighting with a wild boar is a hero?

Even if you win, it's a pig.

But the goddess of luck obviously didn't stand on Yang Xiaotian's side today. All of a sudden, the boar lowered his head, opened his nostrils, gasped heavily, and pushed his right front leg on the ground repeatedly.

Yang Xiaotian didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately pushed the two girls aside and yelled: "I'll take care to avoid them. I'll entangle him!"

As soon as the voice fell, the boar rushed to Yang Xiaotian.

In front of the boar charge, the visual impact is very strong. Yang Xiaotian feels that the earth seems to be shaking.

He didn't dare to dodge, because the two girls were not far behind. If he dodged, the boar would go straight for the two girls, which would definitely kill people.

His muscles were so tight that his biceps almost burst out.

At the moment when the boar was about to hit him, he grabbed the boar's teeth with both hands, and then used the teeth as the fulcrum to somersault forward. At the same time, the dagger in his hand hit the boar's back fiercely.

When the knife went in, Yang Xiaotian just felt as if he had plunged into a big piece of fat.

When the dagger is pulled out, although there is blood flow, it is rare. It is estimated that it is just skin injury.

Moreover, the tusks of the wild boar are sharper than imagined. Just holding them by the side, Yang Xiaotian's hands are cut open, which is very painful.

But this also completely angered the boar.

The wild boar turns around and stares at Yang Xiaotian with red eyes. He gasps and rubs his hooves on the ground again.

Yang Xiaotian yelled: "you two run quickly and go to the village!"

"What do you do?" Yi Jiaxin asked.

"Leave me alone, you go back first! There's nothing you can do here! I can get help when I get back! Come on, I can't hold on for long Yang Xiaotian said aloud.

Yi Jiaxin and Tan Xixi are still reluctant to leave.

"Damn, do I have to swear? Hurry up When Yang Xiaotian finished speaking, he found that the boar rushed towards him, and immediately flashed. The boar's tusks brushed his body. Yang Xiaotian could feel the strong wind, and he was about to hit him.

Yang Xiaotian returns a knife to ruthlessly row on the boar's body.

But this knife for the wild boar is a pediatrics, more stimulate the wild boar's nerve, a turn, again aimed at Yang Xiaotian.

"You go away!"

Cried Yang Xiaotian.

The two girls left with tears in their eyes. They also knew that if they called someone to save Yang Xiaotian earlier, Yang Xiaotian would have a chance to live.

Yang Xiaotian spat and stared at the wild boar: "if you have any ability, you can make it out! I don't believe it. I can't beat you pig! "

Boars charge again.

Yang Xiaotian still rely on their own than wild boar to high agility to avoid the past.

This time, the boar was strong enough to brush with Yang Xiaotian. Before he stopped, he ran into a big tree.

With a click, the big tree with a thick waist was broken by a wild boar.

Yang Xiaotian doesn't know what to say. If he bumps into himself, how can he survive? No matter how hard the body is, there is no tree!

So he quickly took advantage of the oil under his feet and slipped away.

This is also very powerful for the boar. He shakes his head and seems to be a little dizzy. When he turns around, he sees that Yang Xiaotian is running away. He gets angry immediately and catches up with him.

It's fast.

Yang Xiaotian couldn't escape at all, so he had to turn around again.

The battle of one person and one pig is like a full plus agile thief and a full plus strength warrior PK in the game.

It's not easy for the soldier to hit the thief, but the damage left by the thief to the soldier is too small. Basically, "1" blood is forced by the system. Moreover, if the thief is hit by the soldier carelessly, it's finished and he will be killed with one hit.

Yang Xiaotian's delicate move.

But it's not a bad 3D game. It's a real scene. The terrain is undulating.

Yang Xiaotian accidentally stepped on a pit under his feet. Although he dodged in an emergency, he was still rubbed by a wild boar. Suddenly, a big hole was made in his ribs, and the blood was flowing.

"Damn it Yang Xiaotian only felt deep pain.

He quickly points several points in his ribs, and the blood flow is much slower. Although he can't stop bleeding, it still works. If he doesn't bleed according to the speed just now, let alone deal with the wild boar, he will faint in a short time.

But what to do now?

It's not that Yang Xiaotian didn't think about climbing trees, but it takes time to climb trees. Judging from the speed of wild boar, he just lies on the tree and faces the back, and the wild boar can explode chrysanthemums.

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