Dried bamboo shoots in sacks and bamboo baskets are fresh bamboo shoots with tender buds

By the way, there are also small fish and shrimp, rice field eel and so on.

They are all good things that can't be bought outside the mountain.

Zhao Shitou was also quite aware of this. He was afraid that Yang Xiaotian would not take it. He said, "take it. These things are not worth money. You can pick them up on the mountain, but if you want to buy them outside, you can't buy them so fresh. It's really not a matter of money. Those vendors buy them back and then sort and wholesale them. Where can we pick them up from the mountain? These things, I tell you, can be eaten directly when you go back. The original flavor is fresh! "

These are the things that several people ate at the banquet, and they all have deep memories.

And it's really not very expensive. Yang Xiaotian doesn't show any affectation either. He opens the trunk and lets people move into the car.

He said with a smile: "this bamboo basket is also a good thing. It's hand-made. It can be sold for a lot of money outside the mountain!"

"Who said no?" Zhao Shitou seemed to have met a bosom friend. He patted his thigh and said, "it's not my boast. Our bamboo baskets in the mountains are very durable. They can't be broken after three or five years of normal use. Moreover, it's not like a plastic bag to hold your hand when you put it on your arm. Isn't the country paying attention to environmental protection now? If you want me to say that, just ban plastic bags and use all the bamboo baskets in our moon village! "

Yang Xiaotian laughed: "how many bamboo baskets do you have to prepare? You can't be too busy! "

While chatting here, Tan found something. She saw a bamboo basket full of strange plants. It looked like cooked chicken feet and white fingernails. It was very strange, so she asked, "Hey, Xiaolei, what is this?"

Zhao Lei glanced and said with a smile, "Oh, this, chicken feet!"

"Chicken feet?" Tanxi a face puzzled, this thing really like chicken feet, but can't just call chicken feet because of like? "What's the scientific name?" she asked

"Scientific name..." this can be difficult to Zhao Lei, he asked his father to cast eyes.

Zhao's father was also embarrassed: "girl, you have embarrassed me! It's very sour and sweet. We call it "chicken feet" in our vernacular. Let me think about it... By the way, it seems that some people call it "jujube", and some people say it's "longevity fruit". It's strange. Can you live a long life by eating it? "

Tan Xixi immediately took out her mobile phone to search the Internet.

A moment later, she said with a smile, "I see. Its scientific name is Hovenia dulcis! Ha ha, let me see the introduction. It can cure rheumatism and so on. It's really a good thing! There are many treasures in the mountain

"What, what to cure?" Zhao asked suspiciously.

She didn't know how to answer.

Over there, Zhao's father began to lecture his son, slapping Zhao Shitou on the back of the head: "tell me about you, I want you to learn more, right? You've been talking about chicken claws all day. It's called Hovenia dulcis. Do you know? "

All of a sudden, Zhao Lei was wronged. He didn't know who he was provoking.

This appearance also made everyone laugh.

In addition to Hovenia dulcis, boxes of various fruits were also carried on the car, which was introduced by Zhao Shitou.

"It's fried in August. It tastes sour and sweet. Oh, this is "snake bubble". It's a little bitter, but it has a good aftertaste. And this... Well, this is YINGSHANHONG, that is, Rhododendron. When you eat it, you can blow off the dirty things left by the little insects on it when they crawl... "

All kinds of game names that three people have heard or haven't heard come out of Zhao Shitou's mouth.

There are "September yellow", "Lai grape", "maolizi", "Pueraria", "mulberry", "wild grape".

Some of these game, some less, more of a big box, less of a basket, no matter how much, are the enthusiasm of the villagers.

Zhao Min is more and more confused. What the mountain people send is the simplest thing. Does this swindler rely on these to make money?

But it takes a lot of effort to find a buyer when these things go out of the mountain. Instead of cheating, it's better to buy them to make a difference.

Moreover, the enthusiasm of the villagers is not like fraud.

But Zhao Min still doesn't believe that Yang Xiaotian really came to the free clinic. She always thinks that they are liars.

So she ran after her again, holding up the microphone and asked, "Dr. Yang, what emotion drives you to come to the free clinic?"

Yang Xiaotian is a little impatient. He thinks that the girl is very beautiful. How can she ask questions without thinking? He looked straight at Zhao Min: "I'll repeat it for the last time! At first, I just came out to play with my colleagues. The villagers in moon village are more enthusiastic, so I am willing to do something for them! It's so simple. Why do you think you have to have a why? "

"But... You have to have an original intention to do these things!" Zhao Min, as a reporter, won't be fooled by Yang Xiaotian's words. He immediately asked.

Yang Xiaotian sighed helplessly, did not answer, but asked: "so this reporter lady, what did you have for breakfast?"

Zhao Min said suspiciously, "is this question related to our conversation?"

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "I think it's relevant!"

"All right! I had soybean milk and fried dough sticks for breakfast In fact, she ate steamed stuffed buns and porridge, but she had to be defensive. God knows what the liar was going to say, so she said the most common.

"Good! Soybean milk fried dough sticks are very good, healthy and delicious Yang Xiaotian nodded and said, and immediately asked, "then can you tell me what your original intention of eating soybean milk fried dough sticks is for?"

"Ah Zhao Min eyes stare mouth stupefied, "eat breakfast to still have original intention?"

"Yes Yang Xiaotian a natural expression, "breakfast has pancakes, pancakes, porridge, Hu hot soup, soup bag... More to go, but you only eat soybean milk fried dough sticks, so what is your original intention?"

Zhao Min realized that she was taken into the ditch by Yang Xiaotian, so she said, "I don't think we are discussing the same thing!"

"No, it's the same thing!" Yang Xiaotian said seriously, "as a doctor, it's as normal for me to treat patients as it is for you to eat and drink water, but you ask me what my original intention is? Then when you want to understand the original intention of eating breakfast, you will know my original intention! "

With that, Yang Xiaotian stopped talking to Zhao Min and turned to help the villagers carry things.

On one side, Zhao Shitou kept shaking his head, thinking about how his friend did things? It's just a simple matter. Just find a reporter to interview and sing praises?

Why did you find such an awkward reporter? What's the use of being beautiful? Pooh!

Finally, two big boxes were brought to the car.

The trunk can't be put down at all. Half of the rear seats have been occupied.

Zhao Shitou came up to Yang Xiaotian's ear and said, "Doctor Yang, I've packed the snake skin and pig skin into the box for you! By the way, there's a piece of the best meat in it. It's the best if you take it back and eat it yourself or give it away! "

Yang Xiaotian nodded to show understanding.

Although this thing was killed under self-protection, protecting animals means protecting animals. Even if you eat it in private, you can't say it openly.

Several people did not pay attention to Zhao Min from the beginning to the end.

After the things were loaded and said goodbye to the villagers, he left here with one foot accelerator, leaving only the stunned Zhao Min and the photographer.

As a TV station leader, Zhao Min was treated like this for the first time in Yangfeng county. He immediately stamped his feet and got on the car... This man lost his hair.

The photographer also had no choice but to follow.

After driving for a while, Zhao Min asked the photographer, "you say... They don't really come to the free clinic, do they?"

The photographer said helplessly: "I don't know! Look, they didn't take money or sell medicine. They don't look like liars, but the key is that they are too young! "

"Yes, it's too young!" When Zhao Min said that, he had an idea and said to the photographer, "did you take a picture of that work permit just now?"

The photographer nodded: "it's taken!"

"Show me now!"

The photographer zoomed out the picture.

"Nanhu first people's hospital!" With a smile, Zhao Min took out her mobile phone and began to check the number. She was going to call Nanhu first people's hospital to ask if there were so many people.

After receiving the phone call from the hospital, Zhao Min reported that his family was from the media. Naturally, he attached great importance to it and immediately checked it. Soon he found the result and said, "yes, that's right. Doctor Yi Jiaxin is an intern in our hospital..." then he asked cautiously, "is there any trouble for doctor Yi?"

"Interns?" Zhao Min hums a smile, the intern dares to come out free clinic? Isn't that arrogant? Even if it's not a liar, it's fishing for fame, and it's fishing for fame because of poor medical skills.

So she continued, "Oh, nothing! I just want to ask who doctor Yi is with these two days! "

"I'm sorry, it's a personal matter of Dr. Yi, but I can ask the people in their emergency room... Well, you can leave a phone number and I'll contact you when it's convenient!"


When Zhao Min is scheming here, Yi Jiaxin is driving, Tan Xixi is sitting in the co pilot, and Yang Xiaotian is alone in the back row, next to the food piled to the ceiling.

After eating a bunch of grapes, a bit of mulberry, and then a Rhododendron, Yang Xiaotian's heart is not to mention how beautiful.

"This is life," he sighed! It's better to sit in the back! "

Originally, Yi Jiaxin was very happy to drive a luxury car. As a result, when Yang Xiaotian said this, she immediately felt that she had become a driver and said, "hum, you can eat it. You can eat food poisoning!"

Tan Xi Xi Xi beside smile very happy.

"Stop, stop!" When passing a small supermarket, Yang Xiaotian immediately called for parking.

"What for?" After stopping the car, Yi Jiaxin asked angrily. She was not proficient in driving. She was yelled by Yang Xiaotian and nearly crashed under tension.

"Milk Yang Xiaotian said and took the little white wolf out of the bag.

The two girls immediately looked gentle and intoxicated: "what a lovely dog!"

The poor wolf immediately became a dog.

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