After listening to Yang Xiaotian's story, the two girls were surprised, and Tan Xixi even shed tears. Yang Xiaotian was so scared that she quickly handed out a tissue: "OK, how can I say I cry when I cry?"

"Woo... So... So touching!" While wiping her tears, she said, "and it" pointed to the little white wolf, "it's so small that I can't remember my mother, so I can't see my mother any more. Maybe I don't have the word" mother "in her memory any more. It's so pitiful!"

And then he hugged little white wolf.

Little white wolf smelled the unfamiliar smell, very dissatisfied with the whining twice, not to give Tanxi face.

This side has not been comforted, Yi Jiaxin also began to wipe tears, asked the reason... Is moved by Tan Xixi's words.

Well, the two girls were crying and moved each other.

Yang Xiaotian and Xiao Bai Lang are sitting in the back seat. One of them is stuffed with tender bamboo shoots. What they just picked is tender. They can chew and eat without any cooking.

Little white wolf has opened his eyes. They all say that animals will take the creatures they first see as their parents. I don't know if they regard Yang Xiaotian as their father. They also like to lie around Yang Xiaotian and bite bamboo shoots.

However, bamboo shoots were not suitable for its taste, and soon began to drink milk with a bottle in its mouth.

After a long time, Yang Xiaocai waited until the two girls calmed down and asked, "what... Can we drive now?"

"Not busy!" Yi Jiaxin said.

"Not busy!" Tanxi also said.

"Yo Yang Xiaotian wiped his forehead, "are you two going to rebel?"

"Ha ha!" Yi Jiaxin sneered and pointed to the little white wolf, "I ask you, what's its name!"

Yang Xiaotian was stunned: "Er, little... Little white wolf!"

The two girls showed the expression of "it is so".

Tan Xixi whispered: "little brother, your name... Is too irresponsible?"

Yi Jiaxin is more direct: "little brother, I'm so disappointed with you! Little white wolf takes you as his father. How about you? But I didn't even give him a name. Is that what it's like to be a father? "

Yang xiaotiandun is in a mess in the wind. It's all about what!

Then Yi Jiaxin smiles at the little white wolf, reaches out her hand and says, "dear, come to my sister. My sister has delicious food here."

Little white wolf looked at Yi Jiaxin, turned his head disdainfully, put his chin on Yang Xiaotian's thigh, and squinted comfortably.

Yi Jiaxin called him depressed and scolded angrily: "you are so cheap. You don't pay attention to me! He doesn't even give you a name, and you're still so close to him! "

Yang Xiaotian complacent smile, immediately said: "I found that wrong ah, it called your sister, but called my father, I am not big you a generation?"

"Look for a fight!"

Three people laugh for a while, and finally began to name.

Yang Xiaotian thinks it's troublesome and suggests calling it Xiaobai directly.

But the proposal was rejected by the two girls in a second, saying that the name was like a dog's name.

Yang Xiaotian doesn't agree. Where does it look like a dog's name? White, what a pure word, it represents holiness... But that's all he said. The eyes of the two girls almost made him shut up.

According to the meaning of the two girls, first of all, this name can not be vulgar, which excludes the names of Xiaobai, Xiaohui and Wangcai.

Yang Xiaotian actually wants to refute that Xiaobai is much more high-end than Xiaohui Wangcai and so on, which is not vulgar at all. But looking at the two girls who are incarnated as savage girlfriends, they dare not speak.

I feel very sad in my heart. This year, there is no man to speak. Only women have the right to speak!

Absolutely equal to men and women, men's status is too low!

And then it can't be too common, such as Jack, shredded pork and so on. Although it's a foreign name with a foreign word, it's too common and vulgar.

In short, we need to be high-end and high-grade.

Plus the introverted temperament.

Because it's too tall to be a local tyrant. It's not right to be a man, not a dog, or a wolf. Chinese wolves should be low-key and connotative.


Finally, the two girls summed up two requirements.

The first is to upgrade the high-end atmosphere.

The second is to keep a low profile and luxury with connotation.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly has two big heads. How can he achieve "high-end atmosphere, high-grade" and "low-key luxury and connotation"? It's too hard, isn't it?

Yang Xiaotian suddenly asked, "do you both think it's a dog?"

"Yes, yes, I thought it was husky!" Tanxi said immediately.

Yi Jiaxin also nodded: "I thought it was a sled dog, too!"

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "well, since everyone thinks it's a dog, but only we know it's actually a wolf, we should call it wolf."

The two girls were in a daze.

"A wolf who is mistaken for a dog is wolf," said Tam

Yi Jiaxin then said, "people think it's a dog when they hear it's called Wolf, but in fact it's a wolf!"


They both gave a thumbs up.

So in this chaotic logic, little white wolf finally had wolf's first name, wolf.

Yi Jiaxin is about to drive when she receives a call from her work unit.

It's Cao Yajun.

"Mr. Cao, what can I do for you?" Yi Jiaxin asked.

A moment later, she covered the phone and whispered to them, "Cao Yajun, doctor Cao asked me who I was with! It's from the hospital. What do you think I should say? "

Yang Xiaotian feels strange in his heart, but he doesn't think much about it. Many people know that the three of them travel together, and there's no need to hide it.

And if you don't tell Cao Yajun the truth now, Cao Yajun will know it very clearly after he inquires about it. That way, he will be suspicious.

So he nodded and said, "tell the truth!"

Before hanging up the phone, Yi Jiaxin asked, "Mr. Cao, why do you ask this in the hospital? I asked for leave. I don't even care about my private time, do I

Cao Yajun said helplessly: "I'm not very clear either. The Propaganda Department of the hospital called me and asked me. They knew you were my intern, but they didn't say anything about it. However, I heard from the grapevine that it seemed that a reporter wanted to inquire about you..."

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Cao!"

"Ah! You call me teacher, what else do you want to thank? By the way, say hello to Dr. Yang for me! "

"Sure, sure!"

After hanging up the phone, Yi Jiaxin tells these words to the two people on one side.

"What can the publicity department do for us? Do you want reporters to inquire about us? Is there a mistake? "

Yang Xiaotian was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized: "do you remember the reporter in moon village before?"

Two girls also suddenly realized: "brother Tian, do you mean... She is looking for us?"

Yang Xiaotian burst out laughing: "ha ha ha! I knew I was so handsome, just like the sunshine in the dark, no matter how low-key, someone would fall in love with me! She must have fallen in love with me at first sight and couldn't find me, but she saw Jiaxin's work permit, so she followed Jiaxin to find me... Alas, it's a pain to be so excellent. You say, if she wants to marry me with her family property, do I accept it? Or accept it? "

The two girls were petrified in an instant.

Yang Xiaotian laughed a few times: "OK, OK. I'm just kidding. Let's get the atmosphere going. Are you all right? "

"Let me vomit for three minutes first!" Yi Jiaxin dislikes Tao.

But Tan said with a smile: "brother Tian, your joke is not funny at all, OK! It's all the old stems of many years ago! "

Yang Xiaotian laughed awkwardly and scratched his head: "really? I saw it on TV a few days ago

For Zhao Min's investigation, Yang Xiaotian is not worried. He is not inclined. Is he afraid of a hair?

But here Zhao Min is excited.

When she got the list, she immediately checked it up.

The name of the doctor in the medical system is easy to find.

Yi Jiaxin is an intern and Tan Xixi is a nurse. Yes, both of them are staff of Nanhu first people's hospital. That's right, but the key is that Yang Xiaotian's name can't be found in the list of medical staff of the first people's hospital.

What does this stand for?

This means that Yang Xiaotian is not a medical staff in the first hospital.

An intern, a nurse, and a person who is currently looking at the three no staff, three people together for free treatment?

Isn't that funny?

This is absolutely cheating!

Zhao Min immediately felt high spirited.

She immediately ordered the driver to turn around and return to moon village.

She directly finds Zhao Shitou and tells Zhao Shitou the identity of Yang Xiaotian.

Zhao Shitou scorns this: "what identity is not identity? It doesn't matter to me whether Dr. Yang is a doctor in the first hospital or not

Zhao Min was anxious: "why doesn't it matter? If it's not a doctor, it's illegal practice! "

Zhao Shitou was also anxious: "I said, why is your daughter like this? What illegal practice? Oh, our doctors in Yangfeng county are not practicing medicine illegally, but they are so expensive and their medical skills are so poor. Can our common people afford to see a doctor? "

See, this is when the village head, two words down, the topic from the very low-end swindler sublimation into a tall health care reform.

Zhao Min was driven out by Zhao Shitou.

She did not give up and went to the villagers.

According to her idea, as long as we find out about ten villagers to support her, this report will be very successful.

At that time, she will entrust a lawyer, as the agent of these villagers, to find the trouble of Yang Xiaotian and the two scum medical staff in the first hospital, and then she can do the follow-up report.

But it backfired.

She walked around, and her saliva was dry. No one in the village wanted to believe her.

At the end of the day, an old woman even wanted to beat her, saying that she could only use her tongue. Dr. Yang worked hard for free treatment, not for money or goods, and you still wanted to slander him.

Zhao Min is so angry! So she made a decision to go to Nanhu!

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