Yang Xiaotian suddenly felt that the whole person was petrified. It was the first time he saw such a person who felt good about himself. He blurted out subconsciously: "why can I..."

As soon as the words came out, he regretted it.

Sure enough

"Why not?"

"Our old man is an old revolutionary! Are they

"Our old man is an old Party member! Are they

"There are so many old men in our family! How old are they? "

"What are the advantages and disadvantages of our old man? Can your hospital afford them?"

Well, it's a hornet's nest again.

Let the family members of patients into the "our family how how" mode.

Yang Xiaotian was speechless. He was silent for a while. After these people finished speaking, he continued: "sorry, I can't help it. Other people are also patients. I can't let them out!"

"Others are patients, aren't we patients? Don't we pay for a doctor? Give the same money, why do other people sleep in the ward and our old man sleep in the corridor? "


Yi Jiaxin ran into the dressing room with tears in her eyes.

When she was alone, her tears could not stop flowing down.

"Bad guy, bad guy, big bad guy! I've been tired all night, and I don't want to say a nice word. I'll blame you when I come up... "

She was poking at her clothes. How could she look like a woman now? It seems that every woman, no matter how she is outside, still has a soft side in her heart.

I was venting when I heard the sound of opening the door.

She quickly wiped away her tears.

Zhang Mengni came in and saw Yi Jiaxin. She said apologetically, "doctor Yi, you are here! I didn't even notice! "

"It's ok..." Yi Jiaxin still feels that her nose is sour, and she tries to hold back.

Zhang Mengni asked with concern: "doctor Yi, what's the matter with you?"

Yi Jiaxin said with a smile: "it's OK. I'm lost in my eyes! Oh, I say you, Moni, you are good at everything. You are beautiful and have a good personality. But you have a good personality. You can't talk with people in a soft voice. Today's men only like savage girlfriends. You are too soft. They will think you have no spleen! "

While saying that she still slapped Zhang Mengni on the shoulder, Zhang Mengni showed her teeth in pain, but still with a smile, just as Yi Jiaxin said, is a good temper.

But... Yi Jiaxin's topic is very stiff.

Zhang Mengni laughed and said, "by the way, I just passed by Dr. Yang's office. It seems that someone was quarreling in it!"

"What?" Yi Jiaxin stares big eyes suddenly, "Meng Ni, you are busy first, I go out next!"

Then he rushed out like the wind.

Zhang Mengni looks at Yi Jiaxin's back and smiles.

As soon as Yi Jiaxin arrives at the door of Yang Xiaotian's office, she hears a "bang" from inside. She is startled.

After entering the office, I was relieved that it was not Yang Xiaotian, but the excited patient who smashed the computer.

The ground is in a mess.

"What are you doing?" Yi Jiaxin said quickly.

Yang Xiaotian pulls Yi Jiaxin over, blocks behind him and calmly says, "I told you before that you can't diagnose because of your mood, right?"

Yi Jiaxin nods. She doesn't know what Yang Xiaotian means now.

But listen to Yang Xiaotian continue to say: "then I will tell you, the patient is not God! We may have lofty ideals in this job, but the biggest factor is just living! "

Yi Jiaxin looks at Yang Xiaotian for no reason.

"You may not understand it now, but you have to remember that it is very important for you and your future career path... Now, you have to learn from me what you should do when you have a temper!" Yang Xiaotian said and walked back to his desk.

He put all the important information in the drawer and locked it.

The old man's family members don't know, so they look at Yang Xiaotian.

Because of the force Yang Xiaotian showed before, these people only dare to smash things to vent, dare not deal with Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian packed up his things and went to the old man in the wheelchair.

The old man lowered his brow and looked as if he had fallen asleep.

Yang Xiaotian squatted in front of the old man and said in a flat tone: "old man, I really envy you! How many people can live more than ninety years? How nice... "

"If you go out, you will be healthy and healthy, and say that you are more than 90 years old, and your family will be full of children and grandchildren. People will envy you very much." Speaking of this, he suddenly changed the subject, "but, old man, I hope you will go out in the future. Don't say that you are an old revolutionary or an old Party member. To be honest, I am also a party member, or I used to be a party member. You are playing hooligans everywhere with your age... Please forgive me for saying that this is playing hooligans. It's just humiliating for the old revolutionary and old party members..."

The last sentence, Yang Xiaotian said some contempt.

His calm words were like throwing a firecracker into the beehive, and the family members of the old man had a climax again.

"Well, how do you speak?"

"What's the matter with you?"

"How do you become a doctor?"

If not for Yang Xiaotian's skill, it would be a group fight.

Yang Xiaotian sneered: "don't you think my attitude is good? It's just right. Whoever you think has a good attitude will go to see it! I'm off duty. I won't be with you any more! "

Then he took off his white coat and went out.

"What's going on? How can I go? You haven't taken care of our old man, have you? "

"That's it. That's it. How can there be a doctor like you?"

As Yang Xiaotian walked to the door, he said: "the old man is not in danger of life. There is no need for emergency treatment. The follow-up treatment does not necessarily need me and my department. In fact, he can get good treatment in any other hospital!

In addition, you have violent behavior, and your attitude is very bad. I think both of us have lost the basic trust. It is not good for both of us to provide medical services without basic trust! "

While speaking, Yang Xiaotian pulls Yi Jiaxin to the door.

He went on and said, "in the end, the damage will be paid according to the price."

Then he cried out, "Gu Ming!"

Gu Ming is the black security guard who jumped out to help Yang Xiaotian when the queen mother tiger made trouble last time.

After that incident, Yang Xiaotian talked to Zhao Rong about it.

Although Zhao Rong is a bit bureaucratic, his heart has been climbing up.

But after all, he once worked as a doctor and felt deeply about the conflict between doctors and patients. Although at the beginning, after listening to Yang Xiaotian's words, he sighed: "young man, it's too impulsive..."

But after listening to the whole story.

Zhao Rong nodded: "this woman is too unreasonable! There are many beautiful nurses in our hospital. According to their practice, does our hospital have to work normally? Don't worry about this. We'll take a lawsuit. This is what the legal adviser in the hospital pays so much every year. You don't have to pay for it personally! "

Zhao Rong said this, some are sincere, some are out of a good relationship with Yang Xiaotian, but anyway, Yang Xiaotian is naturally very happy about it.

As for Gu Ming, the security guards they jumped out at that time.

Yang Xiaotian just casually mentioned that the previous security leader seemed not competent for the security work of the emergency department.

As a result, Gu Ming was promoted from an ordinary security guard to a security team leader, who was responsible for the security work of the emergency department. The former security leader was transferred to another department. As for what to do, Yang Xiaotian didn't care about it.

Zhao Rong doesn't care any more. For them, these are just small people.

As for the other security guards who jumped out, although they couldn't be promoted, they also increased their salary and bonus by one level. The more they were, the more they were, and the less they were, the more they were. In short, everyone was happy.

Gu Ming is standing in the reception hall chatting with the new intern nurse. He thinks life is especially beautiful now.

In the past, when he was just a little security guard, the nurses ignored him.

Now when the security team leader, I feel like an official. The little nurses have a much better attitude towards him, and they can have a pleasant chat together.

Of course, a large part of this is due to his own illusion... Some people say that right is the best aphrodisiac.

In Gu Ming, it seems that power makes him more confident.

Of course, he knows who gave it all.

Therefore, after hearing Yang Xiaotian's greeting, he immediately moved and ran to Yang Xiaotian's side, shouting: "coming, coming!"

Looking at Gu Ming, Yang Xiaotian said: "they have damaged the office equipment in the office. You need to control them and report to the police when necessary. You can't let them run away, you know?"

Although only one person, in the face of 67 patients' families, Gu Ming was not afraid at all. He stood up and said, "I understand!"

Then he called out through the walkie talkie, "brothers, if you have something to do, come on!"

The old man's family members are petrified.

It's the first time they've seen such a crazy doctor.

If you can't beat him, you must beat him.

But he Niang kind, is beat but ah, think of all suppress bend of fluster.


Yi Jiaxin follows Yang Xiaotian out.

Her steps were a little behind.

Looking at Yang Xiaotian's straight back, Yi Jiaxin seems to understand Yang Xiaotian's idea.

It's a matter of conscience, but it's not compulsory. If patients don't respect doctors, doctors have the right to choose patients.

Although patients are consumers, there is no simple money relationship between doctors and patients. If patients make unreasonable requests such as a single ward, doctors can refuse them. If necessary, they should refuse to provide medical services to patients like master.

The most important thing is that we can refuse to provide medical services for patients and rebuke the unreasonable demands of patients. But as long as we are still treating patients, we must pay attention to them. Even if we are angry, we can not treat patients with minor diseases, and we should treat patients with the most appropriate treatment.

This night, Yi Jiaxin felt that she had learned a lot.

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