"Xiao Yan, do you have any friends who are engaged in real estate or house leasing? Ask me if I have a vacant house... Nonsense, of course, it's an office. I have a house at home, but I don't have a junior. What house do I want to rent? "

Lin Kun said to Yan Yongfang.

After telling Yan Yongfang to play, Lin Kun began to make phone calls one by one according to the list in his mobile phone book.

The content is similar, looking for a house.

Some people are curious. As a director of the health care Commission, what office buildings do you want to rent?

Qin Nuo is such a curious person.

In fact, Qin Nuo's curiosity has always been very heavy. He doesn't think there's any problem with it. In fact, he is quite proud of his curiosity. He said more than once in public or in private, "it's the exuberant curiosity that keeps me looking for opportunities."

He is a fairly successful businessman with assets of tens of millions. In addition to acting as an agent for some medical enterprises in other provinces, he also has a medical equipment factory in the Development Zone, but the scale is not very large.

In addition to hard work, he always felt that he was able to explore so many business opportunities because he was curious enough.

So he asked by the way, "director Lin, don't you have a place for your health care committee in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine? Yes? Ready to move or expand

Naturally, Lin Kun won't say it. Of course, the sense of mystery should be maintained. If he says it when he asks, he will not be cherished as a treasure.

People are so cheap, the more you don't say, the more he wants to know.

Qin Nuo asked vigorously and said, "Oh, director Lin, I haven't been together for a long time. When can I have a cup of tea and have a chat and have a massage? Don't worry, it's absolutely green. It's leisure! "

Then, under all kinds of "coercion and inducement", Lin Kun finally said it.

He said: "I will only tell you about it. Don't tell anyone else, or I won't be able to explain what happened at that time."

Qin Nuo couldn't help but sit up straight and promised, "don't worry, director Qin, what kind of friendship are we? You didn't help me introduce the project before. Did I tell anyone? You can rest assured that if you go out of your mouth and into my ear, there will never be "eh? I said, "Lao Qin, why are you interested in this?" Lin Kun pretended not to know.

"Oh, director Lin, you don't know, your niece, my daughter, Qin LAN! Isn't it twenty-four or five this year? I thought that I had nothing to do in my factory all the time. I might as well go out to work! I don't worry about going to other places. As soon as you say this, I'll ring. If I go to work under your nose, don't I worry? " Qin Nuo said.

"Qin LAN? Ha, the little girl is very clever Lin Kun said.

"Isn't it?" Qin Nuo said, "what, director Lin, shall we make an appointment for a detailed discussion?"

"Well, I can't help my niece, but I'm in the front. Although I'm the deputy leader of the preparatory group, the leaders of the city attach great importance to the health care committee. It's not my word here, and I can't do some things!"

Lin Kun first took preventive measures, and also said that "the leaders in the city attach great importance to it". This kind of words is actually the least risky, because it is impossible for others to ask whether the leaders with strength attach importance to it or not.

Even if asked, it is impossible for leaders to say, "ah, do you mean the institutions under the health care commission? What we don't value

Isn't that chilling other people's hearts? Who can be a leader is not tactful?

After the appointed time, Lin Kun began to call again and again.

He's been on the phone all day.

After stretching, not only did he not feel tired, but he felt that today was a special and full day.

He felt that his choice was right.

In the next few days, Lin Kun was busy, either eating with this person or drinking tea with that person.

And what makes him most happy is that it's all people who come to him on their own initiative.

Even, he has put off a lot of meals.

The health care committee, the Qingshui yamen, seems to be very hot all of a sudden.

But these have little to do with Yang Xiaotian.

When he got home from work, Yang Xiaotian saw two long legged girls sitting on the sofa in shorts. Their big long legs were lying around without any scruples. They were trying to make blind people see.

Wolff heard the footsteps outside the door, and he had already jumped from the sofa to the door, wagging his head and tail to meet the host.

As soon as Yang Xiaotian opened the door, Wolff jumped on it directly and licked Yang Xiaotian with his tongue outstretched.

Although wolf is still very small, he is always a wolf cub. His strength is much bigger than that of ordinary dogs. When Yang Xiaotian changes shoes and stands unsteadily, he pours Yang Xiaotian down and licks Yang Xiaotian's face happily.

"I'll go. It's time to brush your teeth!" Yang Xiaotian quickly took out a tissue and wiped his face.

The two girls in this scene burst out laughing.

After quarreling with Wolff for a while, Wolff went to drink the milk contentedly. Now he can lick the milk in the bowl without using a bottle.

At the beginning, Yang Xiaotian found a lactating female dog to feed it.

As a result, the female dog seemed to be able to feel wolf smell on wolf. She was scared to pee before she got close to wolf, so she had to give up.

"Go out for dinner? It's too hot to cook! " Yang Xiaotian said and knocked Yi Jiaxin's calf, "Hey, let me, I have no place to sit!"

Yi Jiaxin reluctantly pulls her legs back to make room.

Yang Xiaotian sat down and saw that each of the two girls was concentrating with a mobile phone brush. From time to time, they were typing excitedly. He asked, "Hey, what are you two looking at?"

Tanxi strange way: "little brother, you don't know?"

Yang Xiaotian wondered: "what do I know about me?"

Tan Xixi immediately put her mobile phone in front of Yang Xiaotian, pointed to the above content and said, "look, it's the female tiger's Micro blog!"

When Yang Xiaotian looked at it carefully, he couldn't help but be happy. It turned out that this is the microblog of sun Ning's mother, Tiger Wang. What's funny is that it still has the real name authentication "the family members of the patients who were beaten by Yang Xiaotian, a doctor of Nanhu first people's Hospital".

Yang Xiaotian Tucao Dao: "can this also make complaints about real name plus V?"

Tan Xixi said helplessly: "now micro blog has no moral integrity for popularity!"

If you look further, you can see that the top of Wangmu tiger's microblog is the photo of her injury, and the text, which is very sensational. At first glance, there are experts in catching knives.

Take a look at the comments below and scold the doctor.

Yang Xiaotian didn't care about it. He gave back his mobile phone to tan Xixi: "I said you two are free too. It's good to cook when you have time. It's not a waste of life to play with this kind of brain damage by microblogging."

Yi Jiaxin said, "I can't be like you. The power of the Internet is great! Hum, we have evidence. Why compromise? If you want to make trouble, make it big. We want to make them infamous! Really, who is afraid of who? At least we have tens of thousands of fans. It's amazing. I'll take another self portrait and add powder immediately! "

Yang Xiaotian was shocked by the girl's brave words.

Next to tan Xixi also fanned the flames: "you have to show your thighs, or no one will like to see it!"

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