In the home inn, Yang Xiaotian sits beside the bed, helpless.

He first sent Zhao Min back to the hotel, crying and blaming him. After returning, Zhao Min naturally wanted to take a bath. It turned out that the bathroom of the Express Hotel was made of ground glass.

Then Yang Xiaotian was driven out.

Originally, just go out.

But when Zhao Min closed the door, he pedaled Yang Xiaotian and said, "if you dare to go, I'll never finish with you!"

Then Yang Xiaotian did not leave, just stood at the door waiting for half an hour.

The cleaning aunt who cleans the room has to look at him strangely when she passes by.

He explained: "then what... People inside take a bath..."

Cleaning aunt a face understanding expression, said to Yang Xiaotian: "it's OK, I know, young man, and girlfriend quarrel?"? Just listen to my advice and apologize... "

Yang Xiaotian quickly said with a smile: "good, good..." immediately reaction, that is called a depressed ah, what's the matter with me?

After taking a bath, Zhao Min calmed down. He didn't know whether it was the reason for taking a bath or the reason for being embarrassed. He blushed and said to Yang Xiaotian, "I'm sorry, I didn't bite you, did I?"

Yang Xiaotian a face helpless: "change me to bite you, you try?"

Zhao Min spat out his tongue: "Oh, you are a big man. Why are you so mean?"

"Well..." Yang Xiaotian is also very helpless, can't really bite back, right? There is nothing to say when a woman bites a man. If a man bites a woman, he is playing a hooligan.

He looked at Zhao Min carefully and said, "reporter Zhao, I think we should have an open talk?"

Zhao Min immediately nodded: "just right, I also want to talk about it!" Then she opened the backpack on the table, took out the recorder from it, opened it, and asked, "do you mind?"

Looking at the recorder, Yang Xiaotian stayed for a full second, but said, "what about the basic trust between people? You can record it if you like, but I know you are a reporter. You can't let the recording out without my permission. Is that ok? "

Zhao Min immediately nodded.

Yang Xiaotian said: "well, first of all, why do you want to follow me? Are you well in Yangfeng county? "

"It's not all because of you!" Zhao Min said angrily, "since you asked, I also want to ask you, you are not a doctor in the first hospital, why can you still practice medicine in the first hospital?"

"Bah, who said I was not a doctor in the first hospital?"

"But I asked, the first hospital does not have your establishment!"

"You investigate me?"

"I... I just checked! Let's talk about this later. Why don't you have your establishment

"Because, because Laozi's establishment is in the health care committee!"

After a fight, Zhao Min blushed and said, "Dr. Yang..."

"Hum, I dare not!" Yang Xiaotian hummed.

"Oh, Dr. Yang, you are a man, don't worry about me, a weak woman, OK? Don't they all know that they are wrong? " Zhao Min said.

"You know what's wrong? What's wrong? Why don't I know? " Yang Xiaotian treated him in his own way.

But he obviously forgot the difference between men and women, and Zhao Min immediately began to use his unique skills.

Her eyes were red, and she was about to cry. "You... How do you want to forgive me?"

Yang Xiaotian immediately admitted defeat: "OK, OK, after all, it's a misunderstanding! You are also for the good of the villagers, afraid that the villagers will be cheated! But... You are so reckless that you dare to pursue Nanhu City alone. In case I'm a liar, do you think you can go back? "

Zhao Min is a Leng at first, immediately congratulates a way: "fortunately you are not cheater!"

The two sides exchanged mobile phone numbers and added wechat to each other.

Yang Xiaotian is going to leave.

Zhao Min is to wriggle a way: "Yang... Doctor Yang!"


"Can you... Stay with me tonight?"

Yang Xiaotian's pupils immediately opened, "is it a late affair?"

Zhao Min blushed: "don't get me wrong, I'm too scared today. I dare not sleep alone... Otherwise, you can sleep in bed and I can sleep on the ground!"

Yang Xiaotian scratched his head: "home is safe!" Then he pointed to the window, "you see, there are iron railings on the windows, and the bad guys can't get in! What's more, those gangsters today are just accidents. They don't know if you're here, do they? "

"But... People are afraid!" Zhao Min said.

It's definitely a good thing to share a room with a beautiful woman.

But Yang Xiaotian doesn't like it.

The reason is very simple. Instead of seeing and not eating, it's better to simply not see.

This is the logic of pragmatists.

However, most men have beautiful dreams about the future. They always think that if she leaves me, I have no other intention

What if?

Right, in case it's hard to say exactly.

But... There's no case for this night.

In fact, Yang Xiaotian fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. There were too many things and he was too tired.

On the contrary, Zhao Min tossed and turned for a long time before he fell asleep. Before he went to sleep, he listened to Yang Xiaotian's slight snoring and could not help smiling.

I thought this person was really interesting. I didn't expect that he would be such a gentleman.

According to the regulations of the first hospital, you don't have to work the second day after the night shift, and then you go directly to the day shift on the third day.

But Yang Xiaotian was woken up by the ring of his mobile phone in the early morning.

The phone call came from the Propaganda Department of the hospital, saying that a reporter wanted to interview Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian is sleeping in a daze. He says "no" and hangs up.

Zhao Min curled up in the bed like a kitten, showed his head and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Who knows? Say what you want to interview me! Whatever! I can't finish my own business Yang Xiaotian returned a few short messages when he spoke.

It's a text message from Tan Xixi and Yi Jiaxin.

Ask him what he's doing and whether to leave a door for him.

I don't know what the reason is. Yang Xiaotian replied that he had gone to the elder martial brother's home, but didn't see the message yesterday.

After texting, Yang Xiaotian said, "how did you get here? Shall I take you to the station? "

Zhao Min nodded and immediately shook his head: "I have three days left for my annual leave. Just play in Nanhu. You are a landlord in Nanhu. Do you want to be a tour guide?"

Yang Xiaotian said helplessly: "elder sister, please forgive me? I'm so busy flying that I don't have time to be your guide

Zhao Min shriveled his mouth and said, "if people want to take me out to play, I won't let them! It's good of you. I have to beg you! "

Yang Xiaotian indifferent way: "who likes to take you, you let who take it!"

Zhao Min was not angry. He asked Yang Xiaotian to turn around and dress himself. Then he said, "anyway, I don't have any place to go, so I'll follow you..."

After that, he said casually, "by the way, your girlfriend won't be angry, will she?"

Yang Xiaotian's mind immediately came up with Yi Jiaxin, but immediately shook his head: "I don't have a girlfriend, you can follow me if you like!"

At noon, Yang Xiaotian received a call from Lin Kun.

Lin Kun said it's good to have a floor. It's only two stops away from the municipal Party committee. He asked Yang Xiaotian if he wanted to come and have a look.

Yang Xiaotian said: "you look good on the line, enough money to rent down, then we call on the leaders to go to the station platform, or give them some confidence!"

Lin Kun said with a smile: "brother, I can convince you. I can even think of this way! And I'll tell you, those people are in a hurry to send money! "

"Ha ha, everyone is looking forward to success! It's not easy to be a parent! " Yang Xiaotian said.

"Yes Lin Kun felt deeply.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaotian found that Zhao Min was staring at him, so he felt his face suspiciously and asked, "what's the matter with my face?"

Zhao Min shook his head and said: "I found that if you are not a doctor, you will certainly get rich! When you called just now, you laughed like a profiteer! "

Yang Xiaotian slapped a chopstick on Zhao Min's head: "have a good meal. You eat and drink with me. Fortunately, I'm a unscrupulous businessman. Who do you think is more like us?"

"Hum!" Zhao Min pouted his mouth and didn't speak. He immediately drank soup and noodles for himself.

They eat in a small restaurant. Yang Xiaotian is very picky about the food. He has been to this restaurant several times and thinks that although it is small, it tastes very good.

There is a TV set on the wall of the restaurant.

On it is the Nanhu local program "Nanhu midday wind".

Zhao Min commented on the program, saying that the equipment and learning from the classics are good, but the host can't.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "do you mean that our Nanhu TV station lacks you?"

"I didn't say that!" Zhao Min's smiling eyes have become crescent moon, "Hey, look, it's your hospital, ah, there's news about your hospital!"

While talking, the TV camera turned, and it was cut into the emergency department.

"Yesterday, we received news that a patient's family member said that the doctor refused to diagnose and treat the patient. We came to the first people's Hospital of the city to interview the doctor, but the doctor was on compensatory leave. We contacted the hospital and the hospital agreed to contact the doctor for us!"

First, a reporter said the call in front of the camera.

Then the picture turns and the voice is connected.

The recording was just Yang Xiaotian's vague refusal in the morning.

"As you can see, the doctor was very arrogant. He didn't even listen to the reason, so he directly refused our interview request! How can we patients rest assured of doctors with this attitude? "

Then the picture turns again. When Yang Xiaotian sees the people in the picture, he finally knows who the reporter is.

The family of the old man in his nineties.

The family members of the old man accuse Yang Xiaotian of the same old saying, what happened to his family? Yang Xiaotian has no sympathy at all.


Yang Xiaotian couldn't help laughing at himself: "I'm almost a media favorite!"

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