After the news was released, Zhao Min said indignantly, "these media are too good at talking nonsense. This kind of report is not objective at all. I really don't know how it was tried!"

"Ha ha, who knows!" Yang Xiaotian said with indifference.

Zhao Minqi said strangely, "aren't you angry?"

"Angry!" Yang Xiaotian ate the noodles and sighed, "but what's the use of being angry? And this matter a slap does not make a sound, there are people in the hospital with them

Zhao Minqi said strangely, "what do you mean?"

Yang Xiaotian smiles: "isn't it obvious? Generally, the publicity department will conduct public relations for such negative news about hospitals. How can it be reported so easily? "

Zhao Min nodded and immediately asked, "what are you going to do?"

After thinking about it, Yang Xiaotian said, "if it's just this report, forget it. Anyway, if you have too much debt, don't worry about it..."

As soon as his voice dropped, the reporter on TV went on.

"We will continue to follow the development of the situation..."

Yang Xiaotian has the feeling of being beaten in the face in an instant.

Zhao Min has no manners of unrestrained laughter, and then looked at Yang Xiaotian asked: "then if they hold you?"

"Well, we'll see. Who's afraid of who? I really think I am the king without a crown After Yang Xiaotian finished, he realized that the person opposite was also a reporter. He quickly apologized, "I didn't say you!"

"Nothing!" Zhao Min said with a smile, "I'll pay attention to your news when I go back. I'll help you wave the flag and shout at that time!"

"Thank you very much!"

The two men looked at each other with a smile.

In the afternoon, Yang Xiaotian just sent Zhao Min to the bus in Yangfeng county. He was still wondering how Zhao Min was a well-known reporter in Yangfeng county. How could he come out by bus and stay in the Express Hotel? Let alone the host of the TV station. In Nanhu City, even if the anchor of the radio station is driving.

Before he thought about it, he got a call from Lin Kun.

"My God, where are you?" Lin Kun asked.

"I'm at the station. What's the matter?" Yang Xiaotian said.

Lin Kun was surprised: "are you going on a business trip?"

Yang Xiaotian quickly explained: "no, send a friend! What's the matter? "

"It's no big deal!" Lin Kun said, "well, things are going well. On the contrary, I'm a little nervous, so I want to discuss with you."

Yang Xiaotian laughs: "you, you, that's OK, I'll chat with you to stabilize your heart."

"Ha ha, it's a teahouse next to our unit. I've been there several times, and the environment is very good!" Lin Kun said.

After hanging up, Yang Xiaotian waited for a long time to call a car. He thought it's really inconvenient to have no car these days. How about getting a battery car first?

At the gate of the teahouse, Yang Xiaotian calls Lin Kun.

Lin Kun directly went to the door to meet Yang Xiaotian.

They laughed.

Yang Xiaotian walks into the private room with Lin Kun. The waiter comes in and asks what he wants.

Lin Kun looks at Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian said: "whatever you want, it's not food that talks about."

"That's fine!" Lin Kun returned the menu to the waiter, "just serve a pot of Biluochun, and help yourself to tea and melon seeds."

After the waiter went out, Yang Xiaotian looked at the environment of the teahouse. The decoration was simple, elegant and clean. It looked good.

Lin Kun said: "it's OK here. Mass consumption and environment are OK. Sometimes it's not convenient to talk about things in the office, so I come here!"

After a while, the waiter brought up the tea, accompanied by some cakes and melon seeds, colorful, it looks very good-looking and has a good appetite.

"Try the mung bean cake here. It's made by yourself, not bought in the supermarket. It's delicious!" Lin Kun said.

Yang Xiaotian picked up a piece of mung bean cake, tasted it and nodded with satisfaction: "the taste is really unique!"

Lin Kun put a piece of paper on the tea table and pushed it to Yang Xiaotian.

The paper is divided into two columns. On the left is the name of the person, and on the right is the number corresponding to the name. The minimum number is 100000.

Yang Xiaotian just took a look and was quite surprised: "so many people?"

Lin Kun couldn't hide his complacency: "this is still the number left after I deliberately reduced it... I didn't expect that these people would pay so much money just for the quota of an institution!"

Of course, Yang Xiaotian didn't just want to use others as cash machines.

He will use those who can do things. After all, the rich second generation has many resources. They are really willing to do things, but they are much more handy than ordinary people.

Take a very simple example. When you go out to do something, most people have to apply for travel expenses. Going out is also a bus.

The second generation of rich people drive hundreds of thousands of luxury cars directly to work. Can the efficiency be the same?

Of course, Yang Xiaotian is not ready to take care of the rich second generation who do not work well after fishing for three days and drying their nets for two days.

Anyway, you Laozi have paid hundreds of thousands of yuan. I'll pay you two or three thousand yuan a month for two years. Is that the end of my duty?

I don't lose money. It's all from your father.

Who can blame you for not cherishing opportunities?

"Xiaotian, when do you think we will start to move?" Lin Kun is now particularly admired by Yang Xiaotian, so he took the lead in seeking Yang Xiaotian's opinions.

Yang Xiaotian thought about it and said, "you rent the building first, and then we'll have a ribbon cutting ceremony when we open. I'll see if we can invite director Jiang!"

Lin Kun immediately nodded: "if you can invite them, it's the best. Now these people, you don't know, are all proficient. If you don't show them the truth, they think I'm fooling them!"

They discussed the list together for a while.

Lin Kun introduces the above people to Yang Xiaotian one by one according to the order on the list.

Yang Xiaotian listened carefully and wrote down every one.

He said, "it's not that some of Qian's younger students didn't understand it at first. They sent out the contents of the private letter and accused him:" they all said that 'Yang' was warm-hearted, but how did he reply to me? I just want to know the answer to this simple question, but he asked me to read a book

Yang Xiaotian hasn't replied yet.

Many alumni answered.

"Yang is the most enthusiastic elder I have ever met! He is willing to point out new people, but he is not a universal manual or dictionary. You can check it when you don't know it! He is instructing you to learn... "

This answer received a lot of praise.

After replying to several emails, Yang Xiaotian heard the sound of opening the door.

He stood up and stretched. He walked out of the bedroom. Yi Jiaxin and Tan Xixi came in with big and small bags in their hands.

Obviously I went shopping.

"Ha ha, you are so energetic!" Yang Xiaotian said.

But these two girls have no time to talk to Yang Xiaotian at all, so they go straight to the computer and say: "post first, I don't have time to talk to you!"

Yang Xiaotian

He followed the two girls to Yi Jiaxin's bedroom. Yi Jiaxin's computer was not turned off at all. Clicking on the screen is the microblog page.

It's already five digits.

Tan Xixi and Yi Jiaxin have a clear division of labor.

Yi Jiaxin opens private letters and replies to some important ones. Yang Xiaotian sees that most of the contents of these private letters are about the queen mother tiger beating people.

Tam went back to her bedroom, brought her notebook and started editing videos.

The two of them are going to send out the video tonight to completely detonate this hot information on the Internet.

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