The technical specifications required for live broadcasting are relatively high. Naturally, this kind of interview program is used for recording and broadcasting.

This is the first time that Yang Xiaotian came to the recording scene. When he arrived at the scene, he found that the scene was smaller than he thought. The audience was only about 100 square meters. I really don't know how to make it in the later stage. It would make people feel very big.

The audience has been full of people for a long time, most of them are old aunts. These people have nothing to do every day, so they like to be volunteer viewers in TV stations.

Of course, it's mainly to rub the air conditioner and kill time by the way.

It is said that some audiences have been working for a long time and know what to applaud with applause. They even manage a box lunch every day.

TV stations also welcome this kind of people. Otherwise, it's not good to record programs in time and space, isn't it?

Yang Xiaotian, lawyer sun, and the patient's family, a woman named Zhou Xiaolan, in her thirties, just look at the dress and think that this person is very hot.

The host is Xiang duo naturally. After a simple opening speech, he begins to narrate the whole story.

Several people responded differently.

Yang Xiaotian felt bored and listless.

Lawyer sun is constantly using paper and pen to make records, very elite appearance.

Zhou Xiaolan gives people a feeling of ready to go. She estimates that if she changes places, she would have interrupted Xiang duo.

What the audience is listening to is a concentrated, Auntie generation person. What they like most is a family gossip?

As soon as Xiang duo finished his speech, Zhou Xiaolan expressed his own opinion on the emotion: "think about it, my grandfather is more than 90 years old, and he is bleeding for the country. Who can be responsible for the problem? He refused to treat my grandfather. Is there such a doctor? "

Over there, lawyer sun began to pull aside: "Oh, Ms. Zhou, don't get excited. Legally speaking, he refused to treat your grandfather, which must be wrong. But I think Dr. Yang has his own reasons, right

The audience below is also chewing their tongue.

"I didn't expect that a young man who looks very energetic can't save himself from death."

"That's to say, you can't judge by appearance! By the way, does your daughter seem to be looking for someone? Look, you can't find such a doctor! "

Yang Xiaotian opened his mouth. His voice was clear and bright. As soon as he spoke, he attracted everyone's attention.

He said: "I can't agree with lawyer sun just now. Why is it wrong to refuse treatment? Thanks to him, he is still studying law. Is it all in the dog's stomach? "

Lawyer sun immediately jumped up like a cat trampled on its tail: "Dr. Yang, how do you speak?"

"That's how I talk!" Yang Xiaotian took a look at him and said slowly, "according to Articles 24 and 28 of the licensed doctors law," for patients with acute and critical diseases, doctors should take emergency measures to make timely diagnosis and treatment; In case of natural disasters, epidemic of infectious diseases, sudden accidents of heavy casualties and other emergencies that seriously threaten people's lives and health, doctors should obey the dispatch of the administrative department of health of the people's government at or above the county level. It can be seen that according to the current law, doctors "shall not refuse treatment" only in "critical patients" and "emergencies."

Speaking of this, Yang Xiaotian laughed and asked, "this is clearly stipulated by law. Please tell me, was the old man a" critical patient "or an" emergency "

Zhou Xiaolan immediately said: "yes, your legal knowledge is very good, but do you have a conscience? Isn't an old man in his nineties a "critical patient"? And you refused to treat him! "

"Conscience?" Yang Xiaotian burst out laughing, "OK, let's talk about conscience! There were a lot of people in the emergency room that night. When you came, you cut in the line. Did I give you any treatment? Do you have any? I tell you there's no big problem, just take medicine, you have to be hospitalized, but the only way to be hospitalized is to add beds in the corridor, but you ask to move other patients out! I wonder, your conscience, your conscience? Someone who can drive other patients out and talk to me about conscience? How ridiculous!

What's more, are you "extremely sick"? I've been fighting with you for hours, but I can't see where I'm worried or dangerous! "

As soon as Yang Xiaotian's voice fell, the audience began to laugh.

At the beginning, they were still on the side of Zhou Xiaolan and lawyer sun, but after Yang Xiaotian began to explain, they were on the side of Yang Xiaotian.

After all, Yang Xiaotian is more reasonable, and we don't like people who make trouble out of nothing.

But the most important reason is that it's a face world... So it's reasonable for Yi Jiaxin and Tan Xixi to let Yang Xiaotian dress up again.

"This family is too shameful. Who doesn't line up to see a doctor? Can you blame the doctor for not having a bed in the hospital? It's not like you can't sleep in the hallway! "

"That's it. Does this face mean to be on TV?"

"I support Dr. Yang, I said, such a handsome young man can't be a bad man!"

"Yo, elder sister, just now you said that Dr. Yang is not good at appearance!"

"Did I say that? What I mean by that is that being handsome, the heart is more handsome than the appearance, so you can't judge the appearance... "


Seeing that Zhou Xiaolan had some signs of failure, lawyer sun quickly supported him and said, "Dr. Yang, the other party may not have a high level of education, so they will put forward some unreasonable demands. But as a doctor with quality and morality, shouldn't you work for the health of the patients?"

This is to judge others from the commanding point of morality.

Yang Xiaotian showed a smile of disdain at the corner of his mouth. This kind of person only talks big words. He said calmly: "very good, lawyer sun, can you be my personal lawyer? Well, it's the kind of private lawyers who are employed separately, similar to the kind of buyout! "

Lawyer sun didn't know why Yang Xiaotian mentioned this problem all of a sudden. He was stunned and said, "let's talk about it later..."

But Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "I forgot to tell you, I'm not going to give you money!"

Lawyer sun turned black: "Dr. Yang, what do you mean?"

Yang Xiaotian said calmly: "as a lawyer, shouldn't you provide legal services for others? Isn't that your work ethic? "

When the audience understood it, they immediately laughed.

In the laughter, lawyer sun's face became more ugly.

Yang Xiaotian said one word: "let me just say this. Although doctors are special, they are just a kind of profession, no different from peasant workers. We work to support our families. Now there are still people who accuse doctors of not thinking about patients' health... Ha ha, it seems that you work every day for dreams

Lawyer sun, how many good things have you done today, how many dreams have you realized, and how much contribution have you made to the prosperity of our country? "

Lawyer sun began to regret why he came to this program

Yang Xiaotian simply stood up, he said: "the reason why I agree to participate in the program this time is not to defend myself, but to say a few words for the doctor.

In fact, if it's just my personal honor or disgrace, I don't care at all. I won't make a cent less if others say I am. People who should come to see me will naturally come to see me!

Nowadays, there is a bad social atmosphere. When many people come to the hospital, they ask the doctors to listen to them. People often say to us, "my son, my father... When I come to the hospital, I'm still fine. How can I say that if I don't come to the hospital, I'm gone? You have to take responsibility! "

When he told the story, he had already caught people's attention.

Speaking of this, Yang Xiaotian made a pause, left us some time to think, and then continued to say: "I wonder, OK, if you are OK, what are you doing in the hospital?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Everyone immediately began to laugh.

But after laughing, it seems that I have realized something.

Yang Xiaotian continued: "as a doctor, believe me, there is no doctor who hopes that the patient can't be cured. We all hope that the patient can be cured! So why would I refuse to treat someone? As far as I'm concerned, I would refuse to provide treatment for two kinds of people.

The first kind of people are those who are ill and unreasonable. He came to the hospital and asked me to be cured! I'm not God. How can I be cured?

If there is a patient coming, just tell me, doctor, what kind of disease I should have. Just give me some of this medicine. I wonder, you are so powerful, why don't you become a doctor? I've been in medical school for so many years?

I asked you to have a check. You said I cheated you. Can the money fall into my pocket? You said you checked it a month ago, can you do the same?

This is the second kind of people, who believe in witchcraft but not medicine.

Why don't I treat these two kinds of people? It's very simple. There are so many people in the world waiting for me to treat them. I don't have to waste time on these two kinds of people.

Let's talk about this lady! "

Said Yang Xiaotian pointed to Zhou Xiaolan: "if she came to see me for treatment, I made a diagnosis in three minutes, she had to mess with me! I'll explain it according to lawyer sun. For her health! Then it took an hour to comfort her, and everyone was happy, wasn't it? "

The audience nodded thoughtfully.

There's shaking your head.

Yang Xiaotian continued: "for them, it seems that everyone is really happy! But tell me, what do you think of the people who are waiting for my treatment behind this lady? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone had a feeling of enlightening.

Yang Xiaotian laughed and continued: "finally, I'd like to give you a passage in the biography of bianquecanggong in historical records:" people are sick, and there are many diseases; However, there are few ways of treating diseases. Therefore, there are six kinds of diseases that can not be cured: arrogance and arbitrariness, regardless of reason, can not be cured once; He who values his body and wealth will not be treated; If food and clothing are not suitable, there will be no treatment; The combination of yin and Yang leads to the uncertainty of internal organs and Qi; If Xingying can't take medicine, it can't be cured; If you believe in witchcraft or medicine, you will not be cured. ", Although I am not so harsh, but I also have my own persistence.

Finally, I hope everyone is healthy. "

With that, Yang Xiaotian got up and bowed, regardless of others, and left here.

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