Yang Xiaotian took the lead in leaving the meeting. Although lawyer sun and Zhou Xiaolan tried their best to make the scene better and try their best to pull the public opinion in their own direction, it was too late.

The audience is preconceived, and Yang Xiaotian's image is really good. At least it is much better than this man and woman.

Xiang duo did not expect that the debate would be one-sided.

And from the perspective of her professional host, Yang Xiaotian's speech is reasonable, the key is not boring.

For people who do TV programs, not boring is the most important thing.

No matter what the program is, the audience wants to sleep before they finish watching it. The ratings of this program can be imagined.

After the end of the program, Xiang duo asked the director for a copy of the program and watched it directly on the office computer.

When I was at the scene, I just felt a light in front of my eyes.

But now she calms down and looks carefully, and she feels that Yang Xiaotian is very powerful.

Almost every sentence has a burden, and every pause is at the time of the pause. The topic is very serious, but it can also make the audience laugh.

In fact, to make the audience laugh is very powerful for the program host. After all, this is an era of national entertainment.

But after laughing, it can make the audience think, which is a complete sublimation.

Xiang duo's mood now is like finding a delicious snack bar. She would like to recommend it to her friends to try it to prove her vision.

So she found Yu Yunliang, the producer on the stage.

After watching the program, the producer was surprised and asked, "this young man has a good image and temperament, and his eloquence is also very good! Which channel is it from? Is it possible for us to pull over? "

Xiang duo said with a bitter smile: "Yu Jianzao, he... Is a doctor..."

"..." Yu Yunliang was stunned for several seconds, "isn't it? Doctors are so eloquent? It's not a fight with the patient, is it? "

"Who knows... Maybe!" Some of the answers to duo are absent-minded.

Yu Yunliang thought for a while and said, "please contact him to see if you can invite him to be our guest for a long time. By the way, isn't he a doctor? If you are interested, it's OK to open a program about health care! This is the most popular one now! "

Nod to Duo: "OK, I'll try it!"

Because it is a hot event in itself, Nanhu TV station also wants to rely on it to improve the audience rating. The program was simply done in the later stage, and it was broadcast on the TV station the next day.

Before the broadcast, Xiang duo called Yang Xiaotian, said the broadcast time, and then relayed Yu Yunliang's words.

Yang Xiaotian didn't agree, but he didn't refuse. He just said that he had to think about it.

When the program was broadcast, Yang Xiaotian happened to be on the night shift. It doesn't matter to him that he can't see himself on TV.

But the emergency room is not busy today.

When you are not busy, the hospital management is more humanized. As long as you don't delay the normal work in your post, you can chat in the hall and nobody will take care of it.

I don't want to talk. I can sleep with the door closed.

Yang Xiaotian felt a little sleepy, so he went to the vending machine in the hall to buy a can of coffee.

As soon as she got the coffee, she came in with a bag of fried chicken.

See Yang Xiaotian, Tan Xixi immediately happy said: "Xiaotian brother, come to eat chicken, no beer, only coke, let's congratulate you on TV!"

Yang Xiaotian was puzzled and asked, "don't you work the night shift today?"

"Isn't this a celebration of your being on TV?" Tan said, holding up the fried chicken in her hand and saying, "the fried chicken of Gulu hamburger tastes very good!"

A nurse next to him came and asked, "what kind of TV?"

"You don't know?" "Dr. Yang is on TV," she asked

Immediately several more nurses came up.

After a few words, it will be clear to everyone.

And then the whole emergency room found out.

It's boring for everyone to work at night. Tanxi bought enough fried chicken, so we left a few people on duty in the hall. The rest of them went to the lounge to watch TV.

Yang Xiaotian volunteered: "I'll stay on duty, too!"

"No, you are the protagonist today. You have to go!"

"It's, it's, it's boring you don't go?"

They couldn't help but pull Yang Xiaotian into the rest room.

It's just the beginning when I turn on the TV.

It's really shameful to watch the handsome self on TV and listen to the comments of the nurses nearby

But... It's really cool.

At the beginning, everyone was still laughing. This one said that Dr. Yang was really handsome, and that one said that Dr. Yang's clothes were really beautiful.

But seeing the back, everyone was silent.

Although Yang Xiaotian is talking about doctors.

But doctors and nurses are not separated.

The nurses all felt the same about what Yang Xiaotian said.

No, it should be said that it is deeper than Yang Xiaotian's perception.

Many patients feel that nurses are lower than doctors, which is similar to a doctor in charge of several nurses.

In fact, this is wrong.

Doctors and nurses are colleagues. They are at the same level, not at the upper and lower levels. The leader of a nurse is the head nurse, and then the director of the nursing department.

Besides, nurses are not the representatives of low education. In addition to some small outpatient or private hospitals, such as Nanhu No.1 Hospital, most of the nurses have bachelor's degree, and the lowest are junior college students, and even graduate students. They also need to test their professional titles, write papers, and do scientific research.

But the patient just thinks that the nurse is a server, no matter what educational background she has.

Many patients are still respectful to doctors, but they often yell at nurses, saying that they are slow and hurt them. Their tone is very bad, and they often scold them.

The nurses have nothing to say.

So in fact, nurses are more aggrieved than doctors.

Although Yang Xiaotian's words are about doctors, they are also in their hearts.

After the show, everyone was silent, some with tears in their eyes.

Yang Xiaotian some flustered, said: "you this is... How to cry!"

Suddenly a nurse stood up and bowed to Yang Xiaotian and said, "thank you, Dr. Yang! Your words are the greatest encouragement to our work

Then more nurses expressed their thanks to Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian had some awkward scratching: "ah, ah, not so great as you make complaints about, I am purely Tucao!"

The influence of this event is beyond Yang Xiaotian's expectation.

From the next day, many media have conducted in-depth excavation and reporting on this incident.

This time, instead of standing on the side of the patient as before, we rarely stand on the side of the doctor and speak from the standpoint of the doctor.

Nanhu daily wrote a report on what happened to our patients.

"With the development of market economy, many people feel that God is the one who spends money! But in fact, this is a kind of abnormal consumption view, domestic consumers have received too much preferential treatment to some extent! Even in developed countries in Europe and America, businesses have the right to refuse unwelcome consumers

Although Dr. Yang said doctors, I think of teachers again.

The profession of teaching has changed in some people's eyes. It seems that as long as I teach tuition, you should listen to me.

But many people seem to have forgotten the meaning of the four words "respect teachers and respect the way".

Dr. Yang is right in saying that many patients are suffering from one hour's pain when they spend one hour on a "difficult" patient.

In fact, mutual understanding and respect benefit not only doctors but also patients.

Maybe one day, when you are waiting, some doctors will be pestered by unreasonable patients. What should you do then? "

Jiang Ying also called Yang Xiaotian and said, "Xiaotian, I've watched the program. It's a good performance. It seems that you are better than I expected!"

Yang Xiaotian smiles: "elder sister Jiang, you flatter me. In fact, I have feelings!"

"It's also in my heart to express my feelings! Our medical staff are sometimes too incomprehensible, all kinds of medical trouble! Some time ago, there was an incident in the city next door, saying that a patient wrote a suicide note before the operation, saying that if the operation failed, his family would make trouble, and he must get 300000, and he also wrote down how to distribute the 300000... "Jiang Ying said with great regret.

Yang Xiaotian was surprised: "is there such a patient? If the chief surgeon knew about this, he would not feel so bad? "

"Isn't it?" Jiang Ying said, "the doctor in charge of the operation is wearing thick anti radiation clothes. He stands for four or five hours to do the operation for him and does his best! But what about him? But I'm thinking about how to blackmail doctors and even hospitals after failure! "

Yang Xiaotian was silent for a long time before he said, "this society is sick!"

Jiang Ying said with a smile, "you are a doctor. Do you have a prescription?"

Yang Xiaotian said helplessly: "this kind of disease can't be cured by doctors!"

"It's hard to say!" Jiang Ying laughed, "by the way, you should pay close attention to the matter of the physiotherapy Center recently, and strive for early results!"

Yang Xiaotian was still thinking about what Jiang Ying's last sentence meant. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "OK, I'll do it as soon as possible."

"Not as soon as possible, but as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaotian also felt that he was a little slack about the physiotherapy Center recently, so he called Lin Kun.

"Oh, you finally called. I was just about to call you! I've done almost all the administrative work here, but I'm short of a masseuse. I'm thinking about discussing with you. Do you have any idea? " When Lin Kun received the call, he complained bitterly.

After listening patiently, Yang Xiaotian said, "my idea is to dig out masseuses from professional massage shops, and then I will carry out some professional knowledge training, so that the time is short and the effect is fast. What do you think?"

"I think so!" Lin Kun said with a wry smile, "but don't this matter fall on me again?"

Yang Xiaotian laughed: "those who can do more work!"

"OK, I'm afraid of you. I've done more work in this week than in the past six months." Lin Kun said helplessly, "what, how many people?"

"Twenty first!"

"All right, wait for my news!"

After hanging up, Yang Xiaotian was called to the office by Luo Fei.

What did he think was the matter? Who thought that Luo Fei just said something encouraging and said that he wanted everyone to unite and let him leave.

Yang Xiaotian went back to the office at a loss.

Just when Yi Jiaxin is away, he looks at the medical record on Yi Jiaxin's desk and wonders.

On the prescription, Yi Jiaxin wrote Pu Dilan at the beginning, but why did she delete it and change it to Jinluo oral liquid?

These two kinds of drugs have similar properties. They both have therapeutic effect on throat inflammation and tonsil inflammation, and the effect is similar.

It's reasonable to open any kind of medicine, but why did you open Pudilan and change it into Jinluo oral liquid?

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