Chapter 269 Final Chapter: Time and Space Converge! New World, New Future!

Lin Xian looked at the poor baby in front of him.

Old people like to say that it is a good thing for children to have big brains and cleverness.

But the big forehead of this little baby is not because of cleverness, but because of the huge tumor in the brain cavity.

Everything about this little baby is a mistake.

The motive of his parents meeting was a mistake.

It was a mistake for the two to become pregnant when they were unmarried.

The death of the father and the fall of the mother were a mistake.

The time he came into this world was even more of a mistake.

“But this world is not incapable of accepting mistakes.

Lin Xian stroked the baby’s skin.

Feel the pain he endured.

When others see this little baby not crying or crying, or crying, they may think that he is a very good child.

But only Lin Xian knows how little babies really feel.

Touching the little baby’s world line, Lin Xian felt sheer pain!

It’s not that the baby doesn’t want to cry.

It is because a huge tumor in the brain oppresses the cerebral cortex, making it lose language ability.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to move.

The tumor squeezed the brainstem, leaving him unconscious and uncontrollable except for the two fingers of his left hand.

He doesn’t hurt if he isn’t 20.

There is just no way to express it!

Why didn’t he want to cry?

Just because he was born he was destined to be a vegetable.

He is still alive because the part of the cerebral cortex responsible for breathing has not been destroyed by the tumor.

But this is also a matter of time.

He is destined to be a dead baby.

If it continues to develop in the mother’s stomach, it will only let the growing tumor completely end his life.

Therefore, he was born prematurely because of the miracle of life.

If he is born later and the tumor continues to grow, destroying the brain, he will undoubtedly die!

But if you are born prematurely now, and you are still able to breathe, you may be able to find hope.

This is the miracle of life.

Might as well say

Life itself is a miracle.

Lin Xian felt the great pain the little baby suffered.

He originally intended to end the pain of the little baby.

But in this little baby’s world line, he saw a little life, a thirst for “survival”!

This is a baby who was only 7 months pregnant.

In order not to let the tumor continue to “press” his brain, he just used a weak arm to “tear” the amniotic fluid membrane and let him give birth prematurely.

All this is unconscious.

He is 7 months old, what does he know?

All this comes from the instinct of life.

Just like billions of years ago, a marine creature climbed onto land in order to survive.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, an ancient ape stood upright in order to survive.

Tens of thousands of years ago, a primitive man picked up tools in order to survive.

Thousands of years ago, early humans began to fight with weapons in order to survive.

Hundreds of years ago, in order to survive, people used their bodies to build a city to resist foreign enemies.

Even decades ago, in order for the people to survive, countless heroes and fierce soil exchanged their lives for today’s prosperity and prosperity!

One life after another, they just live, what’s wrong?

Lin Xian sighed.

Looking at the child who endured great pain but couldn’t let out a single cry:

“Although the world is still terrible and full of unfairness, it will make you cry in despair, and make you sad to give up. From the time you were born, you have begun to compete and race mercilessly with many children. But

“This world also has a good side. There will be people who love you, someone will guard you, someone will shelter you from the wind and rain, and someone will defend you against foreign enemies. You will find your place and add your color to the world.

“In short, every life has the right to pursue life. I respect you.”

Talk about it.

Lin Xian picked out the one belonging to the little baby from the intricate world lines, and handed it between the two only movable fingers of the little baby’s left hand.

This chaotic line.

One end is life and the other end is death.

Birth means that he will formally join this cruel world, start endless competition with his peers, and experience human suffering and intrigue.

Besides, his physique and the tumor in his head.

The survival game, for him, is undoubtedly a hell-level difficulty mode.

Death means liberation.

Life is difficult, but death is easy.

A baby only needs to gently rub his fingers to break this fragile world line and be free from all pain.

Big deal, in the next life, come back to this world to be a hero!

Under the gaze of Lin Xian.

The baby gently lifts his finger to release the world line and return it to its original position.

He chose to live!

Every life is a hard-won miracle.

Every life should not be given up easily!

If 3.5 billion years ago, the [carbon chain amino acid] formed by accidental cleavage by a flash of electricity would easily give up life.

How can there be such a beautiful picture scroll as today on earth?

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

Stroking the baby’s head:

“Although you were born in the U.S., you have to remember that you are a pure and pure person from the Long Kingdom.”

“In this country, the country has power and the people have faith. Since you choose to survive, please work hard to become a person who contributes to the country and the people.”

Lin Xian’s hand left the baby’s forehead.

Also took away some bad things at the same time


The facial features of little babies are extremely distorted!

The limbs twisted restlessly!


A large amniotic blister was blown out of the baby’s mouth.

“Wow wow-wow wow wow ah wow one

The little baby who had been silent for a long time cried loudly.

Resound throughout the corridor!

Announcing his official arrival to the world!

The sudden crying shocked everyone waiting outside the operating room!

“Oh my God! Listen, everyone! It’s the cry of a baby! It was successful! This shows that the operation was successful! The nerve center was not damaged!”

“Yes! Since he is crying, it means that the tumor has been taken out! It means that the cerebral cortex is functioning normally!”

“Awesome, awesome, Dean David is really amazing! He saved a life!”

“Hurry up and notify Ms. Li Jing! As soon as a message came from the obstetrics department, Ms. Li Jing was also out of danger, regaining consciousness, and her physical condition was normal!

263 “Mother and son are safe! Mother and son are safe! God bless! God bless!”

Lin Xian left the operating room and got on the hidden elevator.

Before the elevator closes.

He snapped his fingers.


The light board outside the door of the operating room goes out and the electric door opens automatically.

The deafening cry of the baby attracted all the medical staff.

And now…

Lin Xian has taken the elevator down to the underground laboratory.

He went around in a circle, then walked out of the office closet, left the office, pulled up Dai Chuchan, and walked out of the hospital.

When the two stepped out of the hospital door.

The galaxy in the sky hangs upside down, shining like a waterfall.

Lin Xian checked his watch.

Time is just one-

00: 42

“Senior Lin Xian, have we succeeded!?”

Lin Xian smiled and nodded:

“We made it!”


Dai Chuchan jumped up happily and shook Lin Xian’s arm:

“Then, what should we do next?”

Lin Xian beckoned to stop a TAXI.

Take off her coat and put it on Dai Chuchan’s shoulders to resist the cold wind in the middle of the night for her:

“Next, we just need to go back to sleep, and wait for [Time and Space].”

“Waiting to wake up

“It’s time to greet the one-future new world together!”

Next chapter!

Finale + end of this testimonial + extra preview!.

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