Chapter 270 Final Chapter: Unsung Hero and Quantum Lily

July 2026.

This is a small island in the South China Sea area of ​​Longguo.

This small island does not exist.

In December 2021, like nature’s supernatural craftsmanship, this small island suddenly appeared due to the movement of the crustal tectonic plates.

And Lin Xian, through legal procedures, became the owner of this small island.

This has become his new home.

“Hey!!!” “Eh!!!”

Two curvaceous figures dressed in Bijini were playing an ornamental beach volleyball on the beach.

“Hehe, sister Yiyi! Your right is empty!”


With a gorgeous spike, Dai Chuchan won the game.

“Yeah! I won again!”

“I really have you. I play volleyball every day, so I don’t get tired of playing volleyball.”

Lin Xian pushed up his sunglasses and smiled at the two of them with nice lines.

Then withdraw the table under the parasol:

“Come and have a drink. It’s easy to get dehydrated in this tropical climate.”

That’s right.

This is not only a home for three people, but also a vacation place for three people.

Lin Xian and Liu Lu’s [Xianlu Research Institute] have now become the world’s largest giants relying on controlled nuclear fusion.

Lin Xian doesn’t even know how much wealth he has.

According to Liu Yiyi’s calculation, the wealth of the enemy is not enough to describe the amount of his wealth.

After all, he is in control of controllable nuclear fusion!

This is something that can change the entire course of human history. Nowadays, with the continuous commercialization and civilianization of [controllable nuclear fusion], mankind has also entered a new energy era.

But currently.

The most important task of the String Road Research Institute.

It is still necessary to build the [circumequator particle collider].

This is the magic weapon that can truly unlock the veil of [God], the secrets of the universe, and lead mankind to a new era of the universe.

This is a project of the century that can only be built with the cooperation of all countries and all mankind.

But fortunately, all of this was solved by Lin Xian.

Sitting on [Time and Space Mailbox] and [Causal Weapons], there is really no thing that Lin Xian can’t solve in this world.




The roar of the helicopter came from overhead.

The three raised their heads and found that a familiar helicopter was landing.

Because this small island is a private domain, ordinary helicopters and ships cannot enter without permission.

But this helicopter is very casual.

Because the person sitting on it is an old friend.

“Auntie! Liu Lu! Why are you here!”

Seeing his aunt Li Susu stepping off the plane, Dai Chuchan happily greeted him.

It’s been a long time since I saw each other.

“I, we come to Lin Xian to report”

Liu Luliang Liang explained, but very seriously.

Lin Xian knew that they would come.


Everything in this world is in his perception, of course if he wants to perceive it.

Most of the time, Lin Xian keeps [Causality Weapons] turned off and is no longer easy to use.

The butterfly effect is difficult to predict.

So one of the best ways to treat history and the future is to respect them.

Liu Lu walked over and sat next to Lin Xian.

Refers to the hazy black track in the sky.

It was a black circle that straddled the sky and pierced the horizon at both ends from east to west.

It divides the entire sky into two!

“Can you see it~|?”

Lin Xian nodded:

“I often look up. Is that the [Circular Equator Particle Collider] built in the stratosphere?”

Liu Lu also nodded:

“Precisely speaking, that is just the rudimentary form of the orbit.”

“It should be a few years before completion.”

Listen to Liu Lu’s report.

Lin Xian’s attention is also focused on the “collider pipe” that separates the sky..

After the international community reached a consensus.

For the future of human civilization, and to explore the direction of human progress.

All countries in the world, under the leadership of Longguo, have begun to participate in the construction of the [Circumequator Particle Collider].

This is a big project that human beings dare not imagine.

It is known that the circumference of the earth’s equator is 40,000 kilometers.

And the [circumequator particle collider] is to be built in the stratosphere of the atmosphere 12 kilometers away from the surface.

Therefore, the total circumference of the ring collider is more than 43,000 kilometers.

It is like putting a giant “ring” on the earth.

The steel, cables, and transportation equipment needed to build the collider almost emptied the entire planet’s production capacity.

But there is no doubt.

This great attempt is worth it.

【Circular Equator Particle Collider】After completion, the microscopic particles can be accelerated to close to the speed of light, and then collide!

The result of the split will allow human beings to come into contact with a more microscopic field than the microscopic.

This is like being able to peek into the “source code” of the universe, figuring out the secrets of the universe itself.

Once these theories are figured out.

After all, the level of human civilization has been improved by leaps and bounds, and it has become a real interstellar civilization.

certainly …

All of this is a story.

Just as Liu Lu said, “Circumequator Particle Collider” is a super giant project.

Even if the whole world works together.

But every ten or eight years, it will inevitably not be completed.

“Wow!!! Really!?!? You guys are really getting engaged!”

“Have you bought the ring? Let us have a look!”

The noise of the three beauties behind them attracted the attention of Lin Xian and Liu Lu.

Li Susu smiled triumphantly:

“Oh~ I finally married myself. Don’t even mention that Liu Lu’s marriage proposal is very slow. Of course, it’s the kind of slowness of science students. I can’t understand it.

“Are you planning to continue this way? Actually, I have a good idea to solve the problem of the three of you getting married!”

With that said, Li Susu took out a check of immigration information from his bag, and took Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan to Lin Xian’s table.

“I have checked the information for you. Many countries in Africa, West Asia, and the Middle East now practice polygamy!’

“You can move there and get married legally! Anyway, it’s just moving, changing your country, and it won’t affect your current life.”

However …

Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi, and Dai Chuchan smiled at each other and shook their heads in unison.

Lin Xian looked at Li Susu, smiled and said:

“It is our pride to be born as a member of the Dragon Kingdom. We are born as a member of the Dragon Kingdom in this life, and die as a ghost of the Dragon Kingdom. Changing the country is undoubtedly a betrayal of the rented country, and we will not consider it.”

“Since we are members of the Dragon Kingdom, we should abide by the laws of the Dragon Kingdom, and we should not open the back door to engage in special shu, which affects the fairness and harmony of the entire society.

“Yes, yes!”


Liu Yiyi also echoed:

“Since that time when my parents put me under house arrest, I have also figured out. What Ming media is marrying, grand ceremonies, they are all performed for parents to see.

“A truly happy life does not actually need these flashy things, just like our current life, isn’t it happy?,

“Compared to those vanity red carpets and floral applause, we prefer to pursue substantive mutual affection.”

Dai Chuchan also grabbed Lin Xian from the other side with a grin, spreading dog food wildly.

Liu Lu laughed.

He has long said that Li Susu and Lin Xian, who have a strong sense of national pride, will never do things like emigrating or changing their nationality.

Don’t even think about it!

“No, but Lin Xian”

Liu Lu turned his head and said:

“I have been thinking about countless of you, sacrificed so many times, only to find [the devil] and save the world, do you really plan not to make this matter public?”

“Save the world, this is a big thing worthy of all mankind’s knowledge! You have given so much, you are willing to be an unknown hero?”

“All mankind should thank you, thank you!”

Lin Xian laughed and said nothing.

He looked at the rooster-shaped land on the other side of the ocean.

Facing the afterglow of the sun.

The vibrant land is still magnificent and magnificent.

“Liu Lu”

Lin Xian looked at the picturesque landscape of the long coastline and said slowly:

“[Since ancient times, our Dragon Kingdom has the most indispensable heroes!]”


Lin Xian rubbed his eyes.

He thought he was wrong!

Just when he looked at the coastline of the leased country.

Discovered by accident!

On a small mound on my island, there are three [middle-aged people] standing unexpectedly!

Open your eyes again.

These three people are still standing there!

Standing in the middle is a strong, tall man.

And nestled on either side of him were two heroic women.

These three people, everyone Lin Xian is very familiar with!

These are three [messengers]!

“What’s the matter? Didn’t they collapse in the quantum state? How could they appear here?”

“Not right”

“I have saved the future world, and they should have been resurrected in the future world!”

Lin Xian got up from the chair and ran towards the small mound!

“Lin Xian! Where are you going!”

“You wait for me here! I’ll be back when I go!”

Lin Xian didn’t look back.

Travel through the tropical jungle and run towards that small mound!

His eyes will never be wrong.

Those are definitely three messengers, that is, Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan who have passed from the future in their middle-aged form!

Didn’t they go back to the future?

This is a question Lin Xian didn’t understand.

But instead I think

Even if they didn’t return to the future, it would be great if the three of them could meet together in this time and space!

You have to thank them so much!





Lin Xian jumped in several strides and climbed onto the small mound!

“What about people!?”

He looked around.

It is clear that there is no living person here..

“This (Zhao Qian’s) in the end

Lin Xian scratched his head, Monk Erzhang couldn’t figure it out, he just saw it clearly!

“Ah, it’s here.

Lin Xian looked at the protrusion on the other side of the mound and smiled knowingly.

No one there

But there are three [blue lilies] blooming in the wind.

Lin Xian knew it very well.

Here is a tropical high temperature climate, it is impossible for lilies to grow on this kind of island.

Not to mention the blue lilies.

There is no lily of this color at all!


Lin Xian remembered the little blue star dust that the messenger turned into when it collapsed.

He thoroughly understood.

This is [Quantum Lily]!

“Sure enough, you guys are always there

Lin Xian smiled relievedly.

He stepped forward.

Try to touch the beautiful and crystal clear [Quantum Lily] that makes people feel unreal.


Suddenly a sea breeze passed.

As soon as Lin Xian’s finger touched [Quantum Lily], three bunches of [Quantum Lily] instantly shattered into flickering blue star dust.

They ride the sea breeze purely.

Like a dancing blue galaxy, flying towards the magnificent homeland guarding 1.4 billion people

“Don’t miss us, you are us!”

-End of full text-.

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