Chapter 53 Lin Xian is wood! No, the stone!


This person talks a lot when he gets drunk.

While drinking, Wang Hao turned his head, but started to complain Lin Xian:

“Lin Xian, I didn’t say you! The person who should persuade Liu Yiyi to stay was you!”

“If you left Liu Yiyi in the first place, she would never go abroad for you! If you don’t go abroad, naturally you won’t go to the Chica Opera Theater to listen to some theater, now you must be alive and well!”

Lin Xian couldn’t laugh or cry.

What is the relationship between himself and Liu Yiyi?

It’s just the classmates who have a better relationship and the same table.

How big is your face to persuade others not to study abroad?

Liu Yiyi learns so well. Studying abroad is a talent and pursuit of others. What reason does he use to hinder others’ progress?

Lin Xian opened a bottle of beer and replied:

“I’m telling you a damn! People Liu Yiyi has a great future. Father Niu P made the arrangements clearly. Where can I be the face to persuade others to stay?”

“Besides, I persuade her to listen? You treat me as her dad? Really… Don’t drink too much and it’s okay to trouble. It’s a good thing for her to study abroad. I have no reason to persuade her… …”

Wang Hao bit the mutton skewers in half and stared at Lin Xian danglingly.

Seeing that Lin Xian didn’t seem to be deliberately Versailles, but was really stupid, he spit out the greasy meat in his mouth:


“When I was in school, I thought you were of wood, but I didn’t expect you to be of stone.”

“Even if you are a wood! You can tell that Liu Yiyi likes you!”

Although Lin Xian also thought about this possibility this afternoon.

However, Lin Xian believes that Liu Yiyi brought herself yogurt only because of her personality and pity for her poverty.

So he immediately denied:

“You fart!”

“I didn’t let it go! I’ve been sitting at the back table between you two for two years, and I can see your little movements more clearly than anyone else.”

It’s about innocence, now Lin Xian can’t sit still!

He held down Wang Hao’s hand that was about to drink, and said seriously:

“Don’t frame anyone! Liu Yiyi and I are honest and innocent! Don’t corrupt our reputation! Neither of us has done anything!”

Wang Hao threw away his hand impatiently:

“I’m not talking about that kind of little action, your comrade’s thoughts are very dangerous! The little action I’m talking about is the look in Liu Yiyi’s eyes secretly looking at you…that kind of smirking expression…also… I swayed my body unconsciously when I talked to you…this is all about liking you.”

“I know, you always think that people treat you so nicely because you came from the county seat, and they pity you and take care of you. I tell you, you want to eat!”

“There are a lot of people in the class from the county seat, but I still came from the village to take the exam! Why didn’t you see Liu Yiyi brought me a bottle of milk?”

Wang Hao gets more and more angry!

A Dou who can’t afford it!

Occupy the pit and don’t shit!

I don’t know the blessing in the blessing!

“Forget it, think about it for yourself, I’ll go to the toilet.”

Wang Hao stood up angrily.

Go to the toilet in the night market far away.

Lin Xian poured himself a glass of wine and drank it alone.


The cruelest part of growing up is that girls are always more mature than boys of the same age.

When boys are fighting with a glass ball, they already know how to love someone.

………………………………………….. …

After Wang Hao came back, the two did not mention Liu Yiyi in a tacit understanding.

Covetously interlaced.

The laughter remained the same.

Talk about the past when you were young.

Very happy.


Before leaving, Lin Xian found a driver.

Ferrari can only sit two people.

So Wang Hao can only take a taxi.

Wang Hao lay on the Ferrari window, holding Lin Xian’s hand reluctantly:

“Have you received the text message for the class reunion?”

“I got it, didn’t I mean this weekend, I have graduated unknowingly for 5 years.”

“Yes, it’s been 5 years, my class leader should organize a party cheekily. Lin Xian, you can come.”

Lin Xian smiled:

“decide as things go.”

Wang Hao didn’t want to let him go like this:

“It depends on the situation! You must come! Show off your luxury car to our classmates! Let them see and see, who is the righteous and brave young man! Who is the honorary curator of the Palace Museum!”

“You drank too much Wang Hao, go back early.”

Lin Xian waved goodbye to Wang Hao.

The driver stepped on the accelerator cautiously, seeing the nervousness ahead.


The beast was activated and attracted the attention of countless passersby.

Lin Xian was lying on the passenger seat.

Close your eyes and rest your mind.

In the second half of the night, he was absent, and Wang Hao didn’t listen to what he said.

He was thinking about things after returning home.

………………………………………….. ………

After returning home, Lin Xian came to the study and turned out the photo of graduation from high school.

Inside, Liu Yiyi and herself stood in the center C position. Liu Yiyi tilted her body toward her, compared with scissors hands, smiling like a flower.

And he has a Sima face.


Lin Xian feels a little speechless, what to pretend! Still stinking!

“Sure enough… you can’t read the dark history when you get old, the more you look at it, the more embarrassing it becomes.”

Lin Xian fixed his gaze on Liu Yiyi.

This school flower recognized by the whole school seems to be shining, and the whole photo becomes bright and beautiful because of her.

Liu Yiyi is tall, fair-skinned, has a nice face, and smiles sweetly.

Even according to Lin Xian’s strict score, this is a flawless 10-point beauty.

“The confidant’s fate…maybe it really makes sense.”

Lin Xian put away the album and lay on the recliner.

Looking at the space-time mailbox on the table.







[Thanks for the monthly pass from the lone island boss! Thank you for your support! 】

[Thank you for the monthly ticket sent by Brother Guang from the Service Alliance! Thank you for your support! 】

[Thank you for the monthly pass sent by the big brother of Yi Nian Fei Xian! Thank you for your support! 】

[Thank you for the monthly pass given by Wei Gong Ben Zilang! Thank you for your support! 】*

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