Chapter 54 Unsent letter


After thinking for a while, Lin Xian had an answer.

He took out a piece of A4 paper from the drawer.

That was the life plan listed after getting the space-time mailbox.

[3 major goals of using the space-time mailbox][1. Earn a lot of money, become a super rich, and change your life. 】

[2. Develop your own power and become strong enough to protect yourself and the people around you. 】

[3, make up for the regrets in life. 】

Finger crosses the third…

Young did not understand love, Lin Xian did not know whether Liu Yiyi was his own white moonlight.

But there is no doubt.

The death of Liu Yiyi is a regret in his life.

He remembered the agreement between himself and Liu Yiyi:

“Lin Xian, when you grow up, you will become a very powerful person! Will you replace me to protect me?”

At that time, Lin Xian pretended to be cold and did not answer.

But now Lin Xian says:


I was unable to protect you before, but now, even if you die, I can save you!

Lin Xian touched the smooth and cold shell of the red post box.

Bring people back to life.

This is the power that God can control.


I am God!

………………………………………….. …….

Lin Xian took out his pen and letter paper and began to write:

[Dear me who just went to college. 】

【Hello. 】

[Today on your side should be September 29, 2015. Forgot to say, I am you from the future, so I have to tell the black history again so that you can believe me. 】

[In elementary school… You used Chinese Pinyin to the Chinese teacher… Now believe it? Only we know this embarrassment. I am the future you. If you have watched “Doraemon”, you must be able to understand this kind of thing through time and space. 】

[Okay, let’s talk about business. Liu Yiyi is currently studying at Chicago University, and she will go to the Chicago Theater to watch an opera tomorrow. But unfortunately, there will be a terrorist attack in the Grand Theater tomorrow, killing 37 people, and Liu Yiyi is one of them. 】

[Even if contacts are dwindling, you don’t want your former tablemates to die in a foreign country, right? Tell her about it and tell her not to go to the Chiga Opera House! Stay away! 】

[Do not doubt the authenticity of the information, I come from the future in 2021, this is not a prank. 】

[Signature: You in the future]

“Just write it like this.”

Lin Xian is still confident.

With his own character, he will definitely contact Liu Yiyi when he sees this letter.

It doesn’t matter if you get tricked by a prank, it’s just a boring opera, you don’t need to watch it.

Lin Xian folds the letter paper, puts it in the envelope, and puts a stamp on it.

Start writing information on the front.

[Recipient: Lin Xian][Address: 7B523, Male Dormitory Building, Donghai University, Donghai City][Delivery time: September 29, 2015]

This date is the day before the shooting of Chicago.

There is plenty of time to prevent.


Lin Xian yawned.

Today I had a great drink with Wang Hao. It was 12 o’clock when I got home. After saving Liu Yiyi, let’s go to bed.

Lin Xian picked up the sealed envelope in his left hand and threw it into the red mailbox——


Sudden! The surrounding space fluctuates!

Tinnitus is average!

Lin Xian’s hand stopped in the air, half of the envelope has been inserted into the seam of the post box——

“How is this going……?”

Lin Xian feels.

As if there is an invisible force, strangling his wrist!

Keep his hand from moving forward!

This feeling is terrifying, just like a ghost press!

Lin Xian rolled his wrist with difficulty, trying to see what was on his wrist. ,

Did a poisonous bug stung yourself?

After turning around, there was nothing, but Lin Xian saw the watch dial.

The time above happens to be–


“42 again!”

After a stalemate for more than ten seconds, the electronic dial jumped and the time became


The pressure in the surrounding space dissipated instantly, and Lin Xian regained control of his body.

Lin Xian moved his left hand and is now able to move freely.

Half of the written letter has been thrown in.

Now as long as you release your finger, the letter will fall into the mailbox.

Then tomorrow morning, it will appear in the male dormitory of Tunghai University on September 29, 2015.


But Lin Xian did not let go.

At that moment…

Someone seemed to be holding his wrist.

But that feeling is not a ghost, not an enemy…

Instead, there is a very close feeling.

Very familiar feeling.

Lin Xian pinched the envelope, pulled it out of the red mailbox, and put it on the table.

“It seems…someone doesn’t want me to send this letter back in the past.”

“But he can’t stop me, he can only interfere with me in the minute of 00:42.”

“Who is he?”

Lin Xian opened the drawer in the middle of the table and smiled slightly.

There was an opened letter inside, which was the [Letter from the Future] I received this morning.

“I seem to know who it is.”

“I also seem to…know the answer to 42.”


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