Chapter 70 42 bus, sent to the future. “The Wedding in Dream” by Dai Chuchan


After a flash of electricity, the thunder came, and Lin Xian’s ears hurt.

After the light is gone.

The carriage became dim again.

But Lin Xian just saw it clearly!

The old driver who claimed to be “driving a public car for 42 years”–

Clearly laughing!

It’s still that kind of smile that doesn’t smile, but is extremely sinister!


Thought of laughing

Lin Xian remembered the Lei Haolong Liu Yiyi described to himself:

“Lei Haolong is very strange! He sits in the last row of the classroom and laughs every day!”

“Laughing all the time! Laughing all the time!”

“Don’t say anything or do anything every day, just laugh there!

“It’s very scary and silent



Pin Da.

The old driver did not fear the wind and rain, and clicked on the anti-coma pedal.

This is a device set up to protect passengers.

The bus driver has to step on it at least every 30 seconds.

If you don’t step on it within 30 seconds, it means the driver is in a coma.

Then, in order to protect passengers, the bus will automatically slow down and stop.


Inside the dim car.

Only Lin Xian is alone.

In order to prevent the front windshield from reflecting light, the lights are not turned on in the bus.

So Lin Xian can no longer see the driver’s face.

I don’t know if he is still laughing


On the phone, Wang Hao’s anxious voice came:

“Lin Xian? Lin Xian!

“Why don’t you speak anymore–”

Toot toot!

The WeChat call was directly disconnected.

Lin Xian looked at the top left of the phone, and the signal became “no signal”.

Look to the upper right again.

The battery is 42%–

Ha ha.


42 again

Today, 42 has been surrounding Lin Xian since meeting Lei Haolong.

Lin Xian puts the phone in his pocket.

Staring at the strange driver without turning his eyes.

Must be careful

Whenever 42 phenomena frequently appear

Something big must happen.

Pin Da.



The driver turns the steering wheel, puts in gear, and steps on the anti-coma pedal


The torrential rain outside the window suddenly became heavy!

It’s like a waterfall!

A huge amount of water poured into the carriage from the open window, Lin Xian hurriedly leaned over and closed the window.

The sound of the rain has become quieter.


The carriage is also completely closed.

Lin Xian looked out the window. He had never seen such a heavy rain in his life.

Real downpour.

This bus, like passing through a waterfall, can’t see anything outside through the window.

The street lights, pedestrians, and vehicles that should have been clearly visible were all blocked by the rain.

Lin Xian couldn’t help being a little worried.

Can this old dizzy old driver work?

Looking at the windshield ahead, Lin Xian couldn’t help regretting it. It was a silly decision to take the bus to save that 200 yuan!

Even if the old driver has opened the wiper.

But the rain was pouring down, and the two wipers were not in a hurry at all!




The front glass is the same as the car glass next to it.

They were all blocked by the rain, and they couldn’t see anything at all!

Lin Xian couldn’t help being surprised.

How did this car drive?

Mind to drive?

The soul is flowing?

Then after a while, I will go to the head and jump to the dick?

Blowing Suona in seven days to start the feast?

“Master, you said you have driven a car for 42 years? How old are you this year?”

“Hey, I am 60 this year.”

“Last open for one year, retreat–,


A strong flash of lightning strikes!

It’s like hitting the bus directly!

Lin Xian closed his eyes unconsciously.

Wait for the sound to dissipate.

When I open my glasses again

Lin Xian clenched his fists.

Take a step back

He found–

The front driver.

Changed to another person

Liu Lu said.

42 phenomena occur frequently.

That means that there must be time and space fluctuations around oneself.

as predicted.

This time it’s a big deal again.

Since just now, Lin Xian’s eyes have not left the driver.

Although the lights are dim, I can’t see the expression.

However, the old man’s sparse hair, dangling body, thin body, he still sees clearly.


Now the person sitting in the driving position with his hands on the steering wheel is completely replaced by another person

This person has dense black hair.

Strong posture.

The height is also very high, and the entire top of the head rises from the back of the seat.

Sitting motionless in the driving position.

Lin Xian felt his scalp numb again.

Every time 42 phenomena come.

He always feels numb in his scalp.

This has formed a kind of conditioned reflex.




Neither Lin Xian nor the driver spoke.

The sound of raining outside did not stop at all.

This bus with only two people is like a flat boat floating in the vast sea.


Another flash of lightning strikes!

Lin Xian can see the light in the blink of an eye

The face of the driver has become a middle-aged person.

Lin Xian is really speechless.

Is this a magic bus?

Variety shows are tricky and scary?

Ha ha.

He himself knew it was not

There are all sorts of weird phenomena.

All 42 ghosts!

Lin Xian made up his mind this time!

After returning home, immediately tear off the [Three Life Goals] that I wrote before.

Rewrite a [Life Goal 2.0].

The first is to make money! Make money! Make money!

Earn TMD 40 billion, directly on Liu Lu’s face!”How much do you want? How much do Laozi give you! I must fully understand 42 within a month!”

“Not only to understand, I also need to master it thoroughly! Conquer it! Destroy it!”

Lin Xian walked forward slowly.

Sitting behind the driver’s compartment, the first row of seats.

It’s not that he wanted to get close to the driver.

It’s just that there is a fire extinguisher for the bus here, which is a self-defense weapon.

Lin Xian raised his head, passed the gap in the partition, and looked at the driver a step ahead:

“Master, where are you now.”

“Half gone.

The driver answered without any hesitation.

But this sound.

Let Lin Xian shudder.

The previous master was a hoarse old smoke cavity.

But this voice is strong and powerful, not at all like an old man.

Lin Xian looked at the back of the driver warily.

Hold the fire extinguisher in your hand.

“Master, I’m asking where you are.”

The driver in front smiled:

“It’s 2035.’

Answer the donkey’s lips to the horse’s mouth.

Lin Xian picked up the fire hydrant and slowly stood up, staring at the driver in the dark car:

“who are you?”

The driver took his hands off the steering wheel and put them around his chest.

“Just noticed it?”

Lin Xian just found out.

This person has never moved the steering wheel, changed gears, or stepped on the anti-coma pedal.

But this bus…

But it has been advancing at high speed.

The waterfall-like rain completely blocked his vision, and Lin Xian didn’t know if the car was drifting or flying.

This driver must have a problem!

Moreover, it must be related to 42!

“Are you 42?”

The man shook his head:

“42 is not a certain person. You should listen to Liu Lu more.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Take you to see 2041.

Lin Xian just wanted to ask why.

The man raised his hand and pointed forward:



The rainstorm stopped suddenly.

The bus suddenly rushed out of a water curtain hole into a quiet world.

The vision is wide.

Grey sky

Looking around from the car window, there is a ruin


In the distance, messy explosions can be heard.

Lin Xian looked to the other side.

Unexpectedly, I discovered the iconic building of Donghai City-the Pearl of Dongfang!

However, the Pearl of East Defense at this time has collapsed, leaving only half of the wall in ruins.

“This is Donghae City / 々?”

“It’s Donghae City in 2041.”

“Why did it become like this?”

“Because you rescued Liu Yiyi at the same time you also awakened a demon. An evil that should have died at the Chiga Opera House.”

Lin Xian looked at the driver in front of him.

Put down the fire extinguisher in your hand.

He heard it.

Just now I thought why this person’s voice was so familiar.

After calming down, I realized that this person was almost the same as my own in terms of voice and body shape.

The person in front of you.

Is the future self!


Lin Xian chuckled softly:

“Are you complaining that I saved Liu Yiyi? Didn’t you save it?”

“What is your purpose in sending me the space-time mailbox?’

The driver did not answer directly:

“Find out what 42 is, and wait for my [last letter].””When will you write me [the last letter]?”


“You can’t tell me directly?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t do it.

The driver pushed the driver’s hat on his forehead:

“I don’t have time, one last sentence”

Lin Xian noticed that there was a ring on the ring finger of the man’s left hand!

Ring finger of the left hand.

That means being married!

“Are you married? Are you with Liu Yiyi?”

The driver looked at Lin Xian disgustingly, and continued:

“42 is not necessarily correct, you need to learn to judge by yourself.”


There is another thunder!


This is a very famous piano dance.

“The Wedding in Dream”

Dong Yi

With the last piano vibrato fell.

Dai Chuchan’s ballet shoes are just right on the ground–

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Liu Yiyi applauded:

“Chu Chan, you are so good at jumping! You deserve to be the leader of the cheerleader!”

Dai Chuchan smiled and ran over:

“Thank you, Senior Sister Yiyi, I’m so embarrassed. You have returned to the dormitory so late, and I called you to come to the piano room to practice dancing with me.”

“It’s okay in the dormitory anyway, but you don’t go home on weekends. You play music here and practice for two days. You work too hard.

Dai Chuchan rubbed his arms and shook his head happily:

“Senior Lin Xian is my savior. I want to practice this dance well for him as a gift to him.”

Liu Yiyi was a little surprised after hearing this:

“Do you also know that Lin Xian was pre-selected into “Top 10 Outstanding Young People in Donghai City”?”

“Yes, I listened to my father and Song Lao at the dinner table.

“Oh, it seems like I was the last one to know.”

“Hehe, I thought Senior Sister, you already knew it! Old Song intends to push Lin Xian, so I think there is a high probability that Lin Xian will be selected in the end.”

Liu Yiyi nodded.

She is two years older than Dai Chuchan’s elder sister, Dai Chuchan’s junior year, and Liu Yiyi’s final year as a graduate student.

The two had no intersection before.

But some time ago, when the instructor asked himself to prepare for the program, he deliberately chose a top dancer to accompany him with piano music.

As a result, I didn’t expect that Dai Chuchan would know Lin Xian!

“Sister Yiyi! Your boyfriend Lin Xian, senior, is my savior! If it weren’t for him, I would have been kidnapped and gone! Your boyfriend is really a great hero! You deserve to be a young man who is righteous and brave!”

Hearing others praise Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi is happy to hear the praise of herself:

“Hey! That’s not it, after all, it’s the man I’m fond of! Otherwise, I wouldn’t elope with him when I was 18!”

Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi are the most famous couples in Tunghai University.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman are always eye-catching.

Coupled with their love story of not fearing danger, running away for love, and touching tears, they have become well-known campus lovers in the school.

Everyone is very envious of this kind of love that shares joys and sorrows and loves each other.

Dai Chuchan was also envious at one time.

But she is not very familiar with the two of them, just had a relationship with Lin Xian during the game.

But the love story of the two made her cry several times.

The love story of Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi, someone wrote a novel in the post bar, and even sold the copyright, maybe when it can be made into a movie.

So, after Lin Xian rescued her at the bar, the two woke up in the hotel the next day

Even though she was surprised to see the blood.

But she didn’t even suspect that Lin Xian had invaded herself.

Such a good man, his relationship with Liu Yiyi is so steadfast, Senior Lin Xian will definitely not do this kind of thing!

Even do

That …

That is also the fault of alcohol.

She will not blame him.

Later, it turned out that it was the blood that Lin Xian cut his arm when he was protecting her.

Senior Lin Xian, really a good person

“Sister Yiyi, your boyfriend saved me, and I can perform on the same stage with you again. The fate is really amazing!”

Liu Yiyi smiled and touched mo Dai Chuchan’s head.

This elementary school girl is lively, cute and happy.

Her happiness seems to be contagious.

She likes it very much.

“Chu Chan, why did you choose this dance song? “The Wedding in a Dream”, this piano song is particularly famous, but the dance is particularly difficult.”

Dai Chuchan laughed and said:

“Senior Yiyi, don’t laugh at me when you say you. I always have some strange dreams in this period, and the dreams are all coherent!”

“I dreamed of a great hero. He was very powerful and excellent. He was not only of good character, but also helpful. I also dreamed of him going to the U.S. on behalf of the country. Oh, it’s too long to talk about, and it’s always weird. Dream.”

Liu Yiyi suddenly realized:

“I understand.”

“You mean, you had a dream in which there was a man you liked very much, and you also dreamed that you two went through a lot of things together. In the end, you got married, didn’t you?”

Dai Chuchan shook his head shyly:

“At the end of the marriage until I had no dreams, I did a very strange thing. I actually raised a red flag of the Dragon Kingdom in a meeting place full of Americans! Yeah, I’m so shy, let’s not talk about this topic. ”

The girl’s heart, Liu Yiyi understands.

She didn’t say much, placing her fingers on the piano:

“The rain outside is so heavy, we won’t be able to go back for a while. Since you value this performance so much, let’s practice twice!”

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

In the piano room of Tunghai University–

The elegant melody of “The Wedding in a Dream” melts this rainy night

Boom one-

Lin Xian opened his eyes.

discover …

The rain outside is much lighter.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Street lights, traffic on the opposite side, and roadside buildings can all be seen clearly.




The driver changed back again.

The old man with sparse hair, while turning the steering wheel, stepped on the anti-coma pedal.


There was another flash of electricity.

The dark carriage is illuminated.

Lin Xian saw the old driver’s face clearly.

He is still laughing weirdly!

Lin Xian asked helplessly:

“Master, why are you laughing so scary? Is there anything so funny? Tell me?”

The master was taken aback.

Old Yanqiang said slowly:

“I didn’t laugh.

As he said, he looked up at the rearview mirror above and found that he was indeed grinning.

“Oh, this is… my mouth is on fire, there is a bubble around my mouth, hiss–it hurts so much!”

Lin Xian was speechless.

He vowed that he would never take a bus again in his life.

“Young man, don’t stand… sit back in your seat!

After returning home, it was already past 11 o’clock.

“This difficult day is finally over.”

He spent the whole day in confusion.

He has no memory, so he can only pretend to be confused and dumb.

Various emotions take some time to digest.

“However, it will be fine after today.

“After waiting for today and waking up tomorrow, all the memories will be merged, so there is no need to be so stupid.”

Lin Xian will take a shower first.

The contents and location of the bathroom have changed a lot.

Most of them are Liu Yiyi’s things.

After taking a shower, Lin Xian came to the study.

Ready to open the cabinet of the space-time mailbox–



Pull again.


Look down.


“When was it locked?”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Calculate according to the time point

I got the space-time mailbox half a month ago. I guess I didn’t want Liu Yiyi to find it, so I locked it up.

“It’s a good thing to lock it up, but where’s the key!!

Lin Xian couldn’t laugh or cry.

His own memories have not yet fully merged, and he doesn’t even know about the lock and the key!

Picking up the keychain in his pocket, Lin Xian tried them all with similar sizes, but none of them could open.

“I can only say that I am worthy of my thoughts. The key is definitely hidden.”

Lin Xian is not in a hurry to find the key.He is very confident.

His cautious character is definitely hard to find.

Anyway, after a while, by about 12 o’clock, the memories were all merged.

At that time, where the key is, the mind will naturally know.

“Then think about other things first.”

Today, the future self, show yourself the world of 2041.

Just like the end of the world.

According to the future self, the reason for this is because:

“Because when you were rescuing Liu Yiyi, you also awakened a demon! A demon who should have died at the Chiga Opera

Lin Xian took out pen and paper and started thinking.

In the shooting at the Chica Opera Theater, 37 people were originally killed.

Liu Miaomiao did not go to study abroad, and the ticket that belonged to her was given to Wang Hao, who replaced her with a place to study abroad.

But Wang Hao, a rough man, had no interest in opera at all, so he didn’t go and avoid death.

In other words, if everything develops in accordance with the historical development of one’s own expectations.

Then, the number of deaths in the shooting at the Chigago Grand Theater should be one-


Lin Xian turned on his phone and started searching for related news.

“Bad news! On September 30, the Chica Opera House was attacked in terror. 35 spectators were killed and 201 people were seriously injured. 》

“A huge shooting at the Chica Opera Theater! 35 people died! Most of them were students at school!”

“XXX strongly condemns XXXX! Said that it will investigate immediately!”

“XXX held a press conference on the same day, and XXXX apologized on the spot. 》

“Heavy mourning for the victims of the Zhijiage shooting, and a list is attached. 》

“35 people??”

Lin Xian frowned.

As I expected, there is one less person.

In other words, besides Liu Yiyi, there is another person who should have died and survived.

And this person!

It is what the future self calls “the awakened devil”.

“Who would this person be? Why would another person survive?”

Lin Xian thought left and right.

His own “Plan to Save Liu Yiyi” is already very complete, and its impact on history has been compressed to a very small extent.

Especially for the Chikago shooting, there should be no impact at all!

Why would another person survive out of thin air?

Lin Xian thought about one-

Thinking of it, today is still a day surrounded by 42–

Think of the beginning of all weird phenomena today–

“Lei Haolong.

A beautiful day, from seeing Lei Haolong to the end!

Lin Xian has a bold idea!

“Lei Haolong! Maybe it was the person who should have died in the Zhijiage shooting, but survived because of Liu Yiyi, and followed him!”

Lin Xian picked up his pen and scribbled hard on the manuscript paper.

He analyzed that things might be like this-

First of all, two points must be made clear.

1. Lei Haolong likes Liu Yiyi.

This fool can see it.

And, it is very likely to like it since the first year of high school.

2. Lei Haolong is a super rich second-generation, many things can be done with money.

So, start the reasoning–

In the previous time and space.

Liu Yiyi went to the Chicago Opera House to watch a play.

Lei Haolong knew about this.

He is in Canada, not far from the United States.

Maybe I wanted to have an “encounter” with Liu Yiyi, so I also went to the Chiga Opera House that day.

Later, the shooting broke out.

Both Lei Haolong and Liu Yiyi became one of the 37 dead.


In order to save Liu Yiyi, Lin Xian wrote to change the past.

Liu Yiyi did not go to study in the U.S., so naturally he would not go to the Chiga Opera House.

If Liu Yiyi didn’t go, Lei Haolong wouldn’t come over specifically to watch an opera.

So he didn’t come either.


There were 37 dead in the shooting.

It became 35.


Lin Xian threw the pencil into the pen holder.

“…Lei Haolong! This person must have a problem!!”

ju big question!It was a coincidence that everything happened.

Transferring over by himself, he is just in time for the transfer.

The student ID of both is 42.

“Right, school card school card


Lin Xian didn’t open the cabinet.

He remembered that the purple tin box was filled with odds and ends of the past.

Later he also put the [Letter from the Future] in it.

Therefore, in order to be afraid that Liu Yiyi would see it.

They were locked in the cabinet together.

“Hey, it seems that you still have to wait for the memory to recover and know where the key is hidden before the student ID can be confirmed.”

Lin Xian decided to update his life goals first.

He took out a piece of A4 paper and continued to write:

【Life Goal 2.0】

[1. Use the time and space mailbox to make money! After earning money, go to Liu Lu and let him continue to study 42][2, enhance the influence of wealth status, vigorously, the famous family is marrying Liu Yiyi!][3. At the reunion of high school classmates, thoroughly check Lei Haolong!]

Especially the third.

Lin Xian touched Lei Haolong’s name with the tip of his pen.

Intuition tells him.

This person must be very important!

Lin Xian looked up at the table below.

00: 30

“How come it’s this point every day!!”

Now, a lot of memories are melting into my mind

It is estimated that after a while, all the memories will be merged.

Lin Xian lay on the chair, arms around, closed his eyes to digest these memories


memory …

Gradually become complete and clear–

After my letter was sent back in the past, history changed as promised.

Liu Yiyi became his girlfriend, and the two eloped under the pressure of Liu Yiyi’s parents, and talked about a plain and poor but vigorous love.

During this period, a lot of things happened naturally.

Lin Xian’s college life, because of Liu Yiyi’s existence, has been completely changed.

But after graduation, he still joined the previous company and did the same job.

Liu Yiyi continued to study as a graduate student at Tunghai University.

Half a month ago, I got the space-time mailbox.

Buy lottery tickets, save the twins who fell into the water, save Dai Chuchan, write letters to Einstein, write letters to Cao Xueqin, hand in cultural relics to the Forbidden City

These things happen normally, and there is no difference between them before.

The only difference is that I locked everything related to the postbox in the cabinet below, keeping it from Liu Yiyi.

Then, the event of Longguo Olympic Mathematics winning did not happen, the World Mathematics Masters did not happen, this was supposed to be in the United States, I worked overtime in the company.


The memory fusion is complete.

The clock on the table was beating.


00: 42

Lin Xian opened his eyes.

All memories are restored.

He sat up and walked to the landscape painting on the wall of the study.

Pull the frame below.

Reach in.

Take out a small key from the back.

Sit back to the desk.

Insert it into the cabinet below and twist it.


The lock is unlocked.

Lin Xian took out the purple tin box inside.

That is a box of Dove chocolates.

After opening, there are all kinds of things in a mess.

Lin Xian quickly turned out two school cards from inside.

Both of these high school cards are from Lin Xian.

Because he is a transfer student.

So there are two.

One says [Qinghe Foreign Language High School]

This is his school in the county seat.

The student number is written on it.

02XXXXX42These numbers represent the time of enrollment, class, and student number.

The last 42

It is my student ID in the [Qinghe County Foreign Language High School] class.

Then Lin Xian picked up another school card.

It says [Hangzhou No. 1 Senior High School]

This is the school where he sat at the same table with Liu Yiyi after he transferred.

The student number is written on it.


Each school has different rules for customizing student numbers.

But the last two are their own class student numbers.

“Still 42”

Lin Xian scratched (Wang Zhao’s) scratched his head.

His school card was reissued after the transfer.

The teacher who may be responsible for the re-sponsorship found that their class was missing 42.

So in order to save trouble, I directly deleted Lei Haolong’s name and filled in his own name, Lin Xian.


Lin Xian had a sense of solving the case inexplicably.

Now, the memories have all been merged.

The changes in these six years are already in my mind.

He looked at the calendar on the desktop.

Draw a circle on July 10th.

Saturday, July 10th, is the agreed day for the five-year gathering of high school graduation.

The location is opposite to the old site of Yigao in the old city of Hangzhou, a glorious restaurant.


The three former “dead” Liu Yiyi, Wen Ling, and Lei Haolong will all participate in this reunion.

“I’m looking forward to it, Lei Haolong.

Lin Xian felt a long-lost blood.


Destiny, the blood that can finally be mastered in your own hands!

Lin Xian has already thought about the arrangements for the next week.

Goal: Earn 2 billion in 3 days (more than 225 million US dollars).

Purpose: Go to the Long Academy of Sciences to find Liu Lu, give him 2 billion, and let him study it in 1 month 42

Result: I picked up Liu Yiyi on Friday afternoon and went directly to Hangzhou to attend a class reunion.

Plan: Thoroughly figure out the mystery of Lei Haolong.


After this silly life, Lin Xian now has a clear mind.

He turned on the phone and found the address book.

Sent a text message to Director Wu:

“Chancellor Wu, I won’t call you when it’s too late. I hope you can do me a favor. You have many acquaintances in the Imperial Capital. Can you help me make an appointment with Liu Lu? The sooner the better, thank you !,”


Lin Xian locked the iron box tightly again.



Put the key back in the picture frame on the wall.

Turn off the lights to sleep

Tunghai University. Dormitory building for postgraduate girls.


Holding an umbrella, a bodyguard opened the back door of the Alpha Commercial Vehicle and protected Liu Yiyi from getting out of the car.

“Miss Liu, this is an umbrella for you, walk slowly.

Liu Yiyi took the umbrella and said goodbye to Dai Chuchan in the car:

“Thank you for sending me back to the dormitory, thank you Chu Chan!”

Dai Chuchan took Liu Yiyi’s hand:

“Senior sister, I should thank you for training with me until so late. I will do well when I perform that day! I have to be worthy of your piano!”

After Liu Yiyi got out of the car, he glanced at this deja vu luxury business car:

“Oh, I really miss it. The last time I rode in this spacious car was six years ago.”

After all, she sighed to Dai Chuchan:

“Chu Chan, you must cherish your current life. Don’t be like your sister, who is stunned by love, and now you are not willing to ride a shared bicycle! This kind of carefree and comfortable life is so good, for Let’s not change anything!””

Dai Chuchan smiled and waved his hand.

The Alpha electric door is closed, completely isolating the sound of rain and footsteps outside.

Dai Chuchan’s smile gradually disappeared.

* I want to change with you


If you have any opinions on the plot, what you want to watch, and what you don’t want to watch, you can put it forward here. Let us all improve together and make this book better!

Secret 42. Use the postbox to change your destiny and history, your relationship line, which one you like to watch, you can comment here, and the author will read it!

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The author has no feedback, so naturally I don’t know what everyone wants to see.

Therefore, wherever you are dissatisfied, you must not be stingy, just spray! The author humbly accepts!.

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