Chapter 71 “Lanting Collection Preface” was missed by foreigners!? Liu Lu verified on the spot 42!

the next day.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian raised his right hand.


The alarm goes out.

He turned his head very much


” pity.”

Tunghai University is too far away. Liu Yiyi has classes from Monday to Friday, so only Saturday and Sunday will live here.

However, this is also good.

If Liu Yiyi is here every day, the two are inseparable, and it is not conducive to using the space-time mailbox.

When I write letters, I stay in the study room for 2 hours at every turn.

After a long time, Liu Yiyi will definitely doubt it.

Before going to bed last night, Lin Xian had already thought about it.

Rich things.

You can confess to Liu Yiyi in another way.

I won’t let her go through this bitter day.

However, the matter of the time-space post, the matter of 42 and the matter of the future.

Still hiding from her.

Lin Xian is not afraid that Liu Yiyi betrayed himself, betrayed himself, and leaked secrets.

That is obviously impossible.

Without telling her, the main consideration is one-


The Space-Time Mailbox is not just a Gold Finger reaching the pinnacle of life.

There are too many secrets intertwined with it.

Another point is the 42 phenomenon that often appears.

Lin Xian suspected–

Is this kind of weird phenomenon only appearing around people who use the outdated space mailbox?

After all, no one else has ever appeared.

Don’t say anything without paying attention.

6 billion people in the world.

It is impossible for one person to fail to notice.

Lin Xian thinks the probability of this guess being correct is estimated to be 99%.

The other 1% is dedicated to Liu Lu.

Liu Lu has been studying Einstein’s constant, the moment he finally calculated the number to be 42!

His voice was taken away by mysterious power.

It was as if “God” was about to smother his mouth.

As if he had discovered the truth.

Therefore, recalling the horror brought to me by the 42 phenomenon–

Space bondage at 00:42 midnight

The deserted 42 bus

These things, Lin Xian did not want Liu Yiyi to meet.

She will definitely be scared to death!

“For the sake of Liu Yiyi’s safety, all matters concerning the space-time mailbox are kept confidential.”

“Anyway, Liu Yiyi is still in school, so I don’t need to know so much.”

Lin Xian got up to brush his teeth.

When I was brushing my teeth, I suddenly remembered the dream I had last night.

I dreamed of Liu Lu yesterday.

Liu Lu stammered and complained about himself in a desperate manner:

“Obviously give me another month! I will study 42 thoroughly! You have made everything dirty!”

Lin Xian felt a little ridiculous when he thought of his anxious head and his brain was unable to speak.

He is not a god.

The rescue of Liu Yiyi will trigger a huge butterfly effect.

Some can be expected, some unexpected.

For example, Liu Yiyi’s cousin participated in the Olympiad, Wen Ling returned to China, and Lei Haolong survived. He couldn’t predict it.

Lin Xian also thought about whether to write to himself two days ago:

[Dear me. 】

[The resurrection of Liu Yiyi will cause a huge butterfly effect, causing Longguo to lose the Olympiad. The World Mathematics Masters will no longer be held, and you will not get the prize money and you will not meet Liu Lu. 】


[So, please wait a month, wait for Liu Lu to thoroughly study the 42 results, remember them, and then proceed to the “Rescue Liu Yiyi Project”. 】

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that this road will not work.

Because the entire history has changed.

Two days ago, I was not in the United States, nor did I see Wen Ling.

Instead, I work overtime in my company.

Even if this letter was sent back two days ago.

Two days ago, I was also embarrassed:

“Who is Liu Lu? When did Liu Yiyi die?”

Lin Xian brushed his teeth.

Start to shave.

He realized that history is like this beard, which will be washed into the sewer after being shaved.

The changed history.

There is no such thing as a “recycle bin”.

Can’t find it back.

“Wrong step, wrong step!”


This is not a big deal either.

Anyway, 2 billion is not difficult to earn.

Just go to Liu Lu after earning enough.

It was only four or five days of delay before and after. It was nothing more than a week late to get the results, which was acceptable.

Jingle bell–jingle bell–jingle bell–

Just as Lin Xian wiped his face, the phone rang.Lin Xian saw that it was curator Wu calling.

Pick up.

“Lin Xian! I asked for you, hey, how do you say, if you want to see any academician of the Long Science Academy, I can make an appointment for you.”

“But I just asked you about it.. This Liu Lu is very strange! He has been doing messy research. And he is not close to people. I asked someone to talk about love for a long time, but he still doesn’t want to see you.”

“Hey, I’m so embarrassed, I didn’t help this time.”

Liu Luna character

It’s the same as the bitter gourd stuffed oil bottle

It’s normal not to see strangers.

Lin Xian does not intend to embarrass Director Wu.

Just wanted to say something polite.

But I heard it was very noisy over there!

It’s like fighting in the vegetable market!

“Curator Wu, what’s wrong with you? Has something happened?”

Curator Wu sighed

“There has been a major event in the antiques industry. I guess you haven’t paid much attention to it. But soon this news is about to detonate the whole country.”

“Yesterday afternoon, the authentic product of Wang Yizhi’s “Lan Ting Collection Preface” appeared in Pan Jiayuan, but guess what? 100,000 yuan was picked up and missed!!”

Lin Xian was taken aback.

“Lanting Collection Preface” is born!?

Wang Yizhi’s “Lanting Collection Preface” is called the first copybook of the Long Kingdom.

In front of this title, “5000 years” can be added unceremoniously.

Wang Yizhi is the calligraphy god of the Dragon Kingdom.

At present, there is no real Wang Yizhi left in the world!

That’s right.

Not a single pair!!

The reason is very simple. Wang Yizhi was from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, more than 1,700 years ago.

In the ancient times of wars and disasters, a few pieces of paper could not be preserved for 1700 years.

At present, “Ping An Tie”, one of the four national treasures of the Forbidden City, is the work of Wang Yizhi.

But not the origin.

But the double hook of the Tang Dynasty collapsed, which is now in the Forbidden City.

Imagine that a “counterfeit product” from the Tang Dynasty can be regarded as a great national treasure in the Forbidden City!

It is conceivable.

If Wang Xi (cafd) was born, what a sensation it would be!

The Preface to the Collection of Lanting is not always lost.

The last record is in the hands of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin.

According to historical records:

“The Preface to the Collection of Lanting” in the edict of Li Shimin said that it should be pillowed under his head, that is to say, this treasure should be in Zhaoling (Tang Taizong’s tomb).

Warlord Wen Tao in the late Tang and the Five Dynasties stole Zhaoling during his tenure as the Jiedu Envoy in the north of Guanzhong, Shaanxi.

According to historical records: “In the seven years of the town, if the tomb of the Tang Emperor was in its territory, it was discovered and the treasures hidden in it were taken.”

Li Shimin’s Zhaoling Mausoleum is naturally hard to escape. After the tomb robbers entered the underground palace of Zhaoling, they saw the magnificence of its buildings and internal facilities, just like the palace of the Chang’an imperial city.

In the middle of the tomb is Taizong’s main bed, a stone letter is placed on the bed, the stone letter is opened, and the iron box is hidden inside. The iron box is full of valuable books, calligraphy and calligraphy collected by Li Shimin before his life, the most valuable of which are the authentic works of the great calligrapher Zhong You during the Three Kingdoms period and the great calligrapher Wang Yizhi during the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Open it and see that the paper and ink are as new as they were more than 200 years ago.

These rare treasures were all taken out by Wen Tao, but their whereabouts have been unknown for more than a thousand years, and no one knows where these treasures are going.

Since then, there has never been any record of the authenticity circulating and included.

There is another theory in historians, that is, “Lanting Collection Preface” was not buried in Zhaoling with Li Shimin, but buried in the tomb of Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty.

It is also said that the legend “Lanting Collection Preface” is hidden in the tomb of the empress of the Tang Dynasty.

all in all

This thing has been “missing” for 1500 years since the Tang Dynasty.


Suddenly appeared in the antique market, but was still missing 100,000 yuan??

This is too mysterious!

Curator Wu continued over there:

“Hey, Mr. Lin! The even more disintegrating thing is yet to come! The person who missed the Preface of the Lanting Pavilion is still a native of Sakura! He has now taken home!”

“According to the information we got there, that person is eager to exchange money, and an auction may be held this afternoon! So our country is eager to send someone over, and it is bound to be a picture of our national treasure!”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

The original “Preface to the Lanting Pavilion”, which was not born in more than 1,500 years, was leaked by the Sakura countryman for 100,000 yuan?

No novel dare to write that way.

So he asked the most concerned questions:

“Doesn’t our country have special protection laws for cultural relics? It doesn’t mean that cultural relics belong to the state and must be handed in. Isn’t this involved in the crime of cultural relic trading? We can recover them in accordance with the law.”

This directly speaks to Director Wu’s heartache.

After a long sigh, he slowly said:

“This is really not counted as unearthed cultural relics. The state has express regulations on cultural relics-all cultural relics created in the country’s underground, waters and territorial waters belong to the state. But ancestral heritage is not counted. This is also expressly stipulated. The ancestral cultural relics and cultural relics obtained through formal and legal channels are owned by individuals, and their ownership is protected by law.”

“Of course, the specific definition of this depends on the evidence. We have already investigated this “Lanting Collection Preface”, and there is no doubt that it is inherited from the ancestors, and the ownership belongs to the individual.

Sure enough.

This means that…

The ancestral cultural relics from the “leak detection” of the antique market belong to the individual and do not need to be handed in.

Even if it is taken for auction, it is reasonable.

Thought of this.

In Lin Xian’s mind, a bold idea came up!

Lin Xian knew that Director Wu must be busy there, so he just hung up the polite sentence.

Currently, I only have an acquaintance with Director Wu in the imperial capital.

He has such a large energy and such a high status, he can’t invite Liu Lu

It seems.

I can only come to the door myself.

“Hey, true knowledge is power as strong as me. With a space-time mailbox, you can change history and the future at will, but in order to find 42 truths, you still have to go to your door to ask Liu Lu in person.”


This is also no way.

If I knew it earlier, I should wait a month for the results and send the letter back to Liu Yiyi.

But now it’s too late to say anything.

“Pack up and set off.”

Lin Xian put the space-time mailbox into his backpack, took some changes of clothes, letter paper, stamps, etc., and went out.

The flight from Donghai City to the Imperial Capital takes 3 hours.

Lin Xian was idle on the plane, remembering what the curator Wu had said, and began to check today’s news.

as predicted.

The hottest heat is the missed incident of “Lanting Collection Preface”!

After reading some news, Lin Xian understood.

It turned out that just yesterday afternoon, in the homeland of the imperial capital Pan, this 1,500-year-old “Lanting Collection Preface” was missed.

It was a young man who owed a P-share gambling debt and went home to ask the old man for money.

The old man is also helpless.

He took out a small iron box handed down from the ancestors.

Inside are all treasures handed down from generation to generation by ancestors!

It is said that it can only be opened when the family is about to fall.

This young man is so addicted to gambling, he doesn’t care about his ancestral precepts and he sells it when he gets it in Panjiayuan.

The result is just right.

I was seen by a member of Yingguo who was “professional picking up” here.

Everything else in it is so-so, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of things.

But only this “Lanting Collection Preface”!

That is priceless!

The sakura countryman bought it calmly, and then returned home immediately!

This thing is hot, so I am in a hurry for auction today.

This is how things are.

“Ancestral, hehe.”

Lin Xian saw the word “ancestral”!

Eyes shine!

Director Wu just said that things passed down from the ancestors are not considered cultural relics.

No matter how the ancestors obtained this thing, as long as there is ancestral evidence, then this thing is privately owned, and there is no need to upload the country!

It can be auctioned right now!

And the original “Dream of Red Mansions” that I dug up before

When I took it to the Forbidden City, there was still soil on the box.

No one believes you that it was not dug out in the soil.

“I don’t know how much “Lanting Collection Preface” can be sold for? Is it enough for 1 billion?”

After getting off the plane, Lin Xian took a non-stop taxi ride to the Long Science Academy.

After all, this is business.

If you can figure out the secret of 42 one day earlier, you can figure out everything one day earlier!

After arriving at Longke Academy, Lin Xian came to the reception room for the masses.

A staff member came over politely:

“Hello, are you here to visit? There is an appointment-ah!!!! You are Lin Xian!!! My goodness!!!”

Lin Xian was taken aback by this sudden sharp cry!

Before he could react, the female staff member ran directly into the office.

Then crackling crackling.

Immediately run out of a large group of girls!

Surround him one-

“Oh my God! It’s really Lin Xian! Dig! So handsome! Much more handsome than the video!

“Lin Xian Lin Xian! We are all your fans! You have acted bravely and handed in cultural relics. You are really a great hero of our country!”

“Can you sign me? I’ve read your love stories in Post Bar and I am very touched! You and Miss Liu Yiyi must get married! You have to have a lot of babies!”

“Can you take a photo together? Let me post a circle of friends! My father, mother and grandfather like you very much! Especially my grandfather, who is a fan of Hong Lou No soreness, no pain in the legs, and no effort to go up to the sixth floor in one breath!

A group of girls chatting around Lin Xian posed for photos and signed endlessly.

Lin Xian was slightly shocked.

He didn’t even know that he was so famous.


It was because after I got the postbox, I kept running around and didn’t have time to contact others.

Benefit from the promotion of the current short video platform.

A trivial thing that is righteous and brave can quickly spread throughout the country.

Turning in the ending of “Dream of Red Mansions” and becoming the honorary curator of the Forbidden City further pushed Lin Xian to the forefront.

Finally fulfilled the request of the last girl…

Lin Xian sighed.

The body is full of foundation, lipstick, perfume

Fortunately, Liu Yiyi is in school from Monday to Friday.

Otherwise, how to explain it!

“Mr. Lin Xian, why are you coming to our Long Science Academy? Do you have an appointment with any academician?

These welcoming girls finally remembered their own job.

Lin Xian nodded:

“I want to see Researcher Liu Lu, can you make an appointment for me?”

As soon as I heard Liu Lu’s name.

All the girls showed embarrassed expressions:

“He he is afraid

“He is not a normal person, do you know him?”

“If you know it, if you don’t know it, I’m afraid he will never see you.”

“He is a lunatic!”

Lin Xian smiled helplessly.

He certainly knows what Liu Lu looks like.

Before history changed, Liu Lu regarded himself as an iron buddy, a confidant in life, and a beacon of the road.

It’s a pity that the two are now on the same road.

At the insistence of Lin Xian.

Miss Yingbin took Lin Xian into the VIP room and dialed Liu Lu’s number.


Liu Lu’s voice was hoarse over there.

“Mr. Liu Lu, I’m at the Welcome Station. Mr. Lin Xian, Honorary Dean of the Forbidden City, wants to see you. Do you know him?”

“I’m very busy. I don’t have time to see you. Let him go.

Toot toot!

The call over there hung up directly.

Miss Yingbin helplessly spread her hands:

“Sorry, Mr. Lin Xian, we also want to help you. But after all, this is a research institution. If the researcher doesn’t want to see you, we can’t help it. I’m really sorry.

This is the result Lin Xian thought of from the beginning.

He was also a little surprised.There is something wrong.

Why didn’t Liu Lu stutter anymore?

Could it be that Einstein’s constant has not been calculated yet?

Lin Xian thinks it is possible.

Perhaps it was to go to the United States to participate in the [World Mathematics Masters].

In the end, Einstein’s constant was calculated before the game.

Then the throat was taken away by mysterious power.


The high probability has not been calculated yet.

Lin Xian stood up, walked to the phone, and pointed to the phone:

“Can I call him myself?”

Miss Welcome nodded.

Lin Xian directly presses the redial button.


“Hello? Didn’t I say that?”

“Liu Lu, has Einstein’s constant calculated?”

Woolen cloth!

It is the sound of the microphone landing.

Then he was picked up in a hurry:

“You, you? How do you know me…”

Lin Xian chuckled:

“Sorry, I figured it out. Come out and see me.”


Lin Xian hung up the phone and said to Miss Yingbin:

“Your meeting room is next to it, right? I’ll go there and wait, and let Liu Lu come to see me directly in a while.”

Miss Yingbin still doesn’t know what happened!

Why did you hang up the phone with two sentences?

I didn’t say to meet there!

Lin Xian refers to the phone:

“He will come to see me.

Jingle bell–jingle bell–jingle bell–

The phone rang again.

Lin Xian walked into the reception room without looking back.

Miss Yingbin poured Lin Xian a cup of tea.

In less than 3 minutes, Liu Lu ran over directly-


The door was knocked open!

Liu Lu ran in sweat and looked at Lin Xian breathlessly:

“Who are you? Why do you know the results of my research?”

“No, no, the term Einstein’s constant, I just thought of it a few days ago, no one said it!”

“Why would you know!”

Lin Xian saw his long-lost old friend.

I miss it very much.


This Liu Lu was crackling, ticking, and machine gun-like.

Lin Xian is really not used to it


Liu Lu’s stuttering look is a little more cute.


Lin Xian treats Liu Lu as an old friend.

To the other person, I am a stranger

“Liu Lu, sit down.

Liu Lu sat on the opposite side blankly.

It can be seen that he suffocated the question mark, his face flushed.

Lin Xian took a sip of tea and asked slowly:

“Liu Lu, has Einstein’s constant calculated?”

Liu Lu shook his head.

But then nodded again.

“I’m almost done the calculation! If I hadn’t come out to see you, I might be able to figure out the final answer in half an hour!”

“I waited for this moment for too long, it took me 5 years to get to this point!”

Lin Xian nodded thoughtfully.

It turns out that the answer will be calculated in half an hour.

It’s a coincidence that I came by myself.

He recalled what Liu Lu said to himself in the United States before:

“Actually, I didn’t stumbling like that when I spoke before. I speak just like you. It’s normal.”

“From the moment I calculated this result, my speech became like that

Lin Xian has always been curious about this.

in the end

Was it 42 that robbed Liu Lu’s voice? Or was it the so-called “God”?

What I said when thinking of the future:

“42 is everywhere, but 42, not all are correct.”

A rare opportunity.

He wanted to verify.

Lin Xian took out a piece of paper and an envelope from his backpack.

Then I folded the paper and wrote a 42 on it at an angle that Liu Lu could not see.

Finally, fold the paper twice and put it in the envelope.

Liu Lu looked at all of this dumbly, not knowing why.

Lin Xian picked up the envelope and shook it.

Then glue it and put it aside:

“This is the final result of Einstein’s constant.”

“Don’t you still need 30 minutes to calculate the final result? It’s okay, I’ll wait for you.”

“You are right in front of me, work out this number!”,


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