"Tianlei, can you carry it?"

For Johnson's attack, Lin Zichen is not under great pressure to hide, but he is worried about sang Tianlei.

Although sang Tianlei's shield pulse reached tuofan, the general attack was like scratching for him, but Johnson's attack was fast and cruel, which still worried Lin Zichen.

"Don't worry. Give me a pure Yang pill. I can hold it until tonight. Shit, I'm afraid this mad dog is more tired than me!"

Hearing the speech, Lin Zichen also put down his heart. Although sang Tianlei entered the decaying world, he did not open the sea of Qi. For him, the biggest problem is that the real Qi is consumed, and the air can no longer use the body protecting Gang Qi.

However, with Lin Zichen, you can almost feed yourself with pills, so the problem can be solved.

Lin Zichen used vigorous Qi to protect his body and directly carried several Johnson's attacks. He immediately approached sang Tianlei and threw out a pill.

"Go on!"

Sang Tianlei was naturally impolite. He grabbed the pill and stuffed it directly into his mouth: "enough, shit, kill him!"

In fact, Johnson's strength really exceeded Lin Zichen's expectation. He thought that only the green tiger group had an expert like the bishop, but he didn't expect that liemang also had one.

This Johnson's attack even the sky and the human world. He didn't dare to say that he had no pressure to defend, so naturally he couldn't resist hard all the time. Sometimes, Lin Zichen chose to avoid.

However, because of this, it became very difficult to get close to Johnson. The attack speed of seven or eight phantoms around Johnson was too fast. Even if sang Tianlei was stunned with vigorous Qi, he could only say to ensure that he was not injured. Under the strong impact, he could not get close at all.

At this time, Tina drove to the door of the warehouse, but as soon as she reached the door, she heard a roar inside.

Tina clenched her lips and said, "no, Carter, you fool, you've delayed a big deal!"

Tina is true to the bano staff, but she always has a feeling in her heart that she is really afraid of Lin Zichen's accident. She has never avoided this feeling. In fact, she knew she liked this man when she was in Australia.

Lin Zichen's physique is by no means comparable to that of ordinary men. It's normal for women to forget after a spring night.

The Brazilian party made Tina unable to extricate herself. Although she could calm down and know what her purpose was, no one could really control her emotions. Watching Lin Zichen's Heroes kill the bishop of the green Tiger Group directly made her move the truth. After all, heroes are the feelings that every girl can't resist.

Tina looked left and right, and finally locked her eyes on a window on the second floor of the warehouse.

She was very agile. Her body leaned against the wall like a clever spider. She had reached the second floor with her bare hands in less than ten seconds.

Facing the closed window, she took out a dagger she carried with her. This situation also made her have no one and patience to solve the window lock. She turned the dagger and directly smashed the glass with her hand, and immediately climbed into the warehouse.

Although Tina broke the window and there was some movement, the movement on the first floor of the warehouse was more shocking, so that no one noticed her presence.

She opened the door, slowly put her head out, and saw the situation on the first floor along the handrail of the corridor on the second floor.

Seven or eight phantoms around Johnson are attacking frantically. Although he can't see the other side, he wants to get it. The other side should be Lin Zichen and his companion.

Tina couldn't help wrinkling her eyebrows. For a moment, her heart was extremely contradictory. She didn't know what to do. No matter which side she helped, it seemed that her strength was too far away, and... She had no choice in the face of Lin Zichen and lie mang.

On the first floor of the warehouse, Lin Zichen and sang Tianlei have been deadlocked with Johnson for nearly an hour, but there is no pressure for them. Lin Zichen has already opened a sea of gas and has the strength support in the middle of the human environment. Even if the other party has seven or eight illusions and a stalemate, he will have nothing to worry about.

Sang Tianlei is the same. With the supply of Chunyang pill, he can almost hold up so many days.

So in their view, it's still relatively easy. After all, Johnson must be the first to exhaust his energy.

Lin Zichen flashed two attacks and suddenly saw a strange picture. The previous illusions had been changing left and right, so that he could hardly see Johnson's real body, but this flash was seen by him.

I saw that Johnson was very comfortable after the phantom, whether he took a sip of wine, and I couldn't see any laborious expression on his face.

Lin Zichen not only frowned, "will his energy and physical strength not be exhausted?"

Although western magic is different from Chinese martial arts, it is inseparable from its origin. The consumption of magic must also rely on energy and physical strength, which is the same reason as the use of true Qi.

Unless the Western mage has the same ability as the sea of Qi, he must have a way of supply!

Lin Zichen's first reaction was pill, but alchemy, an ancient Chinese means, will not be used by these people. Is it

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen's eyes immediately locked on the bottle of wine in Johnson's hand.

On wine?

Lin Zichen narrowed his eyes slightly and thought to himself that if the Western phantom spell is similar to the spirit of Chinese martial arts, it would be more like the yin-yang skill of Ying!

Yes, that makes sense.

There is only one soul, which is as powerful as the body. If you hurt the soul, the warrior will also be seriously injured.

However, yin and Yang techniques are different. A master Yin and Yang master controls the spirits of many Yin and Yang masters. As long as the master Yin and Yang master is safe, all the puppet Yin and Yang masters will never die!

Lin Zichen also tried some attacks in the previous fight, but it was completely ineffective against the phantom. Obviously, this is a means similar to yin-yang technique!

Lin Zichen nodded slowly. It seemed that he had to find a way to kill Johnson's real body!

However, Johnson's attack is extremely sharp, fast and cruel. It's really difficult to get close. If you want to kill... Maybe you should attack from a distance!

Lin Zichen dodged and thought of the corresponding strategy. Suddenly, he shouted, "Tianlei, attract all his attack!"

"No problem!"

Sang Tianlei tried his best to move forward a few meters when he heard the speech, and Johnson naturally noticed sang Tianlei's action. Seven or eight phantoms almost aligned with sang Tianlei's attack.

Lin Zichen jumped up suddenly and turned over directly on the second floor.

"Hehe, yellow man, your companion abandoned you!"

"Fuck off, your grandpa abandoned your grandma. Go home and have a look!" Sang Tianlei scolded.

Sang Tianlei said, and then vibrate Gang Qi. With the function of Chunyang pill, he can be said to be more unscrupulous in using genuine Qi. As long as he keeps a certain distance from Johnson, he will not be hurt by the Blu ray attack.

At the same time, Lin Zichen also turned to the second floor, but to his surprise, as soon as his feet landed, he saw Tina in front of him.

"Are you... Here?" Lin Zichen frowned and glared at Tina. Obviously, in his opinion, Carter and Tina arranged Johnson's appearance together.

Tina shook her head. "No, Lin, it has nothing to do with me. Carter arranged it. Let's leave now!"

"Hum, my friend is still here. After this, I won't let lie Python feel better!"

"No... Lin, stop fighting. Johnson is the strongest killer of fierce python. It's too dangerous. Let's go!" Cried Tina.

"Do you think I'll leave my friend?"

Lin Zichen ignored the strongest killer of fierce python. In his opinion, no matter how strong, stop me... Die!

With that, he turned and directly took out the explosive Dan crossbow made by Chen Weilong from the Vientiane space.

Johnson is surrounded by seven or eight illusions, which is difficult to approach, so the best way is to attack from a distance.

Lin Zichen believes that ordinary weapons, even guns, are difficult to hurt this western killer, but... Explosive crossbow is specially used to deal with martial artists and monsters. It once broke even sang Tianlei's defense. Such an attack is not acceptable to ordinary experts.

Tina stood behind Lin Zichen without saying anything. She knew that everything might be wrong now. Lin Zichen must think she was with Carter.

So all she can do is wait here silently, whether it's for bano's staff or Lin Zichen

Lin Zichen took out a Yang Mai pill and covered it with true Qi. The crossbow of the exploding pill crossbow was directly aimed at Johnson in the phantom.

After aiming, Lin Zichen smiled: "Johnson, try the first weapon produced by dragon scale!"

While talking, I only heard a loud explosion. The pill exploded in the pill slot. The powerful force was transmitted forward along the crossbow slot. At the moment when the crossbow was shot, it almost shot out at a faster speed and impact than the bullet, and rushed into the illusion.


Suddenly, all the phantoms began to fade, and the previous Blu ray attack suddenly stopped.

Sang Tianlei was stunned and dared not move forward for a time. He was afraid that it was the other party's trick. However, when all the phantoms disappeared and saw Johnson lying on the ground, sang Tianlei was finally relieved.

Sang Tianlei looked upstairs. Lin Zichen was smiling at him: "the guy given by Weilong is very easy to use."

"What? What kind of crossbow is this? It's so strong..." sang Tianlei said in surprise. He walked to Johnson and kicked him over. He saw a silver arrow inserted in Johnson's neck, which was shot by the explosive crossbow.

Tina stepped forward: "Lin, Johnson... Dead?"

Lin Zichen turned around: "ha ha, a fierce Python killer died. Do you hate me very much?"

"No, I never said that. How can you think of me like that?" Tina quickly shook her head and said. It seemed that she was like this for the first time in front of Lin Zichen. There was no sunshine she didn't care about in the past, and some were nervous.

Lin Zichen sneered, turned over and jumped down to the first floor and said, "take Miller, let's go!"


I've seen their strength before. Those two gangsters are stupid. How dare they stop this time? The atmosphere didn't dare to breathe. He watched sang Tianlei put Miller up.

Miller was also frightened. He was almost paralyzed and brought to the warehouse by sang Tianlei.

When they were about to walk out, Tina caught up and said, "Lin, you... Are very angry, aren't you?"

Lin Zichen suddenly turned around: "I hope I won't meet again in the future."

With that, he walked out of the warehouse.

Tina clenched her fists tightly and felt a damp heat in her eyes. Perhaps in adulthood... This arrogant goddess stole tears because of a man for the first time.

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