It was morning when I left the warehouse. It was completely bright outside.

Lin Zichen directly ordered several acupoints on Miller so that he could not move. In fact, this practice is not necessary. After seeing the previous moves of the two people and Johnson, Miller was scared to death.

Sang Tianlei said, "where are you going now?"

"River bar." Lin Zichen said coldly.

"Now? Zichen, it's daytime, in case it's seen by the official..."

Lin Zichen shook his head: "it's all right. The role of Huaxing Dan is about to be lifted. There are not many street surveillance in Detroit. No one will know. Don't forget that there is an innocent girl there."

Hearing the speech, sang Tianlei nodded: "yes, the girl whose boyfriend sells banned goods, let's go!"

Then they got on the bus and went straight to the river bar.

When Tina came out of the warehouse, she looked at Lin Zichen from a distance and wanted to come forward to say something, but she still stopped.

This was the first time she had this feeling. Once, the men who pursued her were around almost every day, including Carter, but since she met Lin Zichen, she felt like the opposite.

Every time we meet, she will take the initiative to stick to Lin Zichen. Even if the other party refuses every time, she will stick it with a sunny smile, but this time... She didn't.

Perhaps this is the first time Tina saw Lin Zichen get angry. The last time she stole the bano staff, she thought it would be the end of the two people forever, but she didn't expect these subsequent things to happen.

She silently opened the door, started the car, and slowly followed Lin Zichen behind the car. She didn't deliberately narrow the distance, but followed slowly.

Lin Zichen also noticed Tina's car, but he didn't stop it because of the unusual relationship between them.

Until less than a kilometer away from the bar, sang Tianlei stopped his car and said, "you sit here. I'll go to this little thing."

With that, he pushed open the door and went down.

Lin Zichen picked up the phone and called the old man.

"Zichen, where is it?"

"American, sir, things have been done. You can arrange the flight. We'll go back now." Lin Zichen said.

Nangong Jue hesitated for a moment and said, "now? If you're not in a hurry... You can stay in the United States for a while."

"What?" Lin Zichen was stunned. This is not the old man's style. According to his consistent style, they should hurry to let them take Xiao Nan back. "Old man, Xiao Nan is in my car now. Shall we stay in the United States for a while?"

"No, Zichen, Xiao Nan must bring it back, but I hope you will stay in America for a few more days."

Lin Zichen could not help frowning slightly: "old Sir, is something wrong?"

"No, there are still some things I hope you can handle for me, so..."

Lin Zichen turned his eyes, shook his head and said, "old Sir, I must go back. Tell me what happened?"

Lin Zichen vaguely heard something. Although he didn't know what it was, Nangong Jue's sudden abnormality still made him sure that something was wrong.

"That's OK, Zichen. Come back first and come to my office as soon as you get back to the college."

Nangong Jue is also helpless. After all, it's not easy to hide from Lin Zichen. After so many years, he is not the young man at the beginning. He will analyze calmly in front of anything. In fact, he can cheat in a few words?

"OK, where we landed earlier, feel free to contact!"

With that, Lin Zichen hung up the phone. He also knew that maybe some things were inconvenient to say on the phone. He could only ask the old man when he went back.

Just after hanging up the phone, Lin Zichen saw Tina outside the window. At this time, Tina had no sunshine on her face in the past, and her expression seemed a little melancholy. Standing in front of the window, she didn't speak or knock.

Lin Zichen lowered the glass and said, "what's the matter?"

"Lin, I really need to explain to you."

"Forget it, I think... There may be a chance in the future!" With that, linzichen raised the glass again.

"No..." Tina put her hand into the window. Lin Zichen stopped quickly. Tina continued, "I don't want you to misunderstand me. I didn't know this until you left."

"And then?"

"I don't want you to hate me." Tina said imploringly.

Lin Zichen took a deep breath: "there's no reason. If you hate... You hated the last time you stole the bano staff."

Finally, Lin Zichen mentioned it first. Tina was ashamed when she heard the speech. Indeed, even if Lin Zichen adjusted her bag in advance, she also stole the bano staff. If there is really a relationship between them, Tina is undoubtedly the first Betrayer.

Just then, black smoke had risen over the river bar, and sang Tianlei also ran out of the street and directly ran to the parking place of the car.

Seeing Tina in front of the car, sang Tianlei looked embarrassed, got on the car and said, "what does this... Mean?"

"How's it going?"

"Carter wasn't in there. I just set the fire." Sang Tianlei said excitedly.

"What about the girl?"

"Carter probably doesn't care. He's still in the private room. I let him go, but his boyfriend wasn't there."

Lin Zichen nodded: "drive."

Lin Zichen said indifferently.

Tina bit her lips and seemed to want to say something, but... She didn't speak in the end.

Looking at the car away, Tina shook her head slowly and didn't follow up this time.

On the way, the effect of Huaxing pill has slowly faded. Lin Zichen and sang Tianlei have recovered their appearance. They are OK. Miller was almost scared to death. After all, for people who can't solve Huaxing pill, they can't imagine that these two people can change back to their original appearance without makeup and remover.

You know, even the technique of changing looks also needs props, but the form pill... No.

When Lin Zichen was about to arrive at the hotel, he asked Huo Qing to park the car on the roadside. After all, the car was stolen from the gate of the river bar last night. Maybe the owner had called the police. In order not to cause trouble, he left it on the roadside in advance and waited for the police to find it.

As for Xiao Nan and Miller, Xiao Nan naturally understood that he couldn't hide this time, so he walked beside sang Tianlei very cooperatively, and Miller... His legs were paralyzed and couldn't resist at all. Sang Tianlei frightened a few words and didn't dare to shout.

The four people took the hotel elevator to the place where long Aoxue and Xiaomei lived. As soon as they entered the door, Xiaomei went crazy when she saw Miller. In addition, the two girls talked a lot last night. Now they are more courageous and give Miller a big mouth.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

With Lin Zichen and sang Tianlei nearby, Miller dared to fight back and let Xiaomei smoke several times.

Long Aoxue said, "Xiaomei, is this Miller?"

Xiaomei nodded: "it's this scum. I want to kill him, Miller. I didn't expect you to have today. Give me all my things back!"

Miller looked down and said, "I have everything. I'll give it to you."

Along the way, Lin Zichen also said that he would not hurt Miller's life, so Miller cooperated and hoped to pay off the debt quickly and leave quickly.

Lin Zichen then asked sang Tianlei to pick up things belonging to Xiaomei according to Miller's address. After all, his passport and ID card are all pressed on him, which is also the reason why Xiaomei has been controlled by him to pick up guests in Detroit in recent years.

Sitting on the sofa, long Aoxue poured Lin Zichen a glass of water and asked Lin Zichen about last night. However, because Xiaomei and Miller were still there, Lin Zichen didn't say much in detail, and of course there was no mention of the military.

About half an hour or so, sang Tianlei returned to the hotel and had got all the things about Xiaomei. Xiaomei counted them, and her tears kept falling. She looked up at Miller: "asshole, you have almost abandoned me all these years."

At this time, miller can only apologize: "Xiaomei, I'm very sorry, I..."


Xiaomei went up and kicked Miller's belly directly. The latter bent down and knelt on the ground, sweating with pain.

Lin Zichen stopped Xiaomei and said, "enough, we're leaving here. Don't make any trouble."

Long Aoxue also approached the front and said, "yes, Xiaomei, the gas is out and the things are taken. No matter how, we can't go back to the past. Let's go back to China and start over, OK?"

Xiaomei was naturally unwilling, but she thought it was true. She turned and jumped at long Aoxue and cried.

"Sir, i... may I go now?" Miller raised his head and asked painfully.

Lin Zichen gave him a white look: "sorry, not yet. When we leave the United States, I will naturally let you go. As for now..."

While talking, Lin Zichen stepped forward and clicked one of his acupoints. Miller suddenly fainted.

"Tianlei, put him in the corner first. We don't need to touch anyone before we leave."

Sang Tianlei nodded and did it immediately.

Because it is an international route, the old man has to reapply for arranging the plane, so he can't arrive that night. Lin Zichen can only choose to stay in this hotel for one night.

In the evening, long Aoxue and Xiaomei sleep in the bedroom, while Lin Zichen meditates with sang Tianlei in the living room. For them, they will not sleep this night. First, they look at Xiao Nan, and second, they don't want any accidents before returning to China.

In the early morning, Lin Zichen lit a cigarette and took a sip. Xiao Nan said, "Lin Zichen, can you give me one?"

They both looked at it at the same time. Lin Zichen nodded and immediately threw one to him. Xiao Nan took a hard breath and slowly exhaled, revealing a little smile: "Lin Zichen, to be honest... Do you mean to take revenge for public and private when you catch me?"


Lin Zichen answered without thinking, which surprised Xiao Nan.

"Hehe, you are the strongest opponent I have ever met. In fact, from my heart, I respect you very much." Xiao Nan Road.

Lin Zichen just nodded and opened his mouth lazily.

"In fact, since you took back captain long Lin, I decided that I would never be an enemy with you, but I didn't expect..."

Lin Zichen turned his head and looked at him: "but you still connected with the fierce python."

"Hehe, it's true. Maybe this is life. If I say... This is the last time I contact them, will you believe it?" Xiao Nan Road.

"I don't know." Lin Zichen shrugged.

Lin Zichen's indifference seemed to make Xiao Nan have some interest. He said: "anyway, it's dead to go back. Lin Zichen, do you want to know something else? It's related to the supernatural college."

When Xiao Nan finished, Lin Zichen was stunned. He vaguely heard the meaning. It seemed that Xiao Nan wanted to tell an unknown secret

"Will you tell me?"

Xiao Nan smiled, but before he opened his mouth, the three people looked at the window of the room almost at the same time, and saw a dark shadow rubbing through

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