The strength of the three are all in the world. Obviously, they also feel the shadow just in front of the window at the same time.

"Shit, what?" Sang Tianlei was stunned and said.

Lin Zichen slightly lowered his eyebrows and couldn't help sighing: "I'll have a look."

With that, he opened the window and jumped out.

If normal people see this picture, I'm afraid the whole audience will scream, but in the eyes of Sang Tianlei and Xiao Nan, it is extremely dull

This is the means they use almost every day

Jumping out of the window, Lin Zichen rushed directly to the roof, turned over to the top floor, and saw Tina standing there.

Lin Zichen sighed, walked over and said, "what do you want?"

Tina lowered her head and obviously had some tangles in her heart. She raised her head and looked at Lin Zichen: "Lin, you shouldn't hate me like this."

Lin Zichen looked at Tina and felt an unspeakable taste. At this time, Tina looked very melancholy, and the tangles on her face seemed to be portrayed.

Think about the way Tina was not afraid of everything in the past, Lin Zichen inevitably had some acid.

"Tina, I never said I hated you."

"But your attitude has been explained. Lin, I know you must think that Carter let Johnson attack you has something to do with me, but I really knew it afterwards. After he told me, I went to the warehouse to find you immediately." Tina said.

Lin Zichen pondered for a long time and nodded: "well, I believe your words. Is that ok?"

"Of course not," Tina stepped forward and looked at Lin Zichen with a coquettish look on her face. "Remember? We are lovers. Lin, you're so scared of me now. Can you kiss me?"

Lin Zichen was embarrassed. The Western girl really didn't know how to pick up


"Why? Can't you? Lin, there are two women in your room. They have something to do with you, right?" Tina said.

Lin Zichen nodded: "yes, one of them is my girlfriend."

"That's why I didn't ask us to sleep together tonight," said Tina, tiptoe and holding Lin Zichen's neck. "Kiss me, will you? Let me feel like that in Rio."

Lin Zichen didn't know what to do for a moment. For the woman who had slept beside him, he was very contradictory. He said that he had no feelings for Tina. It was impossible. It can be said that she was his own woman. Lin Zichen also felt that it was unrealistic.

He can make it clear that some relationships just happened. For example, the Western woman in front of them, their intimate enthusiasm is not as conservative as in China.

"OK, I'll come."

With that, Tina went up and kissed Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen didn't refuse, just like he was in the car. After all... He was really cruel to refuse Tina, even if they weren't real lovers.

After the deep kiss, Tina left Lin Zichen's lips and showed a smile she hadn't seen for a long time. Even at night, it made people feel the sunshine smile.

"Sit with me for a while?" Tina said.

"Where is it?"

Tina smiled, walked to the edge of the roof and sat down directly.

Lin Zichen took a deep breath and sat beside her.

Tina's head slowly leaned against Lin Zichen's shoulder and said, "I've seen from the book that Chinese girls like to lean on their boyfriend's shoulder."

"Hehe, this is a habit of Chinese people in love, but... It's not suitable for westerners."

"No, it's not like that," Tina turned to Lin Zichen. "How? I think I like this feeling very much, Lin, will you let me lean on for a while?"

Lin Zichen smiled and didn't say anything. He suddenly felt that he was very funny. He spent a lot of time here with a woman who didn't know anything to do with himself, while his woman long Aoxue slept in the room with another woman

"Lin, although I know you may think I'm very bad, I still want to ask you a question." Tina said.

Lin Zichen smiled: "you mean bano's staff?"

"How did you know?"

"Hehe, this may be the only intersection between us." Lin Zichen smiled.

Tina tilted her lips a little lost. In fact, she really didn't want the relationship between them to be like this. After all, she really liked the man around her, but the most helpless thing was... This man was so unusual that not only the green Tiger Group, but also the fierce Python listed him as the target of the task.

Of course, Tina believed that if the people of liemang knew Lin Zichen's real strength, they would never want to have anything to do with him.

"What happened after you took the staff back?" Lin Zichen said.

"Hehe, you know, I just want to know how you did it. You know, I watched you get the staff from the bishop that day, and we went back to the hotel together." Tina said.

Lin Zichen turned his head and looked at Tina with a smile. He immediately raised his hand and put it on Tina's jade neck and pulled it back.

This action was very domineering. Tina, who had always been rebellious, was like a little lamb in front of Lin Zichen at this moment, as if she was at his disposal.

"Tina, remember, there is a Lin Zichen in China. He can't do anything he wants to do."

Lin Zichen spoke with a smile, but that powerful aura shocked Tina.

I have to say that she was shocked by this aura in an instant, and the deer at the bottom of her heart rushed out at this moment and bumped everywhere.

Tina's expression was stiff at first, and then she seemed to be sleeping in a melting sleep, showing a smile full of love.

"Lin, you know, it's your momentum that I can't forget. I love you."

Lin Zichen did not respond, but released his hand and turned back his head.

However, Tina rode directly on his legs, hugged Lin Zichen and kissed him.

"Go to his fierce python, go to his bano staff, Lin. at this moment, I just want to enjoy the moment with you."

Lin Zichen's hand slowly hugged Tina's waist. This kind of warm kiss on the roof made everyone unable to refuse, and the blood surged up.


Suddenly, a movement attracted Lin Zichen's attention. His eyes were wide open and he immediately judged the direction of the sound.

This is... The sound of pushing and pulling the window, and the location is the room you live in tonight.

Lin Zichen suddenly pushed Tina away and jumped down from the roof. When he landed at the window of the room, the whole person was stunned.

The curtains are still fluttering. Sang Tianlei is not in the room, but Xiao Nan sitting in the corner of the room... Has been lying on the ground with a deep bullet hole in the center of his eyebrow.

Lin Zi Chen glared up his eyes and went into the house, but soon he smelled a fragrance. It was very fragrant, like a woman's perfume, but he immediately discerned that it was not dragon or snow or Tina.

At this time, the bedroom door opened, long Aoxue also came out and was stunned to see Xiao Nan.

"Zichen, he..."

Lin Zichen took a deep breath: "what just happened?"

"I don't know. I came out when I heard the news. Xiaomei is still sleeping. By the way, where's sang Tianlei?"

Lin Zichen looked around and said, "Oh, shit, I'm in the trap!"

His first reaction was Tina!

Tina's sudden appearance led him away, and the news of just pushing the window obviously led sang Tianlei away. At this time, someone quietly killed Xiao Nan

All this is so seamless, and Lin Zichen is undoubtedly the effect of the other party's first move!

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen's eyes stared bloody, and a sense of humiliation still existed in his heart.

I really didn't expect to be shot this time

Long Aoxue saw Lin Zichen's appearance and hurried forward: "Zichen, don't be angry first. What's the matter?"

Lin Zichen gasped, "I'm really fooled. This man is our purpose to come to America this time. Now... All the clues are broken."

"What? What should I do now? Is there any way to remedy it? Zichen, tell me, I'll listen to you."

Seeing the tension of long Aoxue, Lin Zichen brushed his hand over her long hair: "it's okay, don't worry, I'll find a way, Aoxue, you go back and have a rest first."

"How can I rest like you? Sit down first and we'll think slowly."

Lin Zichen didn't have the habit of venting on women, so he felt warm when he saw Aoxue's attitude. He immediately sat on the sofa and asked everything when sang Tianlei came back.

He looked at Xiao Nan's body and thought that he wanted to destroy it directly in the United States to avoid trouble, but after thinking about it, he should take it back to China and give an explanation to the old man anyway. This task also needs a result.

Just thinking, sang Tianlei jumped in from the window and scolded: "grass, it's really fucking evil, what thing."

Lin Zichen turned his head and looked at him: "Tianlei, look here."

Sang Tianlei looked at the direction Lin Zichen pointed, and his whole face solidified: "this... Zichen, I..."

Sang Tianlei became nervous. Obviously, if he talked about responsibility, he couldn't escape.

Lin Zichen sighed: "what happened just now?"

"Just now I was sitting and saw a dark shadow in the window. As soon as I came near, I took a slap. However, I reacted quickly. I carried it and followed it out."

"Did you see who it was?" Lin Zichen said.

"She's a woman, a westerner. She looks... Very strange. Her makeup is very thick. Every action at will has a strong fragrance."

Lin Zichen nodded slowly: "that's right. The fragrance still exists now. It was left by this woman. What happened later?"

"After I chased out, I saw a dark figure climb along the building. It was very fast. It climbed to the corner of the building like a fucking spider. I would disappear if I chased it again." Sang Tianlei said.

Lin Zichen took a deep breath and immediately went to Xiao Nan. He looked carefully at the blood hole in the center of his eyebrows and said, "shit, this is not a bullet hole. It should be killed by someone's breath."

"Breath? Xiao Nan is the strength of the world. It seems that this man is an expert!" Sang Tianlei said.

Lin Zichen was silent for a moment: "not necessarily. Xiao Nan was badly hurt after fighting with you. I also ordered his acupoints. It doesn't necessarily need to have the strength to shed the world to kill him, but... They won by strategy."

"Trick? Zichen, do you know who did it?" Sang Tianlei asked.

"I know!" The voice came from the window. With the voice, a beautiful figure jumped in, Tina.

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