Yingtian city!

At 6 p.m., the sun is already in the west, and dusk is coming. The setting sun is infinitely beautiful, but it is near dusk. Many people rush home after a day's hard work.

People returning home always live like dogs with tired bodies.

Xu Zhendong is one of them. He seems to be more tired and confused than everyone in the crowd. His eyes are full of despair and despair for the future.

"The thirteenth hospital, already the thirteenth hospital, do not want me, I have tried to choose some smaller hospitals, private hospitals also ran 78, still hit the wall."

"Is graduation really unemployment? It doesn't seem like that. After all, many people in our medical college have found jobs, but most of them are studying western medicine. Nowadays, with the development of micro TCM, these hospitals look down on traditional Chinese medicine, and even look down on Chinese medicine students like me who are about to graduate."

After a few words of nagging, Xu Zhendong hurried back to rent a house. Because he had a girlfriend at school, he moved out long ago to live with his girlfriend. Both of them are students, and the cost is not high. It's OK to live in one room and one living room.

However, as we are approaching graduation internship, my girlfriend has found a good internship opportunity in Longhua District of Yingtian city. In order to be closer to the workplace, she rents a house there

So now only Xu Zhendong lives alone. Dejected back to rent, looking at the messy room, also did not clean up the mood, to the bed, looking at the sunset outside the window.

"Since these small hospitals don't want me, I'll be the best hospital tomorrow - Yingtian hospital. It seems that some students are practicing there. Even if they don't want me, it doesn't matter. Anyway, they've run into so many difficulties. Maybe their personnel department is blind!"

I'm not in a good mood. I don't want to eat any rice. I pick up my mobile phone and brush my circle of friends. I'm stunned to see my girlfriend Li Qingluo update her circle of friends. The content is very simple: we're very good! Attached below is a photo of Li Qingluo leaning on a man's chest.

"This..." Xu Zhendong immediately covered circle, anger from the heart.

"It should be colleagues. It must be OK. We love each other so much. We agreed to get married two years after graduation. Qingluo won't cheat me."

When I think about it, my mobile phone rings. It's my girlfriend Li Qingluo. After hesitation, I answer it. I pretend I don't see the circle of friends. I smile and say:

"Qingluo, do you miss me? Since you went there to practice, we haven't had dinner together for a short time. Why don't we have dinner together tonight? "

After waiting for a while, there was no sound on the other end of the phone. Xu Zhendong thought there was something wrong with his mobile phone. After a look, he was still on the phone

"Qingluo, what's the matter? Why don't you talk? "

At this time, I heard the sound of deep breathing coming from there, as if I was gathering up courage.

"Zhendong, let's... Let's break up!"


All of a sudden, my mind went blank.

The fury of forbearance is rising, but he is still trying to suppress, and the words have become a little cold.

"Are you cheating? Looking for a new boyfriend? "

"No... no!" Li Qingluo said hesitantly, "I just don't think our character is suitable."

"Qingluo, don't be kidding. We've been together for three years, and we've always loved each other very much. How can we be out of character! Is that the one in the circle of friends? "

"Ah... You... You see?" Li Qingluo was a little surprised, but after a while, her voice was calm and said, "I've thought about it. Both of us are from other places, and you are studying Chinese medicine. Now Chinese medicine is not popular at all. You've gone to all the hospitals in Yingtian City, and none of them wants you?"

"You can't give me the life I want. I don't want to go back to the countryside. I'm used to the prosperity of big cities. Now my boyfriend is the son of Tianyi group. She can give me the life I want. I hope you can understand me!"

There is no longer a stammer and hesitation, but a refusal.

"Qingluo, although I have no achievement now, I will try my best. As long as we work hard, we can have a foothold in Yingtian city. Tomorrow I will go to Yingtian hospital for a try!"

Xu Zhendong has been pressing his anger in his heart, hoping to retrieve his girlfriend, whom he has always loved.

"Ha ha, Xu Zhendong, don't be naive. You study traditional Chinese medicine. Even if you have a good academic record, what's the matter? The society talks about relationships, and the micro style of traditional Chinese medicine is out of fashion. Yingtian hospital won't employ you. Even if you are lucky to be employed by the hospital, how many years will it take you to buy a house and a car in this city? I am a woman, and my youth is limited, I can't wait. "

"I can tell my parents that they can borrow money from their relatives and friends to pay me the down payment first, and then we are paying back slowly... Hello... Hello... Qingluo... Qingluo..."

I haven't finished yet. I've hung up there.

Xu Zhendong looks at the setting sun, the light left in the west is so pale, even God feel poor?

I always study hard in school. I want to win honor for my family, so my grades are always among the best. I thought I could make a lot of money by virtue of my excellent performance in school.

However, the reality gave him a hard slap, even a graduation internship job can not be found, let alone make a lot of money, and now even his girlfriend are reluctant to make money and leave.

There is no greater sorrow in life than this!

He clenched his teeth and punched on the wooden table. His fingers were broken and his blood flowed out. But he didn't feel any pain. He still felt the pallor of the setting sun. Just like himself now, he was tottering. It was dusk and close to the night of despair.

Blood flows along the table, blood meets a Dark Jade Pendant on the table, instantly blood is sucked in by the jade pendant.

"I'll make it!"

Xu Zhendong said angrily, taking back his eyes to the distance, but he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The original dark jade pendant was absorbing its own blood, and the color turned a little dark red. To his surprise, he quickly took back his hand and looked at the wound, only to find that the wound had healed automatically.


All these changes surprised Xu Zhendong. Checking his hands, he didn't look like he had just scratched his skin. If it wasn't for a little blood on the desk, he really didn't believe the scene just now.

Curiously, he looked at the jade pendant that had turned dark red. He picked it up and looked at it carefully. Except for the color, nothing else had changed.

"This is a relic that my grandfather gave me before he died. When he died, he always told me not to leave. Later, he changed it because his girlfriend gave me a pendant."

After that, he pulled the pendant off his neck, took a look at it, and resolutely threw it to the garbage heap downstairs. Since he had broken up, there was no need to nostalgia.

When I put on the jade pendant left by my grandfather again, I suddenly felt a warm current coming from my chest, as if something had penetrated into my body from my chest and rushed into my head.

In a flash, his head became more and more painful.

"Pain! Pain! My head, what's going on! "

Xu Zhendong felt the pain in his head. He rolled his head on the bed, and new memories kept pouring in his mind. It's not my own memory.

The pain was so intense that his head almost split. He rolled around with his head in his arms. The pain of tearing his heart and lungs made him feel miserable.

Finally, the consciousness can't hold up and faints.

In a daze, I seem to hear someone talking.

"This is my Shennong's life-long effort. I hope that someone can inherit it, continue to carry forward the erudition of traditional Chinese medicine, and help the world..."

I didn't hear too much clearly in the fuzziness.

When Xu Zhendong wakes up again. I found many memories in my mind that didn't belong to me.

Xuanshu, Daoism, astrology and the travel experience of Shennong ancestors appear in my mind.

However, it seems that what is revealed now is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are still more forcibly suppressed, because the amount of information is so huge that it can only carry a small part at present.

I got up and rubbed my temples. I felt a little uncomfortable in my mind, but it didn't hurt. I gradually digested the huge information in my mind.

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