After a full hour, he finally sorted out the huge amount of information in his mind, and I was stunned.

The inheritance in my mind includes a lot of things, including many lost medical skills, such as acupuncture, divination, geomantic omen metaphysics, the debate on the strange changes of stars, and the cultivation of immortals.

Xu Zhendong was completely immersed in the mystery, and constantly marveled at Shennong ancestors' thorough study of traditional Chinese medicine. All the traditional Chinese medicine appeared in later generations were based on Shennong's medical skills, and now he has obtained the most comprehensive, metaphysical and authentic skills of traditional Chinese medicine.

"I didn't expect that the skills of traditional Chinese medicine include the metaphysics of visions, the divination of the stars, and the cultivation of great ways." After exclamation, Xu Zhendong got excited and looked out of the window at the night, which had been completely eroded by the night. He yelled: "the sky is endless. I'm sure Xu Zhendong will be outstanding. You can be proud of the world. "

In order to get such a surprising inheritance, Xu Zhendong of course has to race against the clock to fill himself, and practice according to one of his mind's cultivation methods, the shaking heaven Sutra.

Although it has been inherited by Shennong, the book of shaking heaven, as a method of practicing medicine, is also extensive and profound. Xu Zhendong slowly began to practice from the beginning, meticulous.

Unconsciously, the sky is slightly bright, slowly stop practice, open eyes, do not feel tired, energetic, fresh, full of strength, mood is also very happy, yesterday's sadness of lovelorn has disappeared.

"Have breakfast first, and then go to Yingtian hospital to try your luck."

Xu Zhendong, who has been inherited by Shennong, obviously has a lot of self-confidence. After washing, he takes his resume and runs downstairs to solve the problem of breakfast, and then goes to Yingtian hospital in a hurry.

Not long after I went out, I heard the sound of the ambulance. It came from far to near, and immediately attracted Xu Zhendong's eyes. The ambulance stopped at Yingtian luxury hotel not far in front of me. Seven or eight medical staff came down in a hurry.

"Go and have a look!"

Xu Zhendong walked quickly, and some onlookers trotted past.

The hotel hall is surrounded by many people, who are watching the excitement. In the middle of the hall lies a young man who has been in a coma and foaming. His face turns white, with sweat particles on his forehead. His face is ferocious. He bows and covers his stomach, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"Doctor, help my son!"

A woman in purple buttocks, holding the leading doctor's arm, constantly shaking, anxious, even this can not hide her noble temperament.

"Mrs. Yang, please rest assured that Dr. Wang will save him. Dr. Wang is the chief physician in the surgery room of Yingtian hospital. He will certainly save your son."

The head nurse said that they had just received the emergency call, and the call said it was Yang Qiankun, the son of Yang Wanxiang.

Yang Wanxiang is one of the few big entrepreneurs in Yingtian city. His Wanxiang Group has many industries, including catering, hotels, clothing and so on. This Yingtian luxury hotel is one of its industries.

Moreover, Vientiane group donates some medical equipment to Yingtian hospital every year, so knowing that he is the son of Wanxiang Group, he immediately sends Wang Zhenguo, a famous attending doctor and head nurse.

"Don't you hurry to carry young master Yang on the stretcher and send him to the hospital?" The head nurse yelled at the other nurses.

"Don't move!" Wang Zhenguo said aloud, his eyes have been focused on Yang Qiankun, who is bowing his body and twitching on the ground. He said: "this is a rare invisible snake king venom sudden syndrome. It can't move. The toxin has begun to spread all over his body. Once he moves his body, it will speed up the spread of the toxin. Once it spreads to the viscera, it will be completely hopeless."

Yang Qiankun is ready to stand on the stretcher nurses were stunned, take back their hands.

"What's the symptom? Why haven't you heard of it? " The head nurse asked curiously.

It is estimated that in addition to Wang Zhenguo's knowledge of the disease, Xu Zhendong, who has just been inherited by Shennong, knows about it. This is also learned from the inheritance.

"It's a kind of toxin that can be latent in the body for a long time. It's like a snake. Once it meets an opportunity, it will poison. That's why it's called invisible snake king venom burst syndrome. At present, there have been dozens of cases in the world, and only three of them have survived. But that's in America. "

"You are a very famous doctor in Yingtian hospital. Can't you cure it?" The head nurse was shocked, and the others were even more shocked.

To know that even Wang Zhenguo can't cure the disease, who can cure it in Yingtian city?

Wang Zhenguo shook his head, pondered for a while, and said, "if you want to say that someone can cure you in Yingtian City, I'm afraid only president Hua can do it."

"Dean? Hua Shengyi? Tell him to come Mrs. Yang grabs Wang Zhenguo's sleeve and pulls it rudely.

"Mrs. Yang, there's nothing Wang can do. I can only help you to invite the Dean, but I'm afraid young master Yang can't wait that long." Wang Zhenguo is also sad. His medical skills can't save him. If the president makes a move, he may have two levels of assurance. However, the Yang Qiankun virus is spreading very fast. I'm afraid he has been killed before the president arrives.

"Why don't you let me try?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd. A young man came out of the crowd.

It is Xu Zhendong who has in his mind the treatment of the sudden comprehensive symptoms of the invisible snake king venom. He inherits Shennong medicine and helps the world by hanging the pot. The doctor is kind-hearted. How can he not save himself from death!

"You? Who are you? " Wang Zhenguo asked suspiciously.

"My name is Xu Zhendong. I am familiar with the art of traditional Chinese medicine. I have seven levels of mastery to cure him." Xu Zhendong said.

"Traditional Chinese medicine? Are you kidding? There are still seven levels of assurance to save people. Even if the president arrives, there are only two levels of assurance. If you want to curry favor with Vientiane group, choose a good time. " Wang Zhenguo said aloud, his eyes full of disdain, and said: "can traditional Chinese medicine save people these days? This is the son of the Vientiane group. Once something happens, can you afford it? "

"I..." Xu Zhendong wanted to refute something. At the moment, a lot of dissenting voices came from the crowd.

"This young man, even the famous doctor Wang Zhenguo can't be cured. Even the president has only two levels of assurance. You say you have seven levels of assurance. Don't tease me."

"That is, young people should not be impulsive. Vientiane group is not easy to offend. It's a big group worth tens of billions."

"Today's traditional Chinese medicine is deception, there is no scientific basis, how can it save people?"

"Scholars of traditional Chinese medicine are all old men in their sixties and seventies. What's wrong with this young man pretending to be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

Xu Zhendong doesn't care about them. He has the heart of a doctor. Learning Chinese medicine is to help the world and look at Mrs. Yang.

"Mrs. Yang, you have heard what Doctor Wang said just now. Even if the Dean arrives, your son's illness can only be controlled by two levels. Moreover, according to the current situation, he will die before the Dean arrives. If you treat him for me, he will have a chance to survive. What do you think?"

Without waiting for Mrs. Yang's answer, Wang Zhenguo answered first: "boy, your treatment will only make young master Yang die ahead of time. Mrs. Yang, you can't believe the nonsense of people who have a heart."

"Early death?" Mrs. Yang quit at the moment. Looking at Xu Zhendong, she said, "Chinese medicine is deception now. You can go now. Don't try to curry favor with our Vientiane group by such means."

"Mrs. Yang, I'm kind enough to help your son cure his illness. Is that how you treat me?" If it wasn't for the benevolence of a doctor and his determination to help the world, Xu Zhendong would leave now.

"I thank your family for their kindness. The dean will be here soon. Get out of here!" Mrs. Yang said, the mobile phone rang, the corners of her mouth laughed, and immediately answered.

At the moment, if master Yang doesn't pay close attention to the treatment, he will really die. It's against his heart not to save him. What's more, I'm sorry for the medical way of Shennong.

At present, he can't manage so much. Xu Zhendong takes out his silver needle belt and shakes it. The whole silver needle bag unfolds. Rows of silver needles twinkle with light. He uses Qi to cloud the needles and integrates the true Qi in his body.

The other hand grabs another silver needle and swipes on master Yang's T-shirt. The T-shirt breaks open, revealing purple skin.

Immediately after that, he carried out the needling very quickly. He used Qi to carry the needling, moving clouds and flowing water. His technique was skillful. In a moment, he pricked more than ten needles on young master Yang.

Young master Yang's convulsive body suddenly stopped and did not foam. Xu Zhendong infused the silver needle with Qi and infused some real Qi into his body with the method of shaking heaven classic to arrest the spread of toxin.

This process is very rapid, all at once, other people have no time to stop, looking at some stunned.

"You bastard, stop it!"

Mrs. Yang, who was on the phone, saw the scene and screamed.

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