When Mrs. Yang answered the phone for a moment, she turned around and saw that the young man, who did not know the greatness of heaven and earth, had stabbed her son with more than ten needles. She was furious.

Before the phone finished, he screamed and pushed away Xu Zhendong, who was applying the needle.

Xu Zhendong was awakened by her scream, but she was pushed away.

Xu Zhendong stands up in anger with cold eyes. Looking at this unreasonable lady Yang, the Bodhisattva is also angry, let alone human.

"My treatment hasn't been completed yet. At present, I can only keep him free for half a day. Do you want your son to die soon when you hinder me from treating my illness?"

If it wasn't for the benevolence of the doctor who wanted to help the world, he would have left here long ago. Why should he stay here to be angry.

"Do you know who my son is? My son is the only successor of the Vientiane group. If there is anything wrong with my son, I want you to die! "

Then she quickly fell down and watched her son's situation. She saw that his face was still pale, his convulsions were less, and there was no white foam in his mouth, but she didn't think it was the effect of the silver needle on his body.

Xu Zhendong's eyes suddenly cold down, just in critical condition, he did not help, young master Yang will die. Although it's not proper to do so without the consent of the family members, it's against the benevolence of the doctors who have been sticking to it. What's more, it's also against the medical ethics inherited by the ancestor Shennong!

However, now that he has saved people, he has to be scolded by his family. He is very upset and says coldly:

"I need another shot, or I'll die."

"You... Get out! Security guard, security guard, get this man out of here. I don't want to see this man again. "

Mrs. Yang is the hostess of the hotel. The security guard comes to see Xu Zhendong angrily.

Xu Zhendong's eyes were cold to the extreme. He was also very disappointed and gave a cold hum.

"I practice medicine with the benevolence of a doctor. I don't ask for meritorious service, but for a clear conscience. But you try every means to obstruct me. Even a Bodhisattva is angry. I don't want to suffer here. I wish your son a speedy recovery!"

Then he strode towards the gate.

Yang Wanxiang and Hua Shengyi, the president of Yingtian hospital, were coming, followed by six bodyguards. Come here in a hurry and pass by Xu Zhendong.

"Vientiane, you are here at last. If you don't come earlier, our son will die!" Mrs. Yang sobbed and hugged Yang Wanxiang's arm.

"What's the matter?" Yang Wanxiang was a little angry and saw a dozen silver needles sticking to his son.

"Just now there was a guy who didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth trying to use traditional Chinese medicine for treatment. Fortunately, Mrs. Yang found out in time and had stopped that man's foolishness. Finally, she survived to the arrival of President Hua." Wang Zhenguo seized the opportunity to perform in front of Yang Wanxiang and said in a hurry.

"Traditional Chinese medicine? It's nonsense Yang Wanxiang burst into a rage and said in a loud voice: "all of them have been withdrawn for me!"

Isn't it a better chance to perform? Wang Zhenguo immediately reached over to pull out the needle, but was caught by the Yellow veteran.

"Dean Hua, are you..." Wang Zhenguo looks at President Hua who holds his hand.

Hua Shengyi's eyes were full of shock. Up to now, he didn't believe the facts in front of him. He solemnly said: "this disease is the invisible snake king venom burst syndrome, and it is an extremely dangerous stage. It should be hopeless."

"Although someone in China is not an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, he knows something about it. Judging from the current situation, it must be that these dozens of needles have protected the dog's life. The toxicity has been detained and will not spread any more. However, at present, it can only be regarded as stable and has not completely recovered."

"Just now the person who applied the needle was an expert. Did you say that Mrs. Yang stopped it?"

President Hua said slowly, his words full of shock.

As soon as his words came out, other people in the room were shocked. Even the highly respected president of the Chinese Academy said so. It only shows that the person just now really has real talent and learning, and is not the liar of traditional Chinese medicine they said before.

"Well... I don't know. Who knows that TCM is still useful these days?" Mrs. Yang stammered and looked a little ugly. "Aren't you here? You save my son. Come on, help my son. "

President Hua seriously checked the situation and said, "there is nothing Hua can do about this disease. If it is not for the temporary relief of the silver needle, young master Yang may have gone to the West."

"Wuwuwuwu, husband, our son, please help our son!" Mrs. Yang suddenly howled, hugged her husband's arm and kept shaking.

Yang Wanxiang was relatively calm. His brows were wrinkled into a Sichuan character, and thin beads of sweat came out of his forehead. Looking at Hua Lao, he said, "I'm not sure if you're going to see him

"Can no one save my son?"

"Yes!" Hua said calmly.

"Who? Who is it? Call him quickly Mrs. Yang just like to grasp the straw general, transfer past, grasp the arm of President Hua.

"Who is it?" Yang Wanxiang was moved and excited in his eyes.

"It's the man who just applied the needle. If the needle was not stopped, he would have cured young master Yang." President Hua sighed helplessly and said, "it's hard to figure out an expert's temperament. I'm afraid it's hard to find Mrs. Yang offending him this time."

"Husband, get that man back quickly, and let him treat our son!" Mrs. Yang held her husband's arm.

"Hum!" Yang Wanxiang gave a cold hum and stared at her: "what have you done? People are kind-hearted to treat patients. What have you done? Is it the man who just went out? "

"Yes! Yes! Yes

After that, he turned and looked at the bodyguard behind him, and ordered in a loud voice, "go quickly and invite people back to me."

Six bodyguards took orders and ran out.

And Yang Wanxiang and Mrs. Yang also followed closely. President Hua hesitated for a few minutes, and he and the medical staff were waiting here to see the safety of young master Yang.

At the moment, Xu Zhendong looks angry and really wants to slap himself in the face. Why do you want to go in and scold him? I'm curious about killing the cat!

"Why am I so cheap? Why am I curious to go in?" Xu Zhendong gently fanned his cheek and took a deep breath, "no matter, go to Yingtian hospital for an interview first."

Not far away, there was a cry from behind, but he didn't call his own name. Xu Zhendong didn't care.

Just a moment later, those people caught up with him. Six tall men in suits and sunglasses surrounded him with a dignified face.

Xu Zhendong knows these people. They are the bodyguards who just went in with Yang Wanxiang.

"Yang Shao's condition is to be cured. Mr. Yang asked you to go back for treatment! Right now. "

These people look cold and have a bad attitude. They don't have any attitude of asking for help, which immediately makes Xu Zhendong very upset. Just now, Mrs. Yang was aggressive, but now the bodyguards have such an attitude.

Xu Zhendong's eyes were cold. Looking at the man in front of him, he said, "I'm not worthy to treat you Yang Shao. Let Mrs. Yang treat you wisely! move out of my way! Good dogs don't get in the way

The bodyguard yelled: "be presumptuous, don't be shameless. It's your blessing to treat the son of Vientiane group. If you insist on going against the pit, don't blame us for being impolite."

"That's your attitude towards Mr. Yang?" Xu Zhendong sneered, looked at the six people and said, "then I'll see how rude you are! Go away

With that, he quickly reached for his hand. The man in front of him was caught by his wrist and numb. Xu Zhendong pushed hard and the man was pushed to the ground.

This action as if at one go, other bodyguards did not respond, Xu Zhendong step.

"Stop for me."

Other bodyguards are in a hurry. They can't let Xu Zhendong run away, otherwise they can't explain to President Yang, so they quickly reach for him.

These bodyguards are veterans or family members. They are extraordinary. If they are ordinary people, they will be slaughtered. However, Xu Zhendong has practiced the book of shaking heaven, which is not what he used to be.

"Well! Go away

A cold hum, instant figure movement, cleverly avoided the attack of the bodyguard, appeared in the hands of a few silver needles, nimble hands and feet, in the six bodyguards around a circle, the six bodyguards immediately motionless to keep action, like being punctured.

"You... What did you do to us?"

The bodyguard was stunned. He didn't listen and couldn't move. He looked at Xu Zhendong in horror.

"I'm Xu Zhendong. I'm not that easy to be provoked. Since you want to play, I'll play with you!"

With that, Xu Zhendong raised his foot and then kicked it. One person was directly kicked five meters away. He screamed and couldn't move. He just endured the pain.

"You should also be punished. If you ask for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help!"






The six bodyguards were all kicked out by him and fell to the ground in pain.

At the moment, Yang Wanxiang and Mrs. Yang finally arrived.

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