Yang Wanxiang and his wife had just arrived when they saw their bodyguard lying on the ground in agony and unable to move. His face was ferocious, even with scars on his face.

"Waste, waste, a few waste! I can't even catch an ordinary person! " Mrs. Yang looked at several bodyguards angrily and scolded. Her words were full of disgust.

But to his surprise, Yang Wanxiang looked at everything in front of him calmly, with apology in his cheek, and said seriously:

"What are you doing? I asked you to invite people. How can you do that? "

In fact, he also wants to ask Xu Zhendong to go back. It's just that these bodyguards are a little rude. Now, only this young man can save his son. He dares not offend him.

Xu Zhendong listened to his words, and heard Mrs. Yang's words, his heart is still very upset, Mrs. Yang's attitude is still very poor.

"Mr. Yang, what are you talking about? I don't know the heaven and the earth. Chinese medicine is a liar. I don't dare to delay Mr. Ling's illness. After all, your Dean Hua has arrived. It seems that there is no place to use me."

Speaking of this, Xu Zhendong took a look at Mrs. Yang and said faintly: "besides, even if I was kind-hearted to save people, I was only scolded. It's all my fault. I might as well get out early, lest someone want me to die."

When Yang Wanxiang heard this, he cried in his heart that it was not good. At the same time, he gave his wife a cold look and quickly explained: "traditional Chinese medicine is a unique knowledge passed on for thousands of years in our country. How can it be useless? President Hua's helpless disease has been stabilized by his younger brother. Little brother is a miracle doctor. Just now, some of my bodyguards have eyes and don't know Taishan. I'll wait for my wife to apologize to you again and ask my little brother to save my son! "

With that, he bowed deeply to Xu Zhendong, 90 degrees.

Yang Wanxiang is a famous entrepreneur in Yingtian city. He has many industries and billions of people. Now he bows to a young man.

Mrs. Yang snorted coldly. She looked at Xu Zhendong with disdain in her eyes. She opened her bag and took out a stack of banknotes. She disdained to say, "I just want money. Let's make a price. How much will it cost to cure my son?"

Originally, after listening to general manager Yang's words, he had a good attitude. He had a heart to save Yang Shao's illness and planned to go back to save others. However, as soon as Mrs. Yang said this, Xu Zhendong's eyes were cold and suddenly burst.

"Mr. Yang, for your bodyguards, they are not my opponents, and I have dealt with them, so what I want to say is that it is not the bodyguards who offend me, but Mrs. Yang!"

At the moment, several people have gathered around and heard the dialogue between them. For Xu Zhendong's words, the onlookers are surprised.

"What do you mean? Xu Zhendong, who are my husband and I? We are the president of the Vientiane group. We have already asked you. What else do you want? " Mrs. Yang is still a face of arrogance, nostrils look up.

"As long as we are in Yingtian City, there is nothing we can't solve. Now we come to beg you. That's your blessing. Do you know how many people want to see us every day and can't do it? Now the opportunity is in front of you. Don't be shameless! "

As soon as the words came out, the onlookers nodded. They also saw that it was the president and his wife of Vientiane group who stopped to watch, and some people came from the other side of the hotel.

"Yes? Since so many people are begging to see you, why don't you ask them to treat your son? I'm a Chinese medicine swindler, I can't cure your son's golden body. If anything happens, I can't afford it. I can't afford to pay for my cheap life. Goodbye! "

With that, Xu Zhendong turned his head and walked away, completely ignoring their stunned appearance and the shocked expression of the masses.

"Is there something wrong with the little brother's brain? This is the couple of Vientiane group. Once they have a little relationship, they can't enjoy all the splendor and wealth in Yingtian city. They even refuse. "

"Young people are impulsive. It's a pity that they will miss the chance for a short time."

"It doesn't matter that young people have personality, but it's a pity for a lifetime to lose the chance."

"This young man dares to refuse Yang Wanxiang. Is he not going to stay in Yingtian city?"

The masses felt sorry for Xu Zhendong one after another, and could not help shaking their heads as they watched him leave.

"Stop, you stop for me, you can't go!"

When Mrs. Yang saw that Xu Zhendong was so determined to leave, she looked dignified and quickly ran after him, screaming loudly. We're chasing and screaming.

"Don't you think I'm giving you less money? We Vientiane group are not short of money. How much do you want? You say, I can transfer it to you immediately, as long as you treat my son. As much as you want. "

In her heart, there is nothing that money can't solve. In the past, many things can be solved by throwing money, so she naturally thinks that this matter can also be solved with money.

Xu Zhendong suddenly stopped, cold eyes, staring at Mrs. Yang, coldly said: "I want 100 billion, you can give me 100 billion, I will immediately go back to cure your son, don't think that money is great, have the ability you give me 100 billion, do you have?"

Since you have so much money, you can give me 100 billion to see if you can take it out.

"You... You... Good, you Xu Zhendong, don't deceive others too much, I..." Mrs. Yang was also angry. The market value of Vientiane group is only 10 billion at most, but Xu Zhendong asked him to give 100 billion to save her son.

"Shut up Yang Wanxiang suddenly yelled at his wife and gave him a cold look. He said angrily, "you're not the one who caused the trouble. Originally, doctor Xu was treating his son. You pushed him away and stopped him. Aren't you trying to kill our son? Do you want to be comfortable when Qiankun is dead? "

"Ah... No, no, Vientiane, save our son, I can't do without Qiankun." At last, Mrs. Yang's voice became trembling. She grabbed her husband's arm, and the cry became louder.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers felt pitiful. The bodyguard who was able to move had already followed up and timidly followed. Suddenly, they felt that the woman was pitiful.

But from what she had done before, there must be something hateful about the poor man. If it wasn't for her, the situation would not be like this now, and I can't blame others.

Yang Vientiane dignified looking at Xu Zhendong, incomparably dignified, so looking at for a while, as if to make a difficult decision.

But Xu Zhendong didn't want to continue to face this disgusting woman, so he turned and left.

But suddenly a big hand caught his hand, urgent!


Yang Wanxiang knelt down!

Everyone present was shocked. The president of Vientiane group, whose company has a market value of several billion or even ten billion, knelt down to a young man.

"Dr. Xu, I know that my wife was wrong before. He didn't understand Chinese medicine, so he was extreme about Chinese medicine. Dr. Xu could save my son's life, but my wife stopped her. I'm deeply sorry for her behavior. You've been kind to my son, but my wife has been kind to me. It's her fault. I'll kneel down and apologize."

"I, Yang Wanxiang, have a son like this. I can't let him go at such a young age. I can't let the white haired people send the black haired people away. When I'm old, no one will come to see me off. I'd like to ask Dr. Xu to help my son regardless of the past."

Speaking of this, Yang Wanxiang looked at his wife and said angrily, "don't you kneel down and apologize to doctor Xu?"

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