President Hua also arrived at this time, just to see Yang Wanxiang kneel down, and he was shocked. Even the president of Yingtian City, he respected such a billionaire as Yang Wanxiang.

Unexpectedly, in order to cure his son, the rich knelt down to a young man by the side of the road, full of shock. He came quickly, but he didn't dare to speak.

Not only president Hua was shocked, but Mrs. Yang was also in a circle now. Her husband was high up and never knelt down. Ben was shocked by this move.

Not only that, her husband also told her to kneel down, her brain can not turn over, stay.

"Don't you kneel down and make amends to doctor Xu?" Yang Wanxiang said harshly, his words full of anger, such a son, absolutely can't die like this.

Waking up from the shock, Mrs. Yang's eyes softened, fell down on her knees with a plop, hugged Xu Zhendong's thigh, and cried

"Dr. Xu, please help my son. I have only one son. Please help him. It was my fault before. I apologize to you!"

Xu Zhendong was also shocked by their actions. He did not expect that their superior figures would kneel down when they knelt down. At the same time, he admired Yang Wanxiang's boldness. Although he was a king, he was able to stretch his arms and bend his head at the right time.

No matter the passers-by's shock and whisper, at this moment, the life of my son is the most important.

Xu Zhendong is very angry, but when they kneel down, most of their anger has disappeared. Of course, there is also the benevolence of the doctor, which is the reason why they can help the world.

"Mrs. Yang, you should be glad you have a good husband!"

Xu Zhendong said, return to the hotel, speed up the pace.

Yang Wanxiang and his wife got up in a hurry and made a small step to catch up with each other. They kept thanking each other. Mrs. Yang shut up and didn't speak. Yang Wanxiang lowered his body slightly and made a gesture of asking for help.

President Hua walked by Xu Zhendong's side and said, "you're the great doctor Xu. You're really a master of Chinese medicine. You can use the needle with luck. I don't know if you can reach the realm of Qi control and acupuncture?"

Although President Hua is not a traditional Chinese medicine, he knows a little about it. He knows that Yuqi Yunzhen is a very important watershed of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, it has reached the master level of traditional Chinese medicine and can not be ignored.

Xu Zhendong was a little happy to see that he was president Hua. After all, he wanted to go to Yingtian hospital to apply for a job. While he was on his way, he said hastily, "President Hua is flattered. You can just call me Xu Zhendong. I haven't reached the master level of Yuqi Yunzhen. I've only learned the tip of the iceberg about the breadth and profundity of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Oh! So how do you plan to cure Yang Shao's illness? This is Tang Laolai, who is known as the master of national medicine. He may not be able to do it. Are you sure? " As president Hua said, Yu Guang took a look at Yang Wanxiang and his wife at the back and said, "you should know Yang Shao's identity. If it's not feasible, you can't express it in a hurry."

Although Xu Zhendong said so, President Hua did not underestimate Xu Zhendong. After all, he had the courage to cure such a difficult disease at a young age, and stabilized Yang Shao's condition at a critical moment. He has shown great talent. With a little training, he will surely have a bright future in time.

Xu Zhendong just a faint smile, did not say anything, Shennong inheritance in the body, he can plan the curtain, treatment of Yang Shao's condition is not a problem.

Hurry back to the hotel, people maintain, medical staff guardian, everything remains the same, Xu Zhendong took out the silver needle bag, with a shake, spread out.

"I need to be quiet and undisturbed!"

Xu Zhendong has already started to use the "shaking the sky classic" in his body, instilling true Qi and silver needle. Although he has not yet reached the master level of controlling Qi and carrying needle, with the help of the mystery of true Qi, he can still treat Yang Shao's disease, just a little slower.

Yang Wanxiang looked at his wife coldly, looked at Xu Zhendong with a smile, and said firmly: "you can rest assured that you will never be disturbed. Drive out the idle people and keep the lobby quiet. It's temporarily open today."

After a while, the whole lobby of the hotel was quiet, as if the sound could be heard when the silver needle landed. No one dared to breathe.

Xu Zhendong uses Qi Qi to inject the toxin into Yang Shao's body. The seemingly simple massage actually uses a lot of Qi to expel the toxin from his body.

About ten minutes!


Yang Shao vomited out a mouthful of dark liquid. It smelled so bad that it spread all over the hall. People covered their noses, and some girls even began to vomit.

Xu Zhendong looked at Dr. Wang and then at Mr. Yang Wanxiang and said, "now I need someone to clean your son's mouth. I think Dr. Wang is the most suitable one."

With this, Dr. Wang is going to run wild. What's the most suitable name for me?

This guy is revenge!

"We have nurses here, they can also..."

"Doctor Wang, you also heard that doctor Xu said you are the most suitable!" Before Wang Zhenguo's words were finished, Yang Wanxiang looked over and showed his invisible authority.

Wang Zhenguo was speechless. He wanted to curry favor with Vientiane group, but his mouth smelled so bad at the moment that no one wanted to.

But Yang Wanxiang's words are very firm. He also knows that Yang Wanxiang should not be offended. Otherwise, he won't have to work in Yingtian hospital and Yingtian city.

"... all right!" Dr. Wang took a hard look at Xu Zhendong. Seeing the meaningful corners of his mouth, he suddenly twitched. This guy was intentional, but he couldn't help it. What Yang Wanxiang believed most at the moment was this guy.

"What do I need to do?"

Xu Zhendong, with a faint smile, said: "clean up the mouth and remove the foreign bodies left in the mouth, because there will be toxins left in the mouth, so Doctor Wang had better be careful not to push back the toxins in the mouth. As for how to do it, I don't think I need to teach you! "

Smelling the stench, the heart is almost vomiting, Dr. Wang want to die heart all have, lie on the ground, carefully clean the mouth, in order not to smell the stench, hard suffocation, hold the cheek and neck are red up, for a moment turn to see the opposite direction big breath.

Xu Zhendong was very happy.

After more than ten minutes, I finally cleaned up the remains of my mouth.

"It's hard work, Dr. Wang." Xu Zhendong said, Wang Zhenguo's mouth twitched a few times, listening to this is really full of irony, but also can only be forced to bear down the anger in the heart.

"Mr. Yang, I have stabilized your condition. The toxin has been forced out, but my body is still relatively weak. Now I write a prescription to recuperate. I suggest that it is better to be hospitalized temporarily. I will come back to observe it in three days. Look at the situation. "

"Thank you doctor Xu, thank you doctor Xu." Yang Wanxiang was very grateful and held Xu Zhendong's hand tightly. He asked with concern: "I don't know where the doctor Xu is. I'll send the child to the hospital directly for the convenience of the doctor Xu."

With a wry smile, Xu Zhendong picked up the resume in his bag, took a look at President Hua, and said, "I'm just preparing to graduate. I'm planning to go to Yingtian hospital for an interview..."

"This... This is just right!" Yang Wanxiang looked at President Xiang Hua and said, "President Hua, you see, a talent like Dr. Xu wants to go to Yingtian hospital, shouldn't he be employed?"

"Must be hired! There is no need to interview such talents as Dr. Xu. I hereby officially employ you as an intern of traditional Chinese medicine. Welcome to join the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Yingtian hospital, Mr. Xu Zhendong! "

The head of Huayuan is smiling, squinting and holding out his withered and yellow hand.

Xu Zhendong did not expect that this opportunity made him successfully apply to Yingtian hospital. Although there are doctors like Wang Zhenguo in Yingtian hospital, there are also people like President Hua who have real talents.

Of course, he knows that after entering the hospital, Dr. Wang will find a chance to embarrass himself, but with President Hua and his own Shennong inheritance, there is no need to be afraid of people like Dr. Wang.

He reached over to shake hands with President Hua and said with a smile, "thank you, President Hua. Here is my resume."

At the moment, Wang Zhenguo's mouth has been grinning and smiling.

This boy is obviously jumping into the tiger's mouth. He is a doctor in Yingtian hospital. You will suffer losses everywhere in Yingtian hospital.

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