President Hua took Xu Zhendong's resume, just glanced at it, closed it, and said with a smile, "if you have time today, you can go directly to go through the entry procedures and arrange Yang Shao's treatment by the way."

"Yes!" Xu Zhendong is also a happy smile.

"Doctor Xu!" Yang Wanxiang also smile, full of gratitude, said, "Dr. Xu, there are 50 million here, I hope you accept, but children's is priceless, in the future, if there is any need for Dr. Xu, Yang will do his best."

Xu Zhendong takes a look at the bank card Yang Wanxiang handed over. If he doesn't feel excited, it's a fake. But it's his duty to practice medicine and save people. The benevolence of doctors is his tenet of studying medicine for so many years. Today, he starts to save people without the consent of his family.

And now it seems that Yang Vientiane is also respectful to himself. Now he gets a great favor from Yang Vientiane, which is worth it.

"Forget it, I'm not saving people for money today, I'm saving people for my medical ethics. My master taught me that it's my duty as a doctor to help the world and cure the sick. So take it back!"

"This... Dr. Xu, you are an expert. This is the diagnosis gold. If you don't accept it, Yang will be upset." Yang Wanxiang was a little difficult to do. It was a great favor. After thinking for a while, he took out his wallet, took out a black card from the inside and handed it to him with both hands.

"Dr. Xu, since you are not willing to accept the consultation fee, this is the black gold card of Vientiane group. Holding this card, you can get some convenience in all the consumption of Vientiane group. I hope you will accept it!"

Seeing that Xu Zhendong was still hesitant, Yang Wanxiang looked at President Hua, who said in a hurry: "Dr. Xu, you are kind-hearted. The medical ethics of hanging pot to help the world is important and worthy of praise, but you should get a certain service fee for saving Mr. Yang's son. Why don't you accept this card and let Mr. Yang feel at ease?"

Xu Zhendong no longer accepted it, and immediately said: "OK, then I'll thank Mr. Yang."

"Husband, this card!" Mrs. Yang, who has just been looking at her son, is surprised to see that Xu Zhendong has already taken the card.

She knows best what this card stands for. If you want to compare Yang Wanxiang to an ancient emperor, then this card is equivalent to Shangfang's sword. The sword is like the presence of the emperor, and this card is also like Yang Wanxiang's presence. It has supreme power in the whole Vientiane group, and also represents the person who owns this card. Even Yang Wanxiang should be respectful and courteous.

And cardholders in the entire Vientiane group's hotels, restaurants, jewelry, clothing, etc. can be free of charge consumption.

In the past, her husband only sent out two cards. This is the third one. Which of the first two cardholders is not the most influential person in Jiangnan Province, but now he gives these black gold cards to such a young man.

"Shut up

Yang Wanxiang drinks very impolitely, for fear that she will say something that makes doctor Xu dissatisfied.

Today, he hesitated to send out this card. However, compared with his son's life, this card is insignificant. Moreover, on the way to the invisible snake king's sudden syndrome, he also heard from President Hua.

I'm ready for the future, but I didn't expect to be saved by such a young man. I brought my son back from the gate of death. He is still so young, and his future is limitless. It's no exaggeration to call him the holy hand of the country in the future.

"Dr. Xu, I'll send the children to Yingtian hospital for recuperation now. Why don't you come with us?" Yang Wanxiang said, bending slightly to show respect.

"Yes, come with us and go through the entry procedures for you right away." President Hua said with a smile.

Wang Zhenguo smiles. He has already figured out how to humiliate Xu Zhendong at that time. It's refreshing to humiliate him in front of the whole hospital in this competition.

"We welcome Dr. Xu very much in Yingtian hospital, especially in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Otherwise, every time there is an internal contribution contest, TCM always takes the lead. I feel ashamed for the Department of TCM. I hope that Dr. Xu can turn the tide around. It's time for the contest in another week."

Xu Zhendong smile, did not expect that there is such a contest inside, of course, also know what Dr. Wang said, fearless said: "since Dr. Wang is so kind, then I'll go with Mr. Yang now, and go through the formalities by the way."

Medical staff help Yang Shao into the ambulance, Yang Wanxiang side to Xu Zhendong made please gesture, Xu Zhendong is not arrogant, also made please gesture.

When he arrived at Yang Wanxiang's BMW, he stood in front of the car and waited for a while. When Xu Zhendong arrived, he opened the door for him in person. This move was completed in shock.

"I'm afraid this young man is going to make a mess in Yingtian city. Even Mr. Yang has to open the door for him. It's amazing. "

"It's always someone else who opens the door for Mr. Yang. Today, Mr. Yang even opens the door for a young man. It seems that he values him very much. In the future, his future is limitless."

They were shocked and watched Yang Wanxiang's BMW vanish. Then they came back to their senses.

Under the personal command of President Hua, the entry procedures were completed quickly.

"The salary of the interns in Yingtian hospital is 3000 yuan a month, and they sit for five days a week. You can get to know the specific situation of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine with director Jiang, director of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine."

President Hua simply left and handed him over to Director Jiang. When director Jiang saw that it was explained by the president himself, he thought he was in a good relationship and didn't dare to neglect him. He just despised him in his eyes. After all, he didn't rely on real talent and learning, and he was an intern without an interview, which showed that he had a good relationship with the president.

Xu Zhendong didn't care about this either. He had his own office space. After sitting in it for a while, he thought it boring and planned to take a stroll in the hospital. No, as soon as he walked out of the office, he turned a corner and met an acquaintance.

"Eko, as long as you are with me, my uncle will definitely let you become a regular. I will plead with my uncle. He is one of the attending doctors in Yingtian hospital. He has great power. It's a matter of words to want to leave an intern." This is a boy's words, some hasty look at the girl, want to grasp the girl's hand, but the girl stepped back, dodged.

This girl is Xu Zhendong's acquaintance Su Yike, one of the best friends in college. Before they had no girlfriend, they were good friends who could say nothing.

It is Wang Fusheng, who has been pursuing Su Yike in college, but has been defeated many times.

Su Yike was not happy and nervous. She did not dare to raise her head. She whispered: "Fusheng, I know you like me, but I have no feelings for you. Although you help me find a relationship and come to Yingtian hospital for internship, I still can't answer you."

"Eko, don't forget that you can come into Yingtian hospital only when I find a relationship. This is a top three hospital. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even have a chance to come in, so please think clearly." Wang Fusheng's words are threatening to some extent. He raises his voice, but not very friendly.

Su Yike stepped back again with a nervous look. From her eyes, we can see that she likes the work here very much and cherishes this opportunity.

"Do you want me to give you a hand if you help me get involved? Now is not the old society, now is free love, please don't force me Su Yike whispered nervously, afraid of losing this opportunity.

Wang Fusheng saw that Su Yike attached great importance to this internship opportunity. He immediately grasped the handle and said harshly, "since I can ask my uncle to get you in, then I can ask my uncle to fire you. You should be clear, so being with me is your only choice. I hope you are a smart man."

Su Yike's mind is completely blank. She has long known that Wang Fusheng would strive for himself more strongly, but she didn't expect to threaten him and grind her teeth.

Finally, with firm eyes, he said, "I choose to quit. Even if I'm fired, I won't be your girlfriend."

"You..." Wang Fusheng was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Su Yike would rather not have such a precious opportunity than be with him. He grabbed her shoulder and called out:

"Eko, you think clearly, don't you always yearn for Yingtian hospital? Do you really want to give up the only chance? "

"I am yearning for Yingtian hospital, but I will not be coerced by you. I have my own principles and bottom line. You have violated my bottom line."

Su Yike said, struggling to get rid of his hands, biting his lips, obviously making a big decision, very reluctant.

"Hum, don't think that if I like you, you can fool around in front of me. Do you think I really dare not ask my uncle to fire you?" Wang Fusheng said, a fierce shake hands, originally struggling to earn out of his hands Su Yike was directly thrown out.


A scream, a figure quickly came, tightly hugged the fall of Su Yike, finally help.

Xu Zhendong came. He heard them clearly just now. He was disgusted with Wang Fusheng and looked at Su Yike with concern.

"Eko, are you all right?"

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