"Director Bai, are you looking for me?"

"Dr. Xu, is Ning Xue still there?" Baigongting asked.

"White snow? No, he didn't even look for me today. " Xu Zhendong was also puzzled and said.

"I haven't looked for you? Are you sure? Today is not her cultivation period. I asked him to go to the hospital to find you for the final examination. Did she cheat me again? " Director Bai is a little angry. This daughter really doesn't let her worry.

"She didn't really come to me today." Xu Zhendong is very sure to say, "or you ask other people."

"Well, I'll ask the others." Director Bai said.

Hung up the phone, Xu Zhendong suddenly had a kind of ominous premonition.

Bai Ningxue has always been worried about her illness. She is also a righteous person. She won't go to investigate the case alone.

"What's the matter? Director Bai, what can I do for you? " Yang Qiankun asked casually

"It's about Bai Ningxue. It seems that director Bai can't find her." Xu Zhendong said, lying on the back, gently stretching.

"Bai Ningxue, she seems to know Xiaohong. I've heard Xiaohong say occasionally that they are good friends who can talk." Yang Qiankun said casually.

But Xu Zhendong is not at ease.

Because Bai Ningxue's previous illness was related to demagogic insects, he was a little worried and immediately took out his mobile phone to call director Bai.

"Director Bai, have you found Ning Xue?" Xu Zhendong asked anxiously.

"Thank you for your concern, but I haven't found it yet. I've called all the people I can find, but I can't find them. I'll send someone out to look for them. It's estimated that they are squatting again. They haven't called the police for a short time. It's estimated that their hands are itchy."

It seems that director Bai is not very worried, as if such things are very common.

"Director Bai, you have to pay attention to this matter, because she may be in a dangerous situation. You have to find her as soon as possible." Xu Zhendong said, very anxious.

"What's the matter? Do you have any clues? " Director Bai was a little nervous when he heard Xu Zhendong's anxious tone.

"Where are you now? Let's meet and talk about it in detail! " Xu Zhendong said.

The car immediately drove to the police station, and director Bai came out to receive him directly. He was very nervous, and others were surprised. This young man had never seen him before, but he was received by the director himself.

Regardless of these problems, Xu Zhendong came to the director's office and talked about Xiao Hong, Zhang xuanran's murder and Yang Qiankun's previous illness.

Yang Qiankun said on the side that what Xu Zhendong said was true.

Director Bai suddenly dignified, "you mean my daughter may be related to that little red?"

"I'm just guessing. I'm not sure. Yang Shao said that they know each other and they are good friends. I doubt that. Why don't you check from this aspect." Xu Zhendong said.

"This clue is very important. I've always heard that there are a lot of witchcraft in Western Hunan, and the demagogues are not good people. You don't know, we once had a very powerful traditional Chinese medicine, which was called the Southern Medical Saint at that time."

"He is similar to you. He wanted to solve the problem of witchcraft in Xiangxi. He went to Xiangxi in person, but he never came back. Now he doesn't know about life and death. We used to go to Xiangxi, but we didn't find anything."

"Medical sage?" Xu Zhendong had never heard of it, and said, "how long ago was this?"

"More than ten years ago, there were two famous medical saints at that time, the southern and Northern Medical saints. At present, the Northern Medical saints are still there. Although they are over ninety years old, they are worthy of people's respect."

"It's a pity that nanyisheng wants to solve Xiangxi's witchcraft. So far, he doesn't know his life or death. Once he's gone, we can't get any effect."

"You say that a generation of medical saints will never come back. If Ning Xue really passes, it's really bad. I hope she can't find her there. Doctor Xu, you didn't disclose the previous information to her?"

"No, I didn't tell her. I just don't know if she'll find out for herself Xu Zhendong said, a little worried, said: "I hope you quickly find out about her clues."

Xu Zhendong came out of the police station and went straight home.

In the next few days, Xu Zhendong has been working step by step in the hospital to see patients. Recently, the Department of traditional Chinese medicine has been busy.

Many people have heard that there are miraculous doctors in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine.

The clinic of Western medicine at the moment!

"Xiao Wang, our recent performance is very bad. What's the matter?" Wang Zhendong looks at a young doctor.

"No, Dr. Wang. Many patients go directly to the TCM department. There are few more of us here. Now the rumors about our TCM department are more and more magical. What's more, Dr. Xu's one shot for one patient is amazing."

"So it's the traditional Chinese medicine department that has robbed us of our achievements?" Wang Zhendong is very angry, but he knows that Xu Zhendong is valued by the president and can't offend him easily.

"Dr. Wang, you have to think of a way. If this goes on, our surgery room will really become the traditional Chinese medicine department before." Said the young doctor.

"I'll try it in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine." Wang Zhenguo was very angry and went to the Department of traditional Chinese medicine.

Before entering the gate of traditional Chinese medicine department, we have already seen the crowd wriggling inside, and many people are waiting in line to see a doctor.

I was stunned!

Isn't that what happened in the surgery room before?

Now transferred to the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, Feng Shui turn ah!

"There are so many people here. When will you wait? Why don't you go to surgery? Internal medicine is OK, too! " Wang Zhenguo asked a patient at the back.

"Oh, are you Dr. Wang? I know you The patient said with some surprise.

"Yes, I am Dr. Wang Zhenguo, a surgeon." Wang Zhenguo raised his head and straightened his chest with a proud face.

"Although your surgery room is good, I heard that there is a doctor Xu who is much more powerful than you. One patient gets a single injection, and she doesn't have a relapse. My daughter-in-law went to your surgery room before, but she relapsed a month later."

Wang Zhenguo was stunned and embarrassed and said, "who's your daughter-in-law? Let me check the medical records. Our surgery has always been very rigorous. It's impossible for her to relapse in a month. Doesn't she follow the doctor's instructions? "

"Who said not in accordance with ah, has been eating light things, have lost ten pounds, I am distressed to death." The patient said, complaining.

"Dr. Xu, there are too many hidden rules in your surgery room." At this time, another patient came over and whispered, "if we don't give you these doctors red envelopes, it's easy. We've seen through it. Now the TCM Department absolutely doesn't accept red envelopes, and it's responsible. You say we can't come, and TCM has no side effects."

"That is, it's said that western medicine has a saying: it's three kinds of poison, and traditional Chinese medicine has no side effects. In the past, everyone of traditional Chinese medicine hated the slow effect of traditional Chinese medicine. Now, after Dr. Xu came here, the effect is very fast, and even the slow effect will help you contain it temporarily. It's not going to get worse, it's going to get better. "

At this time, another patient came to talk about the hidden rules of doctors who dislike western medicine, such as irresponsibility, service attitude and so on. They boasted that Wang Zhenguo had no face to stay here.

Leave in a hurry.

"No matter what! We're doctors. If you want us to see a doctor, you don't have to look at our faces. Hum. " Wang Zhenguo angrily threw his pen to the ground.

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