Xiao Hong's roommate took them out of the school and came to a quiet community. It seemed that it was quite high-end

"Can all your students live in such a good community now?" Yang Qiankun said strangely, don't they all say that students are generally poor“ Is Xiao Hong's boyfriend a rich second generation

"No, they are not rich people. That is to say, Xiaohong has been working outside all the time. It's said that she makes a lot of money, so she can live here." The girl said, with some envy in her eyes.

"Ha ha!" Yang Qiankun wants to laugh. She comes to live in a high-end community with her boyfriend with her money, so who is she?

I came directly to one of the rooms here. The door of this room is closed. It seems that the whole community is good. It should be two rooms and one living room.

"It's good, but people may not be at home." Xu Zhendong said, a little disappointed.

Hard knock on the door, the girl also called, a phone off, no one opened the door.

"Forget it, if you want to avoid you, you can't find it." Xu Zhendong said helplessly.

"What do you do?" All of a sudden, an aunt came up and looked at the three of them.

"Auntie, you don't know me. I'm a friend of Xiao Hong. I've been here before." The girl went over and talked to her mother.

"Xiao Hong just went out in a hurry not long ago. Don't knock on the door." She said.

They were disappointed and wanted to leave.

But at this time, Xu Zhendong felt a cold breath coming from inside, and immediately focused on his mind.

"What's the matter?" Yang Qiankun asked.

"It's not right inside. Try to open the door." Xu Zhendong is dignified and always vigilant.

Yang Qiankun walked over and made a phone call after some negotiation. It seemed that he bribed him with money. His aunt said that she wanted to get the key to open the door.

After a while, aunt came back with the key. When the door opened, everyone was shocked.

A cold breath came, and a thing suddenly flew, very fast.

Xu Zhendong's reaction is faster. He reaches out and goes. A silver needle directly pierces a thing. His whole body is red with blood. The red liquid on his body is still dripping down. It's sticky and constantly creeping. It's like an insect, the size of a thumb.

Seeing this scene, other people were shocked. Looking at this creeping insect, they felt disgusted. Indeed, it vomited some reddish brown liquid, which was disgusting. Now it was pierced by Xu Zhendong's silver needle, and it was still struggling.

"There's blood on the ground... Ah!" The girl screamed and immediately fell in Yang Qiankun's arms.

"What's the matter? It's cold Yang Qiankun also felt that something was wrong and watched everything here with vigilance.

"What's the matter with this, Tao Xiaohong? She doesn't like cleaning so much!" She was angry all of a sudden.

Xu Zhendong squatted down slowly, looked at the blood on the ground and raised his eyes. The blood came out of a bedroom. He stood up and went looking for blood. His aunt cooperated with him to open the door.

When the door opened, people were even more shocked.

A man was lying on the ground. There was a big hole in his chest. It was here that a bloodstain began.

And he died ugly, looks like convulsions, eyes full of panic, as if to see the most terrible things, or by the most painful torture.


The girls screamed, and the screams echoed throughout the room.

"Dead!" Xu Zhendong said. He walked over and carefully examined the body of the person lying on the ground. He was shocked. "The internal organs are gone. Looking at the small hole, it should be the hole where the insect came out. It's not an ordinary insect."

"What is this? Throw it away Yang Qiankun said, looking at it with some fear.

"If I'm not wrong, it's a bug." Xu Zhendong said, very seriously, this is not an ordinary thing, but it makes people scared.

"Judging from the current situation, this man should have been killed by the insects, and his viscera were devoured by the insects." Xu Zhendong said very seriously.

"It's... So poisonous! Who did it? " All the aunts were weeping.

"Come on, as long as you call the police, someone will deal with it." Xu Zhendong said, the mood is very complex out.

After the three came out, they sent the girl back to school. On the way back, Xu Zhendong and Yang Qiankun would be very silent.

"What do you find? There seems to be something on your mind Yang Qiankun asked.

"You should have something on your mind." Xu Zhendong said with a wry smile, "your true love supports other men. Now this man has been killed. Do you remember what I told you about the living things in Xiaohong's body?"

"You mean Xiao Hong might be the next victim?" Yang Qiankun said nervously.

"No, she won't be the victim, because she's the murderer." Xu Zhendong said, silent for a while, said: "this thing is a bug, and she should be a bug keeper, the bug in her body is controlled by her, or she is just using her body to provide nutrition for the bug, she is the warm keeper of the bug."

"Gu Chong? I've heard some rumors that poisonous insects can kill people. I didn't expect it to be true, and I didn't expect to meet such people in reality. I've been sleeping with her so long Yang Qiankun felt his heart in amazement and said, "my body will not be harmed by her, will it?"

"Don't worry, you don't have poisonous insects in your body. As far as I know, it can make people sick, cause some viruses, and directly kill people. It's up to you to look after how poisonous insects are used." Xu Zhendong said, very serious.

In Shennong's inheritance, there are some records about poisonous insects. It seems that many people think that it is common sense to raise poisonous insects and harm people.

Of course, if the poisonous insects are in the hands of doctors, they can also be used to treat diseases, mainly depending on how you use them.

In Shennong's inheritance, it is said that XiaGu is also a kind of witchcraft. It's mysterious. I've seen a lot of it, but I know something about it.

Long ago, it was used to cure diseases and save people. Later, it was used by some people with ulterior motives to harm people. Later, it formed a kind of witchcraft, which was in the southern barbarians, which is now the south.

In the inheritance of Shennong, there is a word Miao!

In today's society, there is no such place as miaojiang!

At least we don't see any statement about the Miao area on the current map, but the Miao area is still in China, and now it is in Western Hunan.

"Xiaohong is a demagogue keeper? I always think it's impossible. We've known each other for so long, and we haven't found anything different. Today we saw a homicide case! " Yang Qiankun is still reluctant to believe this fact.

"Believe it or not, it's a fact. Witchcraft is a kind of witchcraft. It's better to keep a distance from this kind of people. No one knows when they will become their next witchcraft. You have been forgotten what happened to your illness."

With that, the cell phone rang. It's director Bai.

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