"Chen Zhengzheng?" Xu Zhendong still didn't know who this person was. He said, "you are from Hong Kong Island. I don't know the people on the other side of Hong Kong Island."

"No, I'm from the mainland, or from Rehe City, Jiangnan province." Mrs. Huo was helpless and said with a smile, "my name is Chen Guixiu. My brother is Chen Zhengzheng, Secretary of the provincial Party committee of Jiangnan province. You should know that? "

"What? Your brother is the Secretary of the provincial Party committee! " Xu Zhendong looked at her in shock. He couldn't believe it. He said, "you see, people like me who live at the grass-roots level can't contact people at that level, so I don't know. But you said I knew about the Secretary of the provincial Party committee."

"It's OK. You have just graduated, but you have great medical skills. In the future, you will definitely come into contact with people in this field. By the way, my wife and father-in-law also said that they are not feeling well recently. Let Dr. Xu have a look."

"I'm not sure about that. My brother said that my father's condition is not ill. His circle is different from ours. My brother told me to leave it alone." Mrs. Huo said, some helpless, said: "if the child is not small, really want to let doctor Xu to see."

"Well, I'll call my brother-in-law." Huo Dongjun said, looking at Xu Zhendong, and said, "I'll help you to fix that. As long as I'm in this hospital, Yin diansen can't oppress you in the hospital. Don't worry."

"He can't offend the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, but I've heard that he still has friendship with my brother-in-law. As long as my brother-in-law says something, he won't embarrass you."

Said Huo Dongjun to go out to make a phone call, is dignified.

After Huo Dongjun went out, Xu Zhendong looked at Chen Guixiu and said, "did you just say that your father is unwell?"

"Yes, it's not very good in recent years, but it's different from our disease. I'm not very clear about it. It seems that there's something wrong with martial arts practice. I don't know much about it, and my brother doesn't let me know much about it."

"Dr. Xu, I may tell my brother about your medical skills later. These days, I have heard my husband say that your medical skills are very good, and we have not seen other doctors. We have seen many famous doctors, and they are helpless, but you say that you can cure us."

"We believe you. I'll let my brother invite you to show it to my dad some other day."

"Well, if I can help, I'll definitely help him." Xu Zhendong said that doctors are kind-hearted. As long as the other side doesn't look down on traditional Chinese medicine, he won't give up any patients.

Before long, Huo Dongjun came back.

"Doctor Xu, don't worry. My brother-in-law has already said that he will tell Yin diansen. There won't be much problem with you. You can stay at Yingtian hospital with peace of mind first. "

"Thank you, Mr. Huo. Thank you, Secretary of the provincial Party committee!" Xu Zhendong said gratefully.

Sure enough, in the next few days, Xu Zhendong did not receive any harassment from Yin diansen.

However, the crackdown on Vientiane group is still going on slowly.

Yang Qiankun was also helpless and often complained to Xu Zhendong.

Shennong medicated food shop is also in the process of decoration. It is close to the end, and can enter the normal operation state immediately.

"Yang Shao, I asked you to make an appointment with Xiao Hong for me. Have you made an appointment yet?" Xu Zhendong said.

"I told her several times. I don't know why. As soon as I mentioned you to him, she was anxious with me and told me not to get close to you. Today, I just couldn't find her." Yang Qiankun said helplessly.

Since Xu Zhendong said that Xiaohong had a problem, he tried to ask Xiaohong to come out, but as soon as he heard that there was Xu Zhendong, Xiaohong would immediately refuse. Today, she disappeared directly, and even Yang Qiankun could not be found.

"Disappeared?" Xu Zhendong still has some doubts.

"Sure enough, she disappeared. Do you know where she came from? Where is she from? " Xu Zhendong asked.

"I haven't asked her about her hometown. By the way, I haven't been to her school to find her. I'll go to the school to have a look." Yang Qiankun said.

"I'll go with you!" Xu Zhendong said.

They drove together. The car was running fast. Soon they came to Yingtian University. When they walked into the school, they were full of big white legs.

"I can find her by phone!" Yang Qiankun immediately called, asked for a while later knew where she was, "go!"

They went directly to the art building and went to one of the painting classrooms. As expected, they saw beautiful Xiao Hong and some other students in it.

There's something different about it.

Yang Qiankun, no matter how much, went straight in and stood in front of Xiao Hong.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Yang Qiankun asked.

Xiaohong looks at him calmly, and her eyes see Xu Zhendong behind her. She can't help but have a certain fear.

"Who are you? Please don't disturb my drawing

"You... You ask me who I am? What do you mean, Xiao Hong? " Yang Qiankun looked at her in amazement,

Her classmates also looked at her in amazement, and someone recognized Yang Qiankun, the son of Vientiane group.

"It turned out to be Yang Qiankun of Vientiane group. I never thought that Tao Xiaohong was a big money on the list!"

"I'm so excited. I didn't expect Yang Shao to come to our school. It seems that Tao Xiaohong is favored by Yang Shao. She's so happy!"

"The son of Vientiane group? Tao Xiaohong is so lucky. "

These people are excited to recognize Yang Qiankun.

They are all graduate students, so hard to go to school, create works, the ultimate goal is also for money, and Tao Xiaohong is obviously on the list of big money.

"I don't care who you are, please don't disturb my life!" Xiao Hong is very angry to say, three two immediately pack up things to go out.

This reaction makes Xu Zhendong and Yang Qiankun very surprised. Unexpectedly, she pretends not to know them.

"Not... You wait..." Yang Qiankun suddenly forced.

Is this the same person who has rolled sheets countless times at one time?

Once two people together passion ice fire double day?

Now you don't even know me?

All this changed so suddenly that Yang Qiankun didn't react. He was confused and embarrassed.

Chase out immediately, but, the person already disappeared.

Yang Qiankun calls again and finds out where she lives. The girl who lives with her says that Tao Xiaohong came back just now, and then leaves in a hurry.

They went out in a hurry, but they couldn't find her. Her phone was turned off.

"What's the matter?" Yang Qiankun still can't understand what's going on.

"I don't know, but I think there must be a lot in it." Xu Zhendong said.

They went back to her house and asked the girl who lived with her

"She's probably looking for a boyfriend."

"Boyfriends? What's her boyfriend's name? " Yang Qiankun asked in surprise.

"It seems to be Zhang xuanran."

"Zhang xuanran? Are you sure? " Yang Qiankun was even more confused.

"Yes, that's the name. We've had dinner together. We're still pretty handsome."

"Can you take me to his boyfriend?" Yang Qiankun said, seeing that the girl was hesitant, he immediately took out his wallet, took out all the money in it, there were eight or nine hundred, and said: "take us to find his boyfriend, this is the reward!"

The girl took the money and said, "thank you. Please follow me."

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