"Ha ha, can't my silver needle make you understand the feeling of pain?" Xu Zhendong sneered twice and looked at Liu Huanyuan as if he were a fool.

Liu Huanyuan took the stick and made several gestures, but he did not dare to go up all the time. His steps moved, and he was quite nervous.

"Dr. Xu, I know you have silver needles. I can't beat you, but it doesn't mean you are invincible with silver needles. Today I will teach you a lesson for Zhou Shao." Liu Huanyuan stepped back and said with a sneer.


Several figures appeared in a hurry, with an electric rod in hand, and ran to Liu Huanyuan.

"Liu Shao, what's the matter?"

Four of them were in suits, leather shoes and sunglasses.

"You are blind!" Liu Huanyuan yelled, "this is the man. Beat me to death, and I'll get a hundred thousand for killing me. But remember, that woman is your sister-in-law. You can't hurt her at all."


As soon as the four bodyguards heard of the money, they were very excited. They were ready to start. They were ready to show their skills.

Liu Huanyuan seems to have seen the appearance of victory. He lights a cigarette for leisure, retreats to the back, smokes quietly and goes to the theatre.

Xu Zhendong sneers. It seems that these people are just fierce. In fact, they are not as good as Yang Wanxiang's bodyguards. Xu Zhendong doesn't pay attention to them at all.

"You stand behind me a little bit, and you hear that. They won't hurt you."

Xu Zhendong gently pushed her to the back.

Pool not shallow eyes with tears, but did not flow down, obediently standing behind Xu Zhendong, whispered: "sorry, trouble you, you careful, I called the police."

"Come on!" Xu Zhendong in the hands of a row of silver needles, the use of silver needles has been as pure as fire, handy.


The four bodyguards roared and rushed up with their electric batons.


A scream repeatedly issued, four bodyguards holding their arms in shouting, the hands of the baton has fallen to the ground.

"Lying trough, that's another move." Behind Liu Huanyuan very angry, "pull out the silver needle, and then give it to me, do you want 100000?"

Four bodyguards also have another hand, 100000 yuan stimulates their nerve to advance, fists directly waved in the past.

Xu Zhendong's figure is very fast, four bodyguards scream repeatedly, five seconds, all lie down, pain, face ferocious.

Xu Zhendong doesn't want to see these bodyguards, but looks at Liu Huanyuan and walks over with a sneer.

"You look down on me. You want to buy my life for 100000 yuan." As Xu Zhendong said, a silver needle appeared at the tip of his finger. Under the moonlight, the silver light flickered, revealing a cold light. Liu Huanyuan retreated.

Liu Huanyuan retreated, and his long stick was shaking, which made him unstable.

"Don't come here. I'm very good. I've practiced."

Liu Huanyuan then retreated, trembling and retreating towards the door.


The door of the elevator opened and several people came out.

"Manager Dong, help

Manager Dong appeared. When he saw four men in black coming up with electric batons, he thought it was a bit bad. He immediately came with two security guards.

Manager Dong was also a little confused. He didn't expect that Liu Sanshui, who was domineering in Sanshui District of Yingtian City, would have such a day.

Liu Sanshui's background is that he does not dare to offend, but Xu Zhendong, the holder of the black gold card, does not dare to offend.

"Don't move!"

Manager Dong grabs the two security guards who want to rush up. Looking at the scene, he sees four people in black shouting not far away. Aren't these the four people who just came up in a hurry?

He knew that these four were Liu Huanyuan's bodyguards, but he didn't expect to be killed easily by Xu Zhendong. Originally, the holder of the black gold card had made him very suspicious of Xu Zhendong's identity

"Go back, we don't see anything!"

With that, manager Dong turned back to the elevator and stood. The two security guards were so confused that they didn't know whether to go back or to rush up.

"Manager Dong, you can't do this. I'm from the Liu family in Sanshui District. You can't do this. Help me!"

Liu Huanyuan rushed to the elevator.

"I didn't see anything. You two come back. Don't let a third person in. "

As if manager Dong didn't see anything, he ordered two security guards.

The two security guards also knew how to do it. They stopped Liu Huanyuan, who was rushing over, and then stepped back into the elevator. Manager Dong immediately closed the elevator door.

"Manager Dong... I'm Liu Sanshui. You can't..."

Liu Huanyuan was in despair, and at the same time he was very confused. He didn't know why manager Dong would do this. He had no idea.

"Do you still want to run? You just said you want my life. " Xu Zhendong has come to him, the silver needle in his hand is shining.

"I'm a doctor. It's my duty to practice medicine and save people, but I'm also a human being. I also have my own temper, and my temper is not very good, especially when others want to force me and provoke me. My temper will be very irritable. Do you want to try how I am irritable?"

Xu Zhendong sneers. Although there is a kind-hearted doctor, mud Bodhisattva is also angry. Liu Huanyuan wants his life.

"Because of my identity as a doctor, I won't kill you, because you haven't completely made me angry, but you will pay the price."

Said, the hand of the silver needle has been slowly close to his temple.

"You can't do this. I'm Liu Sanshui. I'm Liu family. My father is Liu Zehui. My second uncle is Liu Zezheng. You can't kill me!"

"I know you are the Liu family, but as for your father and second uncle, I don't know and I don't want to know. I only know that if you offend me, you will pay a price."

Then the silver needle in his hand will come out quickly.

"Wait! Dr. Xu Suddenly, the pool behind him is not shallow and shouts quickly. Xu Zhendong looks at her suspiciously and sees her coming like a goddess in the moonlight. The sound of high heels is regular and a little pleasant. She says, "doctor Xu, can I come?"

"Are you coming?" Xu Zhendong was a little surprised.

"Yes, let me do it. I know I will be fired when I go back this time, because I failed to talk about the project." Chi Weiqian said, staring at Liu Huanyuan, and said: "since I have failed, then I have nothing to fear, no worries, then I want to get back some of my own interests."

Xu Zhendong was shocked by this woman's state. According to the truth, most girls are afraid to hide in the corner when they encounter such a situation, but the pool is not shallow, but they have to come up and get back their own interests.

"All right, then you come!"

Xu Zhendong stood up and stepped back.

Seeing Chi Weiqian's murderous eyes, Liu Huanyuan, who was just thinking about threatening and even forcing him to go up to Chi Weiqian, turned crazy and retreated in fear. But he was already at the door of the elevator and pressed the elevator hard, but he didn't respond.

"Not shallow, you can't, our project can still be discussed, as long as you let me go, I promise you, I will sign the contract immediately."

"Besides, I will never let JINGMAO pharmaceutical company fire you. You promise nothing."

Liu Huanyuan said in a hurry, trying to escape the next pain.

Chi Weiqian, however, seemed to be unable to hear what he said. He turned to look at Xu Zhendong and said faintly:

"May I borrow your silver needle?"

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