"Of course

Xu Zhendong hands two silver needles to her, quite interested in looking at her, only to see that she did not panic before, a bit just between the eyebrows of indifference.

Then he took the silver needle and looked at the trembling Liu Huanyuan, saying nothing. No matter how Liu Huanyuan begged, he didn't care, and his eyes were staring at him for a while.

"Not shallow, please let me go, please."

Liu Huanyuan cried and begged. He never begged so much. When did Tangtang Liu Sanshui beg so much.

"Well, you should have thought of such a result. Today you have to pay the price."

Chi weishallow finally spoke, but hearing this, Liu Huanyuan was even more desperate.

"You... Are you really going to do that?" Liu Huanyuan looked at the pool, and his eyes twinkled with cold light.

Chi Weiqian doesn't want to talk. The silver needle in her hand looks right at his neck. She has to go down with a needle. The way she takes the needle is very professional.

And then, suddenly, he came.


At the moment when he pounces on him, Xu Zhendong moves. He has been paying attention to all Liu Huanyuan's actions, which are under control.


A slap patted his head, in the moment he had not fully stood up, he had been patted down by Xu Zhendong, and a silver needle appeared in his head.

Chi Weiqian was also startled by his action.

"Are you all right?" Xu Zhendong hugged her and was frightened to see her.

Pool not shallow gratitude looked at Xu Zhendong, "I'm ok, thank you!"

He turned his head and looked at Liu Huanyuan, who had been settled. His eyes twinkled with cold light, and he didn't say a word. The silver needle in his hand went in accurately.

Liu Huanyuan could not speak or move, but his eyes could move, and his eyes were full of panic.

A silver needle went in his neck, and one in his temple.

Xu Zhendong was a little surprised. These two points are relatively fatal, especially the one on the neck, which can cause trachea failure and shock.

The temple is exactly where Xu Zhendong wanted to go. This place touches the very important arterial nerve. If he goes down in this position, Liu Huanyuan's nerve will have some disorder, ranging from temporary amnesia to idiocy.

From the perspective of Chi weishallow's technique, Liu Huanyuan is mentally retarded even if he is not an idiot.

Xu Zhendong is surprised why Chi Weiqian knows these two positions. Is she also a doctor?

After that, he turned around and said, "you should know more about the consequences of these two positions than I do."

"I know that at the neck, you may lie in bed for a month, or you may die of shock. At the temple, you may lose your memory for a short time, or you may become an idiot. But your current technique is not heavy enough. You should be a step away from an idiot."

Xu Zhendong said, very calm, and listen to Liu Huanyuan has face changeable, he is Liu Sanshui ah, this wants him how to mix in the future.

"Since you know so clearly, I'll leave it to you. Although I really want to kill him, I haven't killed anyone. If I can't do it, I can become an idiot." Chi Wei said.

Xu Zhendong stepped forward, waited for a while, gently pulled out the silver needle, and Liu Huanyuan fainted.

"Let's go!"

Pool not shallow gently said, toward the elevator.

They took the elevator to the first floor and saw manager Dong and two bodyguards on the first floor. They saw Xu Zhendong and Chi weishallow coming out.

"Mr. Xu, are you ok?" Manager Dong hurried over and looked at Xu Zhendong. After confirming that he had nothing to worry about, he noticed Chi Weiqian, "isn't this miss Chi Weiqian, the general manager of JINGMAO? Are you up there? "

"You don't see anything tonight." Xu Zhendong said, gently pulling the hand of the pool not shallow out.

"No, no, nothing." Manager Dong said like a grandson, bowing, until Xu Zhendong and Chi weishallow disappeared in sight, "hurry up."

Yingtian night is still very good, now it's summer, it's cool.

"What are your plans?" Chi Weiqian looked at Xu Zhendong and said with a smile, "thank you for your help. You offended Zhou Yiming and Liu Huanyuan today. It must be difficult for you to get along in Yingtian. If you don't know what to do, you might as well go with me."

"Where are you going to take me? You have a share in Liu Huanyuan. " Xu Zhendong is not in a hurry.

"You're very calm. Are you really the son of that family?" Chi Wei chuckled and said, "I have to run tonight. I don't know where I'm going. Anyway, I won't let the Lius find me for the time being."

"The Liu family is a second rate family in Yingtian City, but it's not easy for me to deal with them alone. As long as I get out of Yingtian City, I think they can deal with me so easily, so I plan to go out and take refuge."

"I also want to go, but I still have a very important task to finish. I have several patients in Yingtian city. As a doctor, I can't break my promise to my patients."

Chi Weiqian was stunned for a moment and said, "I didn't expect that you are really a positive doctor. You are a very special doctor. I'm very happy to meet you. Hello, Xu Zhendong. My name is Chi Weiqian. I'm going to lose my job."

"Hello, Chi Weiqian. My name is Xu Zhendong. I'm a doctor."

They shook hands solemnly.

Back home, Xu Zhendong had a good sleep. There were too many things that happened on this day.

A new day, a new beginning.

Xu Zhendong goes to work in the hospital.

Su Yike saw the arrival of Xu Zhendong, very happy to welcome up, said a lot about last night's graduation party.

Time passed slowly, and there were no patients.

"Let's go to the canteen for dinner later!"

Su Yike said with a smile that she was very happy to learn a lot of TCM knowledge from director Jiang one day. Xu Zhendong didn't say anything about it.

Director Jiang doesn't seem to like himself very much. On the contrary, he prefers Su Yike, who came in for a formal interview.

"Yes, but I have to go and see my patients now." Xu Zhendong said and went to the ward.

"You still have patients? Are you going to work the next day? I haven't seen you receive any patients? " Su Yike looks at him suspiciously and follows him.

"Did you forget that I said I saved a man before I went to the hospital?" Xu Zhendong said.

"You mean Yang Wanxiang's son of Vientiane group?"

"That's right. Let's go and have a look."

Xu Zhendong came to Yang Qiankun's ward, which is the best in Yingtian city. The whole ward is decorated very comfortably and gives people a warm feeling like home.

Yang Wanxiang is not in the ward, but Mrs. Yang is here with her son.

Seeing Xu Zhendong coming, he came respectfully.

"Dr. Xu, here you are. Help me to see when my son will wake up!" Mrs. Yang's face became haggard and her attitude changed a lot.

Xu Zhendong checked it and found that the situation was much better than yesterday. He said: "don't worry. He needs to be quiet now. If he wants to wake up for the time being, he needs some stimulation. You can tell him about some of the happiness he once shared, but you should pay attention to your voice and tell it gently..."


"Is that son of a bitch Xu Zhendong in there? Come out and die at once!"

All of a sudden, there was a roar, and almost the whole ward was shocked.

Mrs. Yang's face suddenly changed.

Doctor Xu just said that his son needs to be quiet

"Which bastard yells so loud? Don't know if my son needs to be quiet? "

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