Traditional Chinese medicine is the quintessence of Chinese culture. It's really sad to be reduced to such a state. It's not only the tragedy of traditional Chinese medicine, but also the tragedy of Chinese people.

Director Jiang and doctor pan seem to have been used to the scorn and sarcasm of others, and they do not intend to refute, but also contain Xu Zhendong's refutation.

"The best refutation is to conquer them with your medical skills!" Director Jiang said, eyes will not look at other people, anyway, a look at the past is someone else's face of contempt, why bother.

"Director Jiang, what is the specific situation of this competition?" Xu Zhendong asked.

"Generally, the patients who are in a very difficult situation in our hospital will come here for treatment. Some of them are life-threatening. You should act according to your ability here, and don't try to be brave, because most of the people who are sent here have no hope to be saved."

Director Jiang said, also can be regarded as a reminder of Xu Zhendong, this is the general rules, act according to one's ability, flaunting one's ability will kill people.

Xu Zhendong some suddenly, basically no hope will be sent here for discussion?

"But the medical equipment here is not as complete as our clinic!" Xu Zhendong said.

"There's an elevator in the back of our book that can directly reach the consulting room. All the equipment in the consulting room can be brought here at any time. Otherwise, what do you want you logistics people to do? You manage the elevator here. As long as I need it, you can take the elevator to get the equipment."

"So it is!" Xu Zhendong looked at a button behind him, and the needle burning dining room was shown below the button.

"It's about to start, but the guests are not here." Pan said, looking at the position of the guests, "here comes Zhou Hongyuan."

All the doctors stood up to welcome him. Zhou Hongyuan came with two other doctors and President Hua, talking and laughing.

President Hua asked Zhou Hongyuan to come to his seat. "Dr. Zhou doesn't need me to introduce him. He's all old acquaintances. This year, he's still our internal guest. Let's give him a round of applause."

A burst of applause, Xu Zhendong looked at this person is indeed a bit similar to Zhou Yiming, especially between the eyebrows that gas is very similar.

Try to keep a low profile. After all, he forced Zhou Yiming to kneel down and apologize.

As the applause subsided, President Hua stood in the middle and continued with a smile: "this year, I am still the host and the referee. Our rules are the same. This is the internal competition of Yingtian hospital, in order to prepare for the medical competition in Yingtian city in the near future. Only the winner can represent our hospital. Are you ready?"

"Always ready!"

Everyone's voice was loud and excited, as if they wanted to win the title of the winner.

"Director Jiang, should we have such a competition in the city?" Xu Zhendong asked in a low voice.

"Yes, it's also a once-in-three-year competition. Every hospital or medical family will send people to participate in the competition. At that time, the patients will be many times more difficult than today's. We went out to represent Yingtian hospital, and this opportunity is decided by our big competition today."

"Anyway, our TCM Department has no hope, so I didn't tell you. I think your TCM potential is very good. If you want to come in and study, you can just look at it well." Director Jiang said, this is his original intention, Chinese medicine is looked down upon, his heart is also very depressed.

"Thank you, director Jiang!"

At this time, President Hua said the rules without saying anything, and said, "send in the first patient today."

Immediately, a nurse brought in a patient. At this time, a man, wearing a patient's name and quilt, was shaking. His cheeks were sweating and dripping.

"We don't have much time to get a copy of the case and the information. Please look at it as soon as possible."

President Hua said that the logistics personnel have already sent the cases to each person, and there are also traditional Chinese medicine. Xu Zhendong has a look, but he can't see anything. The best way to treat traditional Chinese medicine is to look, hear and ask, not to see B-ultrasound or X-ray.

The atmosphere became very dignified. No one spoke. Some people left their seats and went to observe the patient's condition. Traditional Chinese medicine is a department that must go there.

"Hey, the logistics guy. You can't go there. "

There's a voice coming from Western surgeons.

Xu Zhendong stops. He is the only one in the logistics staff who walks past. Looking over there, Hou Pengtao stares at him.

"He is the logistics of my TCM department, I need his help!" Director Jiang said, looking at the past, then came back, meaning that Xu Zhendong went with him.

Xu Zhendong nodded gratefully and followed him.

Several people around the patient, trying to ask something useful, but the patient can't say anything except shiver.

"Doctor. Please help my husband

There is a middle-aged woman in the door, tears continue to fall, look inside, struggling to come in, but the guard stopped.

Xu Zhendong and the other three people all had a pulse. Xu Zhendong immediately knew at a glance that this person would have been useless if he was normal. There was moisture in his body, or moisture had formed. The moisture accumulated outside his intestines and stomach and could not flow out. This is a very terrible thing. Shivering all over.

This is the most serious one, because the body is too wet and cold, the moisture inside has a tendency to freeze, almost becoming a block.

Blocked nerves, blocked blood vessels, blocked digestion, and so on, and scattered more serious.

From the case, it should have been operated, and the moisture was successfully cleaned up, but soon there was moisture, which is the reason why the symptoms can not be cured. If it can not be cured, the moisture will always exist.

Ten minutes passed.

"Well, now let's start with internal medicine and show your attitude!"

Xu Zhendong and others return to their own position. Xu Zhendong looks at the middle-aged woman at the door, walks over and asks about some information. They keep communicating with each other.

"This should be a surgical operation. There's nothing we can do about it." The head of internal medicine said.

"It doesn't belong to our department of gynecology and pediatrics."

"This is really related to our department of facial features, but we said that we can do nothing about it."

All three departments said they could do nothing.

"What about surgery?" President Hua looks at Wang Zhenguo, who is currently in charge of surgery.

"This person's body is constantly producing moisture, and the moisture is constantly getting cold. From his medical records, it's obvious that he had been treated, but it didn't succeed. We have to find the root cause so that he won't relapse again."

"As for the root cause, I think it should be in the lungs. His lungs produce a lot of moisture. I think it should be related to his constitution. His constitution belongs to Yin cold body. This disease should have been buried since he was born."

"We can carry out surgical rescue, lung surgery, Dr. Hou is the best, Dr. Hou, what do you think?"

Hou Pengtao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Wang Zhenguo would push him out at this time and said, "I'm really good at lung surgery. I know all the structures of the lung like the palm of my hand. What Dr. Wang just said is the result of our surgical discussion. We can carry out rescue surgery."

"How many levels of assurance?" President Hua asked.

"Eight floors!"

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