"What about traditional Chinese medicine?" President Hua asked.

Director Jiang hesitated and said, "I can't do it."

It's a simple three word expression of attitude.

"Hum, these three words are used every year. I really don't know the meaning of the existence of traditional Chinese medicine!"

A surgical nurse said, she is specialized in surgical logistics personnel, looked at director Jiang and doctor pan with disdain.

Neither of them spoke, as if they had not heard.

Xu Zhendong is still talking to middle-aged women.

President Hua didn't say much. He looked at the position of the guest and asked, "what do you think of Dr. Zhou?"

"If it's me, I have ten levels of assurance to help him cure, although it will take some time." Zhou Hongyuan said firmly.

President Hua hesitated for a moment and said, "now Dr. Zhou and our surgeons are sure to cure it, but Dr. Zhou is more sure, so this round let Dr. Zhou come. Does anyone have a problem? "

"I have!" Zhou Hongyuan looked at the surgery department and said, "I'm a guest. The first patient should be treated by the surgery department. The eight level assurance is almost the same as the ten level assurance. I believe Dr. Wang said that 80% assurance is conservative. If there is no accident, it must be 10% assurance."

"Dr. Zhou is magnanimous." President Hua nodded gently, looked out at the Department, and said, "doctor Hou, do you think it's acceptable?"

Dr. Hou stood up and said, "then I would like to thank Dr. Zhou for his acceptance."

I don't have to say much. I'll have an operation right away.

The whole operation was carried out in the middle, all the equipment was ready, and everyone kept quiet.

During the whole operation, Xu Zhendong also came to watch and saw the bloody picture. He saw blood all the time.

Families have been blocked.

"Dr. Hou, you will relapse again. You just cleaned up his moisture, which is no different from the previous operation." Doctor Zhou said.

Hou changed his face and said, "I just need to get rid of his moisture, and then prescribe some medicine with a little drying effect. It's all right."

"Ha ha, Dr. Hou, it seems that I think highly of you. Do you mean that he will take your medicine all his life? And then you can make his money all your life? " Dr. Zhou sneered.

"This... This is the best way that our surgery department has come up with? If it had been so easy to cure, it would not have been sent here. " Hou Pengtao said, a little worried.

Although the patient was anesthetized, there were still cold sweat and Hypohidrosis on his face, which became more and more serious, and his face became very pale.

"Dr. Hou, get out of the way and let Dr. Zhou come!" President Hua said in a cold voice that doctor Hou could only step down when the invisible majesty came down.

"Dr. Zhou, what are you going to do?" President Hua asked.

Now that the operation has been carried out, too much hesitation is not allowed. The longer the time is, the worse it is for the patient.

"I want to cut the moisture producing part. Only by cutting can it be eradicated forever. " Doctor Zhou said firmly.

"That week, should the doctor know what will happen if the cutting fails or is not perfect?" President Hua said.

"The lungs are connected to the respiratory tract of the human body. If you are not careful, you will stop breathing and die directly!" Doctor Zhou said clearly, looking at the direction of the door, "so I need the patient's family to sign the death agreement."

"How sure are you that the patient will survive?"

"Ten percent, I have 30 years of experience to guarantee perfect surgery." Doctor Zhou said confidently.

"If you don't brag, you won't die. If you brag, others may die." Hou Pengtao murmured in an unconvinced voice, "this is our Yingtian hospital. If something goes wrong, we should bear it. When you go back to Longhua Hospital, there's nothing wrong. President, I don't think it's feasible."

President Hua was also thoughtful. Looking at the patient's face getting worse and worse, he firmly said, "prepare for the death agreement. I'll go to communicate with the patient's family. Doctor Zhou will perform the operation immediately."

At this time, a voice came.

"Dean, let me come instead of having surgery. I have 70% confidence to help him get a radical cure and use the technique of traditional Chinese medicine."

Xu Zhendong came over and said firmly that this kind of dampness into the body is a common phenomenon in traditional Chinese medicine, but this person's situation is very special and relatively serious.

"Who is this? A logistics department wants an operation? President Hua, is there no one in Yingtian hospital Zhou said very dissatisfied, although the other side's grasp is not as big as his own, but the other side even said that it can be cured without surgery.

He can't bear to blow more than himself!

"I don't agree to let him come. He's just an intern, but he's still a traditional Chinese medicine."

"These days, even traditional Chinese medicine has come to do surgery. It's a big joke. No wonder traditional Chinese medicine is getting worse and worse."

"It's a big blow. A rookie of traditional Chinese medicine has to have an operation. Even the master of traditional Chinese medicine doesn't dare to speak. He's an intern and dare to show off his ability."

The public objected one after another and resolutely disagreed with Xu Zhendong.

"Dean?" Xu Zhendong had a doctor's heart and looked at the Dean anxiously. He knew that the president has the final say.

"Wait for me a moment." President Hua went out to communicate with his family, and the death agreement was also taken out.

Time soon, President Hua came back and looked at Dr. Zhou, "the operation will be carried out immediately."

"Dean!" Xu Zhendong was a little worried. He didn't know if doctor Zhou could really cure the patient this week, but he knew that if there was a slight mistake, the patient would die.

President Hua looked at Xu Zhendong helplessly and said, "I asked the family members of the patients. They don't agree to the operation of traditional Chinese medicine. Although we are doctors, we should respect the opinions of the family members. Their lives are theirs."

Xu Zhendong is a little disappointed, but traditional Chinese medicine is still not recognized.

Three minutes later, Xu Zhendong is still absent!

"If it's broken, I'll tell you! Cutting operation is not good, the lung is the key part, many neurons are gathered here, bad thing

Hou Pengtao said in a strange way, with a sense of schadenfreude.

"I... I have a good grasp. How can this happen? This person's lung structure is different from other people's. I can't blame him." Dr. Zhou looked at the patient with disbelief on his face and did not believe that he would make mistakes at this time.

"What's the matter?" President Hua looked over anxiously with a look of amazement, "Dr. Zhou, don't you say you are 100% sure? Is that your 100% confidence? Isn't it just the beginning of the operation? "

"No, Dean Hua, I can't blame me. The lung structure of this man is different from that of others. I can't blame him. His lung structure has been deformed due to long-term moisture infiltration. I can't blame him

Doctor Zhou stepped back and looked at all this with a pale face.

"Shouldn't you, as the chief surgeon, check everything before you perform the operation?" Dean Hua looked at him angrily and said, "it's not your fault. Do you blame me?"

"Who can do it?" Hua Yuan growled and called.

"Dean, I'll try!" Xu Zhendong went forward.

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