"I object!" Director Jiang immediately stood up, looked at Wang Zhenguo and said: "this situation is completely helpless. His bullet has been pressed on the spine. Once it is moved, it will basically touch other nerves. Once the neurons are damaged, it will definitely waste the lower part of the body, and whether it can survive is still a problem."

"Zhendong, don't be fooled by them. He doesn't agree with you. It's okay for the dean to has the final say, and he has just shown his own skills.

"I agree with director Jiang that Dr. Xu's medical skills need no further proof. From these films and your own point of view, it's obvious that the bullet can't move to save people's lives. Aren't you trying to kill Zhendong? Where do you live? " Dr. pan is waiting for Wang Zhenguo. He is not happy.

The Department of traditional Chinese medicine has finally added an attending doctor. If he is trapped by him now and is beaten back to his original shape, it will be a big loss.

"I think it was just a trick." Zhou Hongyuan can also see that this man can't move. Once he moves, he will be defeated.

President Hua finally saw that these people were all aimed at Xu Zhendong. They ran on new people and said, "Dr. Zhou, if it's you, do you have the ability to do it?"

Zhou Hongyuan was silent for a moment and said, "I can."

People were shocked, especially when Wang Zhenguo was stunned. He couldn't do it himself, but Zhou Hongyuan said that he could do it. He took out the bullet and ensured that the patient could recover as usual. Obviously, he said that his medical skills were not as good as Zhou Hongyuan.

"Oh? In this case, just now that the man Dr. Zhou failed, how about this man let Dr. Zhou come? " President Hua is still a bit surprised, because he can't do it by his present means.

"Vice President Zhou, come on, let's help you!" The two people behind Zhou Hongyuan said that they felt a little eager to try. When they came here, if Zhou Hongyuan could cure the people who could not be cured in Yingtian hospital, they would hit them in the face.

Zhou Hongyuan is a little speechless. In fact, he just pretends to be forced to say it. Unexpectedly, the two people can't see it and let themselves go. They really regret that they brought them out.

"How about I make a bet with Dr. Xu?" Zhou Hongyuan stood up and looked at Xu Zhendong.

Everyone was surprised. Looking at Zhou Hongyuan, they just said that Zhou Yiming had bet with Xu Zhendong. Now Zhou Yiming's father Zhou Hongyuan wants to bet with Xu Zhendong. This is the rhythm of revenge.

Xu Zhendong stood up and said, "is doctor Zhou going to avenge his son?"

"Don't worry about my reasons. I'll bet with you now. Do you dare to bet?" Zhou Hongyuan said with a firm attitude.

Xu Zhendong frowned and said, "I really don't know what you think in your mind. We study medicine to cure and save people. Why should we bet? Isn't it boring? "

"And when I told your son not to bet, he didn't like it. If I didn't bet, he stopped me from saving people. I was forced to do nothing."

Xu Zhendong looks like he has suffered a lot.

"Doctor Xu, are you afraid?" Zhou Hongyuan said with a smile: "if Dr. Xu is afraid, just admit that he was clever just now, and I won't embarrass you."

"I really don't want to gamble!" Xu Zhendong was full of grievances and said: "your son lost, you come to gamble with me, do you want your father to gamble with me when you lost? It's just a bet. You're boring

"You... Do you dare to gamble?" Zhou Hongyuan said that he was angry, but it was an opportunity and he had to hold back.

"How do you bet first?" Xu Zhendong said calmly.

"Just bet that one of us can get his bullet out and make sure he lives." Zhou Hongyuan said with a smile, "if I win, you kneel down and admit defeat."

"What if you lose?" Xu Zhendong asked.

"I won't lose! Hey, hey Zhou Hongyuan said firmly.

"It's boring. You are the same as father and son. If you only say you win, you don't say what you do when I win. " Xu Zhendong said lazily, as if he didn't care at all. He said: "since it's a bet, it must be fair. Let's make clear the bet first. Otherwise, who knows if you want to break the debt just like your son, a father and son are the same!"

"Well, if you win, I'm at your disposal." Said Zhou Hongyuan aloud.

"Well, if I tell you to eat shit, you can eat it too?"

"You... Don't go too far." Zhou Hongyuan wants to hit people and points to Xu Zhendong.

"Didn't you say it yourself? If I win, I'll take care of it. Don't you want to cheat me before you start? " Xu Zhendong was at ease, as if everything was under control. He said, "you'd better say the specific punishment. It's better to be fair."

"What do you want?" Zhou Hongyuan is so angry that his lungs are going to explode. This young man is so talkative that he can't say it himself.

"My requirements are not high. If I win, you will never touch western medicine again." Xu Zhendong light said.

"You... Are you trying to cut me off?" Zhou Hongyuan clenched his teeth. Once he could not touch western medicine, he would be useless. His medical skills could not be used, and his future would be ruined.

"You can choose not to accept, I don't force it!" Xu Zhendong said lazily.

"Vice President Zhou, you can't accept it." The people behind Zhou Hongyuan said in a hurry.

They also held their breath and made a sweat for Zhou Hongyuan. Unexpectedly, Xu Zhendong made such a fierce bet.

"I don't think it's fair!" Wang Zhenguo immediately said, "if you lose, you just need to kneel down and kowtow, while doctor Zhou loses, it will ruin your future. This is an unequal bet."

Xu Zhendong said with a smile: "I study medicine to save the world, not to bet, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you."

At this point, he looked at Zhou Hongyuan and said, "doctor Zhou, do you have no confidence in yourself or do you have too much confidence in me?"

Zhou Hongyuan's head almost explodes. The young man's words are so aggressive that there is no way back.

"I'll bet, I'll bet with you, I don't believe it."

Zhou Hongyuan almost growled.

"Dr. Zhou, think twice!" Wang Zhenguo said in a hurry.

"Vice President Zhou, you don't have to promise him. It's an unfair bet."

"Dr. Zhou, don't be impulsive and calm down. After all, he has just performed his excellent medical skills. Maybe he can do it."

"Dr. Zhou, are you sure you can take out the bullet and make sure that this man will be ok?"

People around looked at Dr. Zhou anxiously, because the patient's situation was very difficult, and they were totally uncertain. They basically didn't intend to take out the bullet in order to survive.

The two people of traditional Chinese medicine department are also anxious to pull Xu Zhendong to one side.

"Dr. Xu, are you too impulsive? This bullet can't move. It's dead."

"Yes, Dr. Xu, you are a genius of traditional Chinese medicine. You can't do anything!"

Xu Zhendong was very grateful to them and held himself at this time, but he still said firmly:

"I can do it!"

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