There was a tug of war on both sides, and the dean of Huasheng Yihua in the middle looked at both sides calmly, didn't intend to say anything, and waited quietly.

Five minutes later, they came to the middle and stood on both sides of the patient. The patient was also staring at them.

"How do we compare now?" Xu Zhendong looked at him, his eyes burning.

Zhou Hongyuan slowly lifted the quilt from the patient's body. His upper body was naked, and his back muscles were very well-organized. He seemed to be a long-time exerciser, training all his muscles.

The upper part of the muscle is very attractive, but to the lower part, some people, because there are a lot of burns in the lower waist, a large piece of burn spots, like being roasted by fire.

From time to time, Zhou Hongyuan looked at the films and materials in his hands, carefully observed the patient's situation, pressed many times, and asked the patient whether he felt pain or not. The patient also answered with great cooperation.

"Well, I know the result now." Zhou Hongyuan looked at Xu Zhendong with a fearless expression.

They held their breath, waiting for the judgment of doctor Zhou. All eyes never left them.

"I can't save this man."

Zhou Hongyuan calmly said, others have been stunned, just two people's gambling so big, now Zhou Hongyuan actually said can't save, this is not equal to lose?

"Vice President Zhou, you can't save it? What's the bet The people who came with Zhou Hongyuan were worried.

Now vice president Zhou represents not only individuals, he represents Longhua Hospital, but also the honor of the three of them.

Zhou Hongyuan sneered and said, "I can't help you, but that doesn't mean I lost."

Looking up at Xu Zhendong with a cold light in his eyes, he said, "if Dr. Xu can do it, then I'll count. But if Dr. Xu fails, then I win. Dr. Xu, do you think it's the reason?"

"Old fox! You did it on purpose, you set a trap! " Director Jiang immediately realized the trap, "your previous bet didn't explain the situation clearly. You will know that this person can't move after seeing doctor Wang's disease analysis. You just went to confirm it and finally let Dr. Xu treat it. As long as Dr. Xu fails, you win. It can't be successful."

Other people suddenly realized that Zhou Hongyuan had already figured out the countermeasures.

"Then doctor Xu can choose not to treat. In that case, both of them will be equal, and there will be no win or lose." Said one of the logistics staff.

Zhou Hongyuan sneered and looked at Xu Zhendong. He said: "it's you who are in the pit. Aren't you very powerful? I'm telling you now that this man can't use anesthesia because of his special position of injury, and he must keep awake during the operation. This is an operation. Who can bear such pain when he completes the operation in a sober state. "

"Why are you so insidious!" The patient's bayonet glared, as if it contained a murderous opportunity. An invisible sense of oppression came to Zhou Hongyuan's face. "Do you deserve to be a doctor? If I can't move now, you'll be my next ghost. "

Zhou Hongyuan was scared away by this strong sense of oppression, and his cheek was sweating.

In fact, Xu Zhendong was also shocked to look at the patient. This strong sense of oppression was just formed by staring in his eyes. This person is not a simple person.

"I... it's a bet between us. He says he can cure you." Zhou Hongyuan left far away, some trembling said.

The patient's bayonet looked at Xu Zhendong and said in a loud voice, "I know my own situation. If you dare to take out the bullet, I will take it out. Anyway, I don't intend to keep the bullet. If I die, I will die. Although it's a pity that I can't die in the battlefield, it doesn't matter. It's not my reason."

No one spoke. The patient's aura was very strong, and there was a strong sense of oppression when he got angry.

Looking at the patient's bayonet, Xu Zhendong said, "I see some scars on your body. Are you a soldier?"

Bayonet some silence, it does not seem to mention the previous life.

Xu Zhendong said again: "I need to know your life, especially how this one came from, so that I can have a better operation."

The bayonet hesitated for a moment and said, "you think I'm a special forces soldier. This bullet was left behind when I killed the enemy at the border."

His words are so simple.

"This is a time of peace. If there is a battlefield, it can only be that some foreign enemies will invade the border areas. So, this person's identity is definitely not simple. " Xu Zhendong thought, imagine this person's life, so as to more accurately ensure the success rate of the operation.

"Do you have a family with you? Because your operation will be very dangerous, you need to sign a death agreement. " Xu Zhendong said.

"No. He was born a man, and he is dead a man Bayonet said, his voice has always been loud into everyone's ears.

"If I don't have anesthesia, can you bear the pain of the operation?" Xu Zhendong asked again.

"I've been up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire. I have no problem with the pain." The bayonet said firmly.

Xu Zhendong looked at the bullet in the spot on his waist and saw that the bullet was about 20 cm deep.

Looking at President Xiang Hua, Xu Zhendong said, "president, I need to sign a death agreement with him. Now we have an operation. I want to take out the bullet."

President Hua was surprised and said, "Zhendong, you can give up. He has been in this bullet for some time. From this film, some meat has stuck to the bullet. It will be very difficult to take it out. Don't take any risks."

"Don't be angry because of gambling. It's a big deal. There are still patients who want you to prove your medical skills. Don't worry. "

President Hua thinks that he can't take out the bullet and keep the patient alive. This position is too special.

"Although he doesn't want to say more, I know that he must be the kind of national soldier who fights for the border of his motherland. I don't think he should be tortured by illness after being injured. Moreover, he just said that he would rather die than take out the bullet."

"Even if we don't take out the bullets for him, he won't have bullets in his body. You can rest assured that he will go to some hospitals with worse equipment and worse medical skills in our hospital?"

Xu Zhendong said, but also a bit anxious.

"You are almost sure to finish the operation!" President Hua was silent for a while, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Xu Zhendong looked at the patient's bayonet and said slowly, "twenty percent!"

"It's... Such a small chance. I suggest that he should not be allowed to have an operation!" Wang Zhenguo was the first to stand up against it. "Although I really want to see Xu Zhendong lose, he was once my patient. I don't want to see him die."

"I don't think it's right, doctor Xu. Don't try to be brave." Director Jiang said, imploring Xu Zhendong not to be impulsive.

"Dr. Xu, you don't have to be rash because of gambling. We have to think about it carefully." Doctor pan also said.

Other doctors don't speak and want to see Xu Zhendong lose. Even if the patient dies, it doesn't matter. The hospital basically has dead people every day, so they don't care about one more death.

"I'll take out the bullet!"

The bayonet appeared again with powerful and dignified words, and no one dared to speak.

"Dr. Xu? I don't want to be paralyzed for the rest of my life. Let's do it. I believe you The bayonet said again.

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