"How is it possible?"

Zhou Hongyuan couldn't believe it when he looked at all this. His face was as pale as paper, and he couldn't help himself. He sat down on the chair, panting.

The two people who came with him also looked at the bayonet in the middle.

In this jubilant, the three people seem out of place, not for the success of the operation, but for Zhou Hongyuan's failure.

According to the gambling agreement, Zhou Hongyuan will not touch western medicine in the future, and his future will be ruined. He is the son of master Zhou, the son of a generation of doctors, and his medical skills are also very excellent.

Everyone looked at the bayonet happily. The bed of the bayonet was drenched with sweat and the pillow was bitten by him. However, he was very happy and everyone was very happy.

"Dr. Xu's medical skill is excellent. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult. Basically, the operation was determined to be hopeless. It's really admirable."

This is a saying from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, which was satirized by western medicine before. But at this moment, he had a deep respect.

I was impressed by Xu Zhendong's medical skills!

"Dr. Xu, I have misunderstood you before. I hope you don't mind. Traditional Chinese medicine is very powerful. I have to admit it." Hou Pengtao said with deep apology.

Xu Zhendong smiles and says nothing.

"Dr. Xu, you let me see the real Chinese medicine. You're right. Chinese medicine is really powerful. I'm sorry before."

"Dr. Xu has such superb medical skills at such a young age. His future is limitless. I apologize for his previous behavior."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Xu. I shouldn't have done that to you before."

"Dr. Xu, I'm sorry. I said something bad in front of me. I'll treat myself as a pig and talk about myself. I hope you don't mind."

Everyone apologized one after another. Xu Zhendong looked at everyone who apologized and gave them a smile. Before, traditional Chinese medicine was not as good as others. It was understandable to be misunderstood, but it was a good thing for these people to have a new understanding of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, Xu Zhendong noticed that a person did not speak from beginning to end, that is Wang Zhenguo!

His face was a little ugly. He wanted to humiliate Xu Zhendong in this place where all the attending doctors were. Unexpectedly, Xu Zhendong hit him in the face in turn.

President Hua also came over and patted Xu Zhendong on the shoulder, saying, "doctor Xu's medical skills are amazing. I'll go back to my arrangement and replace the medical equipment in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. It's been a long time."

"That's very kind of you Director Jiang's heart blossomed with laughter, and he was very grateful to Xu Zhendong.

Everyone complimented Xu Zhendong, but also constantly concerned about the situation of the bayonet.

Xu Zhendong looked at the pale Zhou Hongyuan, walked over slowly, looked at him, and said, "doctor Zhou, I told you not to bet. It's boring, but you didn't listen. You see, now you lose!"

Zhou Hongyuan was a little at a loss. He never thought Xu Zhendong would succeed. He never thought that he would have such a day. He used to talk with his nose in the air, but now he doesn't dare to lift his head.

"Dr. Xu, we vice president Zhou are joking. You are taken seriously!" Standing behind Zhou Hongyuan, a man said with a smile and gently waved his hand. He didn't have the confidence before.

"Yes, we are joking, and the bets between the two sides are not equal. Doctor Zhou can't touch western medicine. Isn't that destroying him? I hope you don't remember the villains, don't mind The other is also like a toad dog with a low voice, unlike the previous disdain of traditional Chinese medicine.

"It's a pain in the back when you stand and talk." Dr. pan took a look at them. They were quite young. This time they came to study and help. They were also the apprentices of Dr. Zhou.

"If Dr. Xu can't save the patient, I don't think Dr. Zhou will say it's a joke."

Xu Zhendong had been looking at Zhou Hongyuan, who did not dare to look up. The corners of his mouth rose slightly and said, "doctor Zhou, what do you mean?"

Zhou Hongyuan raised his head difficultly and looked at Xu Zhendong in disbelief. He stood up, his legs shaking.

People are paying attention to his actions and words, waiting for his attitude.


Zhou Hongyuan knelt down directly, and everyone was startled.


With a heavy knock, he looked up at Xu Zhendong and stammered

"Dr. Xu, I lost. I admit that my medical skills are not as good as you. I lost. I kowtow to you and admit defeat. I hope you don't break my path."


Kowtow again, almost cry.

"Dr. Xu, I really know that I'm wrong. I shouldn't look down on traditional Chinese medicine, and I shouldn't look down on you. I shouldn't make a forced bet with you in order to avenge my son. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I hope you can forgive me and withdraw my previous bet. I'm really wrong."


Zhou Hongyuan kowtows again and looks at Xu Zhendong pleadingly. He kowtows and talks. He hopes Xu Zhendong can forgive him and withdraw his gambling agreement.

Others were stunned. They didn't expect that doctor Zhou, who was aggressive before, would become doctor Zhou, who kowtows to beg for mercy now. They didn't expect that things would change like this.

How wonderful!

In addition to being shocked, some poor Zhou Hongyuan, a figure of such a level, speaks with great eloquence. There are so many people testifying here that he can't run away. If Xu Zhendong doesn't withdraw his gambling agreement, his life will be ruined.

"Dr. Xu." President Hua also had some helplessness. He didn't expect that things would develop like this. At first, he was very angry that Zhou Hongyuan bullied Dr. Xu, but now he even sympathized with Zhou Hongyuan and said, "Dr. Zhou's medical skills are very good, and he is also impulsive. If the medical profession loses such a good doctor, it is really a great loss."

"Besides, when Dr. Zhou comes to Yingtian hospital, he is a guest. If we cut off his way, isn't it a bit cruel, so I personally ask you to withdraw your gambling agreement, or change it."

President Hua is thinking about the whole hospital and the whole medical community. From the perspective of patients, he has a good overall view. Otherwise, he would not be the president who is awed by people today.

Others did not speak.

"Now that the president of the Chinese Academy has started, I have to give this face." Xu Zhendong sighed, he really did not have any good feelings for Zhou Hongyuan, but President Hua can say that he has the grace of knowing the situation, face or to give, "before your bet is that I lost, I kowtow to admit defeat, then you kowtow to admit defeat, even if it, later see me don't be so arrogant."

"Thank you, Dr. Xu. Thank you, Dr. Xu!" Zhou Hongyuan kept kowtowing thanks.

"Doctor Zhou, get up quickly!" President Hua quickly helped him up. The visitors were guests. We should not let the outside world say that we neglected the guests.

Xu Zhendong stopped talking and went back to the patient's position.

"I'll give you a prescription to go back, and I'll arrange for a nurse to help you decoct the medicine. You can drink the medicine on time and recover in a month." Xu Zhendong said.

The bayonet's eyes were full of gratitude. He looked at Xu Zhendong seriously. "Doctor Xu, my bayonet's life will be yours in the future. When I leave the hospital, I will be at your service at any time."

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