"Your life will always be your own." Xu Zhendong looked at him seriously“ I will pay attention to your condition during this period of time. "

Then he looked at director Jiang and said, "director Jiang, transfer him to the patient under my name, and let Yike take care of him. Should that be ok?"

"Of course, if a patient is sent here, he will be in the name of the one who has the ability to cure him." Director Jiang said, looking at the nurse logistics, arrange people to send bayonets out.

Xu Zhendong looked at doctor Zhou Hongyuan who had already stood up and said, "doctor Zhou, any medical skill is to help the world and save others. I think we doctors should have such a mentality, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhou Hongyuan repeatedly said that he didn't dare to be vague at all. In case Xu Zhendong was unhappy and didn't withdraw, his whole life would be over.

Seeing that Zhou Hongyuan's attitude has changed 180 degrees, other people will hiss for a while, and Xu Zhendong's strength will not be questioned at this moment.

The next patients, each of them is very difficult. Every time, people will ask the opinions of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine in advance, mainly Xu Zhendong. This makes director Jiang and doctor pan of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine feel very honored. I didn't expect that those who have always despised traditional Chinese Medicine would compliment traditional Chinese medicine.

As time went by, two patients got cancer, and Xu Zhendong was helpless

At this time, a rush of footsteps came, and then a patient was pushed in, and many doctors followed.

The patient constantly screams, and the doctor rushes in to look at the gynecology and pediatrics department and yells.

"Pregnant women with dystocia, Dr. Kong, we can't deliver babies. We have to come here."

Dr. Kong is the director of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and also the oldest doctor in obstetrics and gynecology. She has delivered countless lives. Today, she is here on behalf of Obstetrics and gynecology.

The pregnant woman was smelling of sweat, struggling and screaming in pain. It was obvious that with her efforts, she should still not be born. Her lips were all bitten and she worked hard all over her body.

"Why not have a caesarean section?" Hou Pengtao said casually.

"The family members of pregnant women mean that they want to give birth naturally, and we have no choice now." Obstetricians and gynaecologists said, some helpless.

"No way. Now we can't keep two of them by caesarean section. We should contact the family members of pregnant women immediately, one big and one small. We can only keep one, and we have to have a caesarean section." Doctor Kong came to have a look and knew the situation. He said in a hurry.

The doctors in other departments only took a look at it. It's not what they are good at, and they don't understand it. Now it's about human life and it's hard to talk, so they have to stand aside.

The scream of the pregnant woman came incessantly, panting, and almost out of breath.

A man broke in and looked nervously at the pregnant woman.

"Are you her husband? We could have saved two people, because pregnant women can't give birth naturally, which leads to only one left now. You can choose quickly! " Doctor Kong said angrily.

"Can I guarantee two? I want even one The pregnant husband said in a hurry, "I can get the price, no matter how much it is, as long as you can keep two, I can give you 100 million."

"Now it's not a matter of money. If you just started a caesarean section, you should keep two, because the vagina of a pregnant woman is too small, which should be affected by previous injuries. In addition, she is now an elderly woman, so it's basically impossible to have a natural birth."

Doctor Kong said without expression.

"I was really hurt before, but... But my family said that the first child can't be delivered by caesarean section. It's unlucky!"

"You immediately decide that the more you hesitate, the more dangerous it will be. If you continue to hesitate, you can't keep both of them. Hurry to choose!"

It's hard for the pregnant woman's husband to make a choice. He walks over and holds the pregnant woman's hand tightly. He is very nervous.

"To be small, husband, small, to have a child for you, I have been very honored." The pregnant woman said in a trembling voice, holding her husband's hand tightly.

The pregnant woman's husband hesitated, looked at the pregnant woman and said, "wife, without you, what's the meaning of my life? We should all live well. If the child is gone, we can have it again, but if you're gone, it's really gone."

"No... husband, no, the doctor said, it's a miracle that I can get pregnant. We can't have children any more. I know you always want to have a child."

"Husband, I'm gone. You can find another one. It's meaningless for me to live without my child."

The pregnant woman cried.

The pregnant woman's husband looked at Dr. Kong and said, "big one."

"Good!" Doctor Kong immediately gave him the agreement. Without saying a word, he signed it directly.

"Prepare for caesarean section!" Dr. Kong's hands and feet are very sharp. He went to have an operation immediately.

"Wait a minute." Xu Zhendong suddenly said that he had been observing pregnant women, and there was no gender in front of the patients, saying: "I can keep two. Let me do it. "

"This..." Dr. Kong was a little embarrassed and said, "Dr. Xu, I know you are good at medicine, but this is not surgery. You'd better not make trouble. Now pregnant women are in a very dangerous moment."

"I know I'm not a gynecologist, I may not be professional enough." Xu Zhendong said, reaching over to earn the eyes of pregnant women, said: "pregnant women's state is still very good, I cooperate with you, you keep the small, I keep the big, do you think?"

Dr. Kong hesitated. After all, Xu Zhendong is not a gynecologist. Although he showed great medical skills before, gynecology is different from surgery, so he is not at ease.

"Wait a minute, young doctor. You are not a gynecologist. Please don't make trouble. Otherwise, if something happens to my wife, I won't let you go." Pregnant woman husband said, words with a threat, eyes is directly sharp looking at Xu Zhendong.

"Do you know why your wife can't give birth naturally? Because she hurt her hip seven years ago, which directly led to bone dislocation and affected the deformation of the vagina. Every time you have sex, you will have premature ejaculation. Am I right? " Xu Zhendong said it without hesitation.

"You..." the pregnant woman's husband looked at Xu Zhendong in shock, although he said his own scandal“ How do you know? "

"Because I'm a doctor." Xu Zhendong firmly said: "now I can help your wife deliver the baby?"

"Well, I believe you!" The husband bit her lips and said.

Xu Zhendong no longer nonsense, looking at Dr. Kong, said: "start, I keep the big, you keep the small."

Finish saying, Xu Zhendong silver needle in hand, real gas operation, fast a few needles down, pregnant women did not cry so painful.

"Relax, now you don't have to work hard, you need to relax."

The needle inflammation goes on, Xu Zhendong gently massages the pregnant woman, massages in her various acupoints, the true Qi continuously transits, directly protects the pregnant woman's body function.

Time goes by.

Dr. Kong is worthy of the white angel who has delivered countless lives. He carried out the operation very smoothly and took out the baby.


A baby's cry, the child has been taken out.

Looking at the pregnant woman, she was stable, and her face became very pale. She looked a little scared. Xu Zhendong's hands kept swimming between the silver needles.

"How do you feel now?" Xu Zhendong looks at pregnant women.

"Tired!" The pregnant woman said weakly, but looked at the baby held by Dr. Kong, "I want to see the baby."

Dr. Kong took it to her to have a look.

"You can't sleep for the time being. You'll be fine in ten minutes." Xu Zhendong said, also looked at the baby, stained with a lot of blood baby curiously looking at the world, "Dr. Kong, can you let the baby here for ten minutes?"

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