Today's work time is not very busy. Xu Zhendong's patient is still the patient before. After checking Yang Qiankun's condition, he has basically recovered. Wu Xiaobai didn't come today.

Go to see the bayonet again. Because Xu Zhendong saved his life, he regarded Xu Zhendong as his own master, which made Xu Zhendong a little unaccustomed, but he would not change, showing his absolute loyalty to Xu Zhendong.

"Dr. Xu, I'll stay with you when I leave hospital. I don't need money. My life is yours." Bayonet said, attitude is very firm, eyes are always bright.

"I'm not a very expensive person. I don't need bodyguards. Besides, I really have no money to support you." Xu Zhendong some helplessly said, "if you really want to take me as your master, then you listen to my advice, go out and find a job, live a good life."

"Well, I'll listen to you whatever you say. You're in the hospital and I'll be in the hospital. The hospital should also use security guards. My conditions are not a problem in the hospital." Bayonet very stubborn said, looking at Xu Zhendong simple and honest smile, some silly appearance, but people give a very dignified feeling.

"It's up to you. You'll live your own life anyway."

Xu Zhendong is quite helpless.

"Eko, change his medicine for him." Xu Zhendong said, turned to go out, this person is too stubborn, partial to follow himself.

After he came out, he went to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where he and Dr. Kong delivered a baby together. Although their mother and son were safe, Xu Zhendong thought that the pregnant woman's husband was a good man. Xu Zhendong also promised to help him with his previous premature ejaculation.

"Doctor Xu, here you are. Come in, please The pregnant woman's husband warmly greets Xu Zhendong and asks him to go in and quickly pour water.

"Mr. Huo, I just want to see your wife's health, check it up and go." Xu Zhendong said, as if suddenly thought of something, said: "by the way, your problem, if you have time, I can help you, this needs mutual stimulation."

"Mutual stimulation? What do you mean Huo Dongjun looks at Xu Zhendong suspiciously and hands him the water he just poured.

Xu Zhendong took the water, put it aside, looked at Mrs. Huo who was looking at the child happily, and said, "that is to have sex, but now it's obvious that your wife's body is not suitable."

"It's true." Huo Dongjun nodded, but he didn't blush. We are all adults. It's easy to talk about sex,

Huo Dongjun can be Xu Zhendong's father at this age, and he has experienced more things. His wife was a little younger, thirty-six years old, but she was also a very old woman.

"If you still want a baby, I can help your wife with the treatment. She can have another baby." Xu Zhendong said, with a faint smile on his lips. These are small things for him. Shennong inheritance is a huge library of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Really? Can we have another one? " Huo Dongjun looked at his wife happily and said excitedly, "wife, do you hear me? Doctor Xu said we can have a second child."

"But before we went to see the doctor, the doctor said that it was a miracle that we could get pregnant this time. How could we have a second child?" Mrs. Huo asked suspiciously.

"It depends on who is in charge of it. Although my traditional Chinese medicine can't be said to be top-notch, I have a deep understanding of your situation after several days of contact. I think I have 80% chance to help you restore your reproductive system and your husband's normal erection."

Xu Zhendong spoke calmly, calmly, not impatiently, as if everything was under control

"I don't think I need to say that you all know how important sex is in a couple's life. You know more than I do."

"Hey, hey, everybody knows, everybody knows." Huo Dongjun said with a happy smile: "Dr. Xu, you are young. If I didn't see you saving my wife before, I really doubt it. These days I asked the Dean about you. Don't mind. I didn't mean to check you. You said that you could help me solve the problem of premature ejaculation. I had some doubts, so I asked the Dean about it."

"I just know that your medical skills can't be defined by age. I believe the dean and you, so please."

Huo Dongjun said politely, regarding Xu Zhendong as a distinguished guest.

At this time, out of the door some noise, but also some familiar, Xu Zhendong doubt went out to have a look.

Su Yike was stopped by a man with a bunch of jasmine in his hand.

"Dr. Su, I really like you. From the first time I saw you, I especially like you. I think you are just like jasmine. The whole person exudes a faint fragrance. I am deeply attracted by you."

"I hope you take it. You're the most beautiful female nurse I've ever seen."

The man holding the jasmine hand to Su Yike in front of, pleading eyes is also looking at.

"I told you, I have a boyfriend. Don't disturb me any more. I don't like you. "

Su Yike is disgusted to want to go in the direction of Obstetrics and Gynecology, but the man always stopped.

"Dr. Su, you've been cheated. I asked the nurses around you. They all said you didn't. You can't cheat me like this." The boy said.

"I'll take you to see my boyfriend now. Get out of the way." Su Yike said, want to go.

"I won't get out of the way. Who are you cheating? It's obstetrics and gynecology. It's all women's place. Will your boyfriend be there? Don't you tell me your boyfriend is a girl? Are you a lesbian The man said decidedly, and stopped her.

"You... How can you be like this? Don't talk nonsense, OK?" Su Yike is very angry and doubts her sexual orientation. She is still sensitive to this. She looks at the people watching the play and says, "help, this person is unreasonable."

"How can I be unreasonable? I just like you so much that I can't extricate myself." Man or intercept, a proud said.

"No matter how much you like it, she won't be yours." Xu Zhendong came over, stood beside Su Yike, stopped her waist, looked at the man and said, "because she is my girlfriend, go away!"

Su Yike didn't expect Xu Zhendong to appear suddenly. In a moment of surprise, she quickly pretended to be affectionate and looked at Xu Zhendong and said, "how did you come here? Don't you know your girlfriend was harassed by others?"

"Eko, it's my fault. I just went to see a patient." Xu Zhendong looked at the man with apology and said, "although I'm a doctor, if you continue to harass my girlfriend, I'll make you my patient."

"You... You're just a little doctor. What's the big deal." The man said, looking at Su Yike, he said: "Dr. Su, you must have suffered all your life... Ah... You beat... The doctor beat..."

Xu Zhendong didn't wait for him to finish what he said. He kicked directly. The man screamed and fainted.

People nearby were stunned. Unexpectedly, Xu Zhendong suddenly attacked and fainted. It's too bad.

"Is this Peng Renxin?" Xu Zhendong looked at some disdain.

"I told you that my pursuer is not only Peng Renxin, but also a hooligan." Su Yike said triumphantly.

At this time, Xu Zhendong's mobile phone rings, take out a look, is Ren Zhonglei's.

"Mr. Ren, you can still call me now to show that you are OK." Xu Zhendong's light path.

"I'm ok, but I still have to cry for help. My driver has an accident, and so have I Ren Zhonglei said in a hurry, "Dr. Xu, help

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