"Eko, go, now follow me!" Xu Zhendong says, take Su Yike to quicken pace to leave immediately.

The two left in a hurry, and they were still in a state of muddle.

"What's the matter?" Su Yike asked as she walked.

"There's something wrong with president Ren." Xu Zhendong said, and took them away.

"It's true!" Su Yike opens her lovely mouth in amazement. Her unbelievable look makes people feel a little cute.

After going out, Xu Zhendong bought some necessities in the city and took a taxi in a hurry. Fortunately, he didn't go out too far.

Mr. Ren also said that people would come to meet Xu Zhendong. Xu Zhendong and Mr. Ren's people would meet on the way to get on the bus and go there directly.

After leaving Yingtian City, in addition to Jiangnan Province, they came to a small city in linprovince where they had an accident and were sent directly to the hospital of this small city.

Many people in the hospital are watching. The matter is very serious. When Xu Zhendong came to the hospital, he saw a man with a blurred face. The man was lying on the operating table, and the doctor was operating.

"What about president Ren?" Xu Zhendong asked.

"Mr. Ren is in the operating room next door!" Said the attendant.

Xu Zhendong quickly backed out and looked at the light in the operating room next door, which showed that he was in a hurry during the operation.

"How is Mr. Ren's injury?"

"Ren is lucky at last. Three people are sitting in the car. The driver, who is the man just now, doesn't know whether he can survive. The secretary is not light. There are many wounds on his body. Ren is the lightest. He has a broken leg. I don't know whether he can continue to come back."

The attendant said, sweating.

"I want to go in and have a look at Mr. Ren. Please help me communicate with the dean." Xu Zhendong said, very anxious, Ren always find him to come here is not to wait, but to save people.

That person is Mr. Ren's personal entourage. Since Mr. Ren himself finds this person, it shows that he is useful. Now he immediately turns to the dean.

Xu Zhendong was very worried and paced back and forth.

"Zhendong, don't worry. Mr. Ren just hurt his leg. It should be your thing to protect him." Su Yike said, trying to appease Xu Zhendong.

Soon, the attendant came with a gray haired old man, wearing a pair of rimless eyes, and pointed to Xu Zhendong.

"Are you Dr. Xu?" The old man asked with disdain in his eyes.

"Exactly." Xu Zhendong said politely, "are you the president? Well, I'm the special imperial doctor of president Ren. I want to go in and see president Ren. I hope you can help me

"Young man, you are dishonest." The dean said very impolitely, with disdain in his words, and said: "you are so young, you know that you are a student or a person who has just entered the society. You say you are the imperial doctor of general Ren. Are you bullying me

"You are such a young man, medical skills can have some points. The best doctors in our hospital are already carrying out the operation. Please don't disturb, otherwise something will happen and you can't afford it."

The president said sternly with a rebuke voice, looking at Xu Zhendong with disdain in his eyes.

Xu Zhendong was very helpless and said, "it's Mr. Ren who called me here. I hope you can let me in and have a look at Mr. Ren."

"Mr. Ren asked you to come? I don't care who told you to come. It's operation time. You can't go in. " The president's attitude is very firm.

"Is there really no way?" Xu Zhendong also some angry said.

At this time, the attendant's mobile phone rang, surprised and said: "it's from president Ren."

The entourage took it immediately.

"Yes, it's outside, but the Dean won't let Dr. Xu in... OK." The attendant said, looking at the Dean, handed the mobile phone to him and said, "we always ask you to answer the phone."

The Dean answered the phone, still gave a very dignified feed, and then his face suddenly changed, some trembling said:

"OK, I see. I see. Let someone in right away."

The dean's attitude changed suddenly. Looking at Xu Zhendong, he said with some fear: "doctor Xu, go in."

The Dean opened the door for him in person. There were three doctors, one chief surgeon and two assistants.

Seeing that the door opened, they also heard president Ren's phone call, but they were surprised to see that a young man came in with the dean.

The Dean walked over to have a look and said angrily, "how come I haven't had an operation for so long?"

"Mr. Ren didn't agree with the operation. He said he would wait for Dr. Xu to operate on him." The attending doctor is also very aggrieved. Here, he can only help Mr. Ren maintain the status quo and stabilize his situation.

"What nonsense The president is very angry, but he has nothing to do. If the patient doesn't agree, you can't have the operation.

"Dr. Xu, you are here at last." Ren said excitedly.

Xu Zhendong had been observing his legs and touching them since he came in. After a while, he breathed a sigh and said, "fortunately, it seems that it has played a role. It doesn't hurt the root cause."

"You... You don't even look at the X-ray film and say that it doesn't hurt the root cause. You're too much nonsense!" The attending doctor said with disdain, full of disdain.

"In fact, I am a traditional Chinese medicine!" Xu Zhendong said very seriously.

"What? chinese medicine? Can Chinese medicine come in here? " The attending doctor looked at Xu Zhendong in surprise, then looked at the dean and said, "Dean, are you letting such a young Chinese medicine in? The man with success in traditional Chinese medicine is not an old man with white hair. How can there be such a young doctor of traditional Chinese medicine? "

Xu Zhendong didn't bother to pay attention. Looking at general Ren's face, he said solemnly: "it's not completely dispersed. It's so tenacious. Let me expel you today!"

After that, she looks at Su Yike. Su Yike gives him the bag and helps to take out the things inside. Su Yike takes out one of them with a surprised expression. She never thought that Xu Zhendong would buy these things that look like Taoist exorcism.

Other doctors were even more surprised and speechless. They watched Xu Zhendong take them out one by one.

"You... You... What are you doing? We are a hospital, not a Taoist temple. You are not a doctor? "

The Dean looked at Xu Zhendong in surprise. If he hadn't been afraid of Ren's identity, he would have driven the young man out.

"I just said, I'm a doctor!" Xu Zhendong said very seriously, everything slowly arranged, said: "this is also a part of traditional Chinese medicine, the scope of traditional Chinese medicine is very wide, you will not know."

"You are clearly the thing that Taoist uses to expel ghosts. What are you not Taoist?" The attending doctor said angrily.

Xu Zhendong looked at general manager Ren and found that general manager Ren was also very surprised. He said, "general manager Ren, do you believe me?"

Ren Zhonglei hesitated for a while and said, "Dr. Xu can figure out that I must have this disaster and help me avoid it at the same time. I believe Dr. Xu is a strange man. I believe you can understand these strange things in the Jianghu."

"Thank you, so we can start treatment now." Xu Zhendong said, looking at his seal hall, said: "your seal hall has not completely dispersed, let's start from here."

"No, you can't do these demons here. Now it's a scientific society. You are superstitious. If you do this again, I'll call the police immediately." The Dean was very impolite.

"Dean Tan, if you don't want to go to prison, you'd better stand aside for me, or I'll let you spend your old age in prison." Ren Zhonglei said very sternly, the whole person exudes a kind of invisible dignity.

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