"So agreed?" Xu Zhendong was a little stunned. He didn't expect that he would agree so easily.

Su Yike is also puzzled to look at her.

Chi Weiqian smiles, looks around the environment and says, "what do you think of this place? It can be said that it's the best place to open a medicated food shop. If we don't let Yang Shao become a shareholder, we won't get such a good shop. "

"At the same time, it's hard for us to find such a good place at the moment." Chi Wei said briefly, hesitated for a while, and said: "this place belongs to the Vientiane group, and what is the status of the Vientiane group in Yingtian city. If Yang Qiankun takes a stake in our medicinal food shop, many people will see the face of the Vientiane group give way to us. At least it is much better than us fighting alone, and it will go smoothly."

"I finally know that you are a perfect woman." Yang Qiankun helplessly said, a mouthful of vegetables, said: "you are the new generation of business queen, I did not believe before, now I believe, your vision, your way of doing things, I believe."

"Although I know that this is taking advantage of my relationship, I am willing to help you. Who let Dr. Xu and Dr. Su be my saviors?" Yang Qiankun smiles.

If you want to run this place with your father, Yang Wanxiang is very eager. He always hopes that his son can have his own career. He can't just drag his car and pick up girls like the other two generations.

As long as the son is willing, it doesn't matter if he messes up here, as long as he is in business.

So the rich have their troubles!

"I agree!" Su Yike said immediately, she also felt that Chi Weiqian's words were very reasonable.

Xu Zhendong reached over and said, "welcome to join us."

"Then there is the distribution of shares." Chi Wei said briefly and kept silent for a while. He said: "Xu Zhendong is a technology shareholder. He provides the formula, which is a big head. He owns 51% of the shares. I am responsible for the market and the direction of the company. I own 25% of the shares. The remaining 24% is from Iker, and Yang accounts for less than 1%. What do you think?"

"I have no problem!" Xu Zhendong agreed.

"I have no problem!"

"I have a little problem!" Yang Qiankun some embarrassed said: "you are so many, I am so embarrassed, ah, can you give me a little more!"


Everyone laughed, but soon stopped. It's a very serious matter.

"Yang Dashao, do you still care about that? Let me say that first! " Chi Weiqian said seriously: "what you provide is this site. In fact, we can also go to other places to find the site, because although this site is in a golden area, it is also a relatively dangerous place."

"As far as I know, Xu Zhendong once offended the people of the sanshuiliu family here, which directly led to 80% of the industries of the sanshuiliu family to stop production and rectify. At the same time, many industries were acquired. Here we are now is one of them, so this is not the only choice for 100%. Do you understand what I mean?"

Su Yike gave him an analysis.

"You mean that we are here, and it is very likely that because of this store, Xu Zhendong shares, and the people of the Liu family come back to make trouble?" Yang Qiankun said.

"Yes, that's right, so we also have a certain risk probability in this aspect." Chi Wei said.

"Well, I'll give it one percent, but first, if it's done well, I'll increase it in the future, or open a branch, I want to be a store manager." Yang Qiankun said.

"That's a deal!"

Chi Weiqian said happily, and finally looked at Xu Zhendong and said, "everything we talked about just now is based on you. If your medicated diet is not good, everything before us is empty talk, so it's time to show your formula now?"

"This is no problem!" Xu Zhendong said, "find pen and paper, I'll write the formula immediately, and then make it immediately."

Yang Qiankun immediately asked someone to provide pen and paper, and Xu Zhendong immediately wrote out two recipes, both of which have quick effect and can relieve some daily occupational diseases. For example, if you have been on duty for a long time, your spine or neck ache, you can recover to the previous peak after ten minutes.

Of course, if you don't have any occupational diseases before, it will also clean up the dirt in your body, improve your physical skills and prolong your life.

"Of these two, one can work faster. It can work within ten minutes, but it can't last for long. It can only last for one month, at most three months. But if you use it for a long time, it's a matter of a lifetime. Second, it will take five days to take effect. This will last longer, and it will have a very good mediating effect on various functions of the body, and even make your skin better. "

Xu wrote down the two recipes and explained some of their functions and how to make them.

"Zhendong, we just can't just ask for your formula. We should add some common things, just like giving people the feeling of eating and drinking porridge, just like the feeling of daily life. It will be better."

Chi Wei turned his eyes to Su Yike and said, "now it's time for you to show your cooking skills. Combine your cooking skills and make this one. Because our recipes are confidential, we need to add something that has no effect. It can neither affect the efficacy nor produce any effect, So we don't let people steal our recipes. "

On this proposal, everyone unanimously agreed that it was a life-saving thing. If it was stolen, it would be over.

"There's no need to worry about this, because although the materials are easy to find, it's relatively difficult to do it. Not everyone can copy it. Even if he knows our formula, he can't make it." Xu Zhendong promised, "I have to do the first one. Although my cooking skills are not good, I'll do it with Yike first. I'll teach her by hand, and she will do it later."

Pool not shallow some doubts, but finally did not speak, "well, then you two do, I look at the side, in the end how difficult to do."

"I'll go to the kitchen and say hello. It's closed today. Let's study this thing." Yang Qiankun said, very generous, immediately went to the direction of the kitchen, Xu Zhendong and others followed behind.

When Yang Qiankun went to the kitchen and asked people to stop, everyone was stunned.

We all know that the second generation of the rich are very headstrong and often cause trouble, but I didn't expect that they were so headstrong.

The hotel manager came to communicate with him immediately. Yang Qiankun's attitude was very firm. The hotel manager was very helpless and had to call Yang Wanxiang.

Yang Wanxiang was still very angry and immediately asked to talk to his son.

"Dad, I'm not going to do it alone. I'm going to do it with Dr. Xu and them. If we do it, we'll turn it into a medicated food shop. I'm a shareholder in this shop." Yang Qiankun said.

"Dr. Xu? Are you talking about Dr. Xu Zhendong? " Yang Wanxiang asked in a hurry.

"Who but him?"

"You call Dr. Xu!"

Yang Qiankun handed over his mobile phone, and Xu Zhendong answered, "President Yang!"

"Doctor Xu, what Qian Kun said just now is true?" Yang Wanxiang asked.

"It's true. It's our attention."

"Well, that's no problem. You can use it. By the way, it's Sanshui District. If you're worried about the Liu family, I have some good shops here, which can be given to you at any time." Yang Wanxiang said politely.

"No, it's fine here. Let's go." Xu Zhendong said.

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