For Xu Zhendong, a benefactor, Yang Wanxiang respects him very much. For his son Yang Qiankun, it's not that he can't give him the shop, but that he's worried that he's going to operate as a playful man as before, and he doesn't know how many times he's helped him wipe his bottom.

So when he heard that Xu Zhendong wanted to, he agreed without saying a word. He also said that if he was worried about the Liu family, he would go to other places. There are also good shops there.

This phone call solved the address problem. The hotel manager should obey the command of Xu Zhendong and Yang Qiankun.

And this phone call makes Chi weishallow have to re-examine Xu Zhendong. I didn't expect that he would be so familiar with Mr. Yang that his son couldn't make up his mind. He let Xu Zhendong do it directly.

"I need some herbs now. I'll buy them right away." Xu Zhendong said, looking at Yang Qiankun.

He immediately understood, looked at the hotel manager and said, "manager Zhou, my father has said that in the future, the boss of this store will be the four of us here. If you want to leave, you can go to other places of my Vientiane group at any time or take up a post."

"Wait a minute." Chi Weijian said, looking at the manager, and said, "I think we need to hold a meeting. If this hotel is transferred to our name, many things need to be gradually revised. First of all, it's the problem of personnel. We need to keep the people who want to stay here and work for us."

"They are all employees of your Vientiane group. From now on, our store does not belong to Vientiane group, but Xu Zhendong's largest store. We need to talk to the workers. "

At this point, Chi Weiqian looked at manager Zhou and said, "especially this manager, it's not easy for him to be a hotel manager in Vientiane group. When we come here, of course there's nothing wrong with him, so we have to return him to your father. Didn't Mr. Yang say how to arrange it just now?"

"Mr. Yang asked me to listen to you." Manager Zhou said.

"We don't lack leaders like you for the time being, so you can go back and wait for president Yang to reassign your posts." Chi weishallow said without hesitation.

It's enough to have four of them in such a place. They don't need any other leaders any more. At most, they need some ordinary employees.

"All right." The hotel manager is still very reasonable, said: "now some guests order, I have to finish their own things, can't damage the reputation of Vientiane group."

"Of course Pool not shallow said, eyes can not help but look at him a few more eyes, this person in his body a bit more credit.

"Zhendong, now you can take Yike to buy the medicinal materials you need. I'll stay here and try to transform it. At the same time, I'll have a meeting with the staff here to decide whether they want to stay or not." Chi Wei said.

"OK, Yike, let's go. Let's buy some herbs first. I'll teach you how to make a special medicinal meal." Xu Zhendong took her hand and left.

Chi Weiqian is very familiar with these works, and he has a set of them, which makes Yang Qiankun standing on the side admire him very much.

The pool is not shallow, but also constantly visit the whole structure of the hotel, come up with a better transformation plan.

Xu Zhendong and Su Yike went to buy Herbs and everything they needed.

The hotel no longer receives new guests.

After more than an hour, all the guests left. Before the pool was shallow, they had a meeting with you in this hall.

First of all, Yang Qiankun explained that the name of the store was Xu, and the four of them held shares. This was nodded by Yang Wanxiang himself. Manager Zhou can testify.

It also explains that people who are willing to stay can stay. In fact, there are not many employees, five or six, but there are about ten plus chefs.

When they heard that they had changed to medicated food, a lot of people talked in a low voice. Xu Zhendong and others didn't disturb their discussion. Now it's time to decide whether to stay or not. They have their own rights to discuss with each other.

In the end, half of them ran away, leaving five. There was only one chef left. He looked honest and honest, and he was older. He had a rich face. At first glance, he knew he was the chef for many years.

According to his words, he has been here for more than 20 years, has feelings, and has experienced several bosses. He still sticks to his post. Here is also a living sign. Chi weishallow welcomes him.

"Well, we are temporarily closed here for decoration for a week. This week we will stop working with pay. After a week, we will be in normal working condition, and the salary will be the same as your original salary."

"This is Xu Zhendong, your future boss. All three of us work for the boss. I'm the top manager. I manage the market. She's su Yike. Although she's young, she manages the kitchen. He is Yang Qiankun. What do you want to do?"

When Yang Qiankun was introduced here, he suddenly got stuck.

"I don't know, or I'll follow you for a while. I want to learn from leaders." Yang Qiankun said.

"You first manage the security and health of all employees!" Chi weishallow refused his request directly.

"Oh Yang Qiankun is like a deflated balloon.

"The first thing we have to do is give our store a name." Chi Weiqian looks at Xu Zhendong and others.

"Zhendong medicated food!" Yang Qiankun said immediately.

"Su, Zhendong, you're the big boss. Come on." Pool not shallow said.

"Shennong medicated food shop!" Xu Zhendong thought for a moment and said directly.

"I agree!" I'm the first to agree.

"I agree, too!" Su Yike also raised her hand.

"I don't care." Yang Qiankun said.

"Now let's have a look at your medicated diet."

Xu Zhendong and Su Yike begin to make medicated food in the kitchen.

According to the formula, Xu Zhendong knows how to make it in his mind and takes it very seriously. He controls every aspect very well. Su Yike helps while learning, and Xu Zhendong will explain some things that he should pay attention to to.

As time went by, they were sweating in the kitchen, especially Xu Zhendong, who didn't cook often, but he was very skilled in all the kitchen tools.

Of course, other people will not be idle. No matter how deep the pool is, everyone has a job to do. Now they are paid, and the next week will be paid. We are very happy.

The three remaining employees are very happy. Although they don't know what the medicated food workshop can do, they can take at least one week off with pay.

"All right, both ends!" Xu Zhendong immediately served the prepared medicated meal.

Put in front of the public, there is a faint fragrance, the kind of simply mellow taste, people appetite, can not help drooling.

Pool is not shallow, immediately scooped a trough, quickly drink down.

"It's more effective." Xu Zhendong explained.

"You all have a taste." The pool is not shallow. Let the workers come and have a taste. The workers came to taste it.

"It's delicious. It smells good."

"Well, is this our medicated diet? It's so delicious that it can sell well. Can I have another drink? "

"Lying trough, yes. I don't know the effect, but it's definitely the best medicated food I've ever had." Yang Qiankun went on with a simple and rude compliment.

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