However, all the scenes at that time were broadcast through live broadcasts. Even if some media reporters did not report the incident, the outside world would still know about it.

Therefore, after that, everything that happened at the press conference of Zhaishen Technology Co., Ltd. was reported.

The other KBS TV staff who left Zhaishen Technology Co., Ltd. originally wanted to call the police and sue the court for Zhaishen Technology's violent treatment of their colleagues.

But when they just returned to where they lived, a police superintendent came to take them away.

The next day, the local police superintendent charged the KBS media workers with endangering national security.The court heard the case expeditiously and closed the case.100% Novel Network www.[-]

As a result, several KBS TV media staff who were convicted were immediately imprisoned.The penalty is life imprisonment and no one is allowed to visit.

At first, there were some voices of discussion about that on the Internet, but soon all the voices of the discussions disappeared.

Anyone who knows the details knows that this is a state shot.Otherwise, the news would never end so quickly.

As for why the country would take action, and why it treats this matter in this way, anyone with a bit of brains can basically figure it out.

On the one hand, there are media staff from countries that do not have good relations with their own country, and on the other hand, there is a company that will lead the country's future technological trend. The important thing is that this company belongs to Wang Wei.So, how to deal with it is very obvious.

Compared with Zhaishen Technology, a few people are nothing at all.

What's more, those few people are still from the Bangzi country, which has a bad relationship with China.There's nothing to hesitate about this kind of thing.

On the fourth day after Zhaishen Technology's new product launch conference, the previously announced high-efficiency weight loss drug was launched.

In the beginning, Liu Shi planned to sell high-efficiency weight loss drugs through online shopping, just like Longteng Motors.

But Liu Shi quickly rejected the idea.

Although it is convenient to use the method of online shopping, many people also like the lifestyle of online shopping.

However, the sales method of pure online shopping is not suitable for Zhaishen Technology.

Take high-efficiency weight loss pills for example.

Once the high-efficiency weight loss pills are on sale, they will definitely be sold out in an instant.

If it goes on sale once a week, [-] million high-efficiency diet pills will be released at a time, and then they will be sold out in an instant.

You can imagine how much pressure this will put on Zhaishen Technology's warehouse delivery.

Even if it is sold every day, the output of the day will be released every day, two million pieces of goods a day, how many people need to arrange for the package and express delivery person to be able to deliver the two million pieces of goods in one day All sent.

If the goods of the first day are not delivered and accumulated until the next day, then the goods of the second day are even more unlikely to be delivered.

It's like a snowball, with more and more goods being piled up, which may eventually lead to a person's online purchase of goods that will take several months to receive.

Therefore, high-efficiency diet pills are not suitable for pure online sales.

Another point is that there will definitely be a large number of excellent products born in the future of Zhaishen Technology.And those products are bound to become popular products among the whole people, and they are also not suitable for pure online shopping like high-efficiency diet pills.

Therefore, in order to build a brand and facilitate sales, it is necessary to lay a large number of offline stores.

Although it is said that the layout of offline stores requires a lot of money, the most important thing in Zhaishen Technology is money.

The start-up capital alone is [-] billion RMB, and even [-]% of the start-up capital was not used for the establishment of the company.

Therefore, Liu Shi, who is not short of money, started to prepare stores of Zhaishen Technology nationwide as early as the day before the launch of the new product.

Liu Shi's initial goal is to build a thousand offline stores of Zhaishen Technology.

Money paves the way for everything to be done quickly.

In five days, more than [-] Zhaishen Technology stores across the country have been renovated.

However, all the stores of Zhaishen Technology have not opened yet.

According to Liu Shi's plan, all stores will open on the day when the high-efficiency diet pills are released.

At that time, every opened store will surely be a crowded market. , , .

Chapter [-]: Class?Not on!

Chen Kun is a college student. Like many college students, he lives a three-point and one-line life in a dormitory, a cafeteria, and a classroom.

But he was a little different from the others.That is body type.

Now people's living conditions are better, and more people are naturally fatter.

Among the students, there are also many people who are obese.After all, now that there are such fun things as computers and smartphones, many students have become less active.The less exercise you have, the more weight you naturally gain.

But Chen Kun is not a little bit fat, but very fat.

He is only [-] meters tall, and his weight has reached [-] kilograms, which is [-] pounds.

Before college, he was also a class-level character.

But since he went to college, he was unable to extricate himself from being addicted to games, so he completely gave up all sports.

Then, in just three years, his weight increased from [-] kilograms to [-] kilograms.

Because of going to college, my long-distance girlfriend broke up in the first month of school.

Originally, with Chen Kun's appearance in his freshman year, it was easy to find a girlfriend again.

But back then, when he just broke up with his girlfriend, he suddenly felt that the air of freedom was so fragrant.As a result, he did not have the thought of finding a girlfriend again for half a year.

It wasn't until a year later because his roommates had girlfriends that he came up with the idea of ​​finding a girlfriend too.

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