However, a decade of decadent life directly caused his weight to soar from [-]kg to [-]kg.

Therefore, although Chen Kun raised the idea of ​​breaking away from being single, but now there are no women who like him.

In the following two years, although Chen Kun tried his best to control his diet, he was still addicted to games and still had no idea of ​​going out of the dormitory to exercise.

Therefore, although Chen Kun is controlling his diet, he has increased his weight to [-] kilograms in two years.On average, the rhythm of gaining twenty pounds a year.

Now, with a weight of [-] kilograms, he is even less attractive to girls.

Chen Kun is also very distressed. He wants to lose weight, but heavy fat is a huge burden.

He used to play basketball all morning without getting tired, but now he is tired and out of breath when he walks.Then he is a typical foodie, otherwise the weight would not have gained so fast.

Although I ate a lot before, I exercised a lot, and I didn’t accumulate much fat.

And now that he is not exercising, the speed of fat accumulation is simply not what he dares to resemble.

Although Chen Kun's family is not super rich, there are still tens of millions.

Ever since he realized he had to lose weight as a sophomore, he tried various weight loss products.

What weight loss pills, weight loss tea, what carnitine, what vibration weight loss apparatus, all kinds of messy things have been used.However it was of no use at all.

A lot of money was spent, but the weight just didn't go down.

However, Chen Kun suddenly saw hope four days ago.

In addition to being a third-year student, Chen Kun also has an identity as a diehard fan of the house god.

Chen Kun likes to play games and watch live broadcasts.

In an unexpected situation, he entered Wang Wei's live broadcast room.

At that time, Wang Wei was not yet famous now.

And the name of the live broadcast room at that time was, Homemade Plasma Cannon Hits Meteorite!

At first, Chen Kun felt that Wang Wei was just a headliner, and he didn't care too much.Miaobi Pavilion novel

However, Wang Wei prepared quite a lot of materials to make the plasma cannon, so Chen Kun, who thought it was a bit interesting, clicked to follow.

After that, Chen Kun clicked on Wang Wei's live broadcast every day.

I didn't feel much in the early stage, but as time went by, the prototype of the plasma cannon could be seen slowly.

However, although Chen Kun felt that the plasma cannon made by Wang Wei was definitely just a model, the sci-fi gun barrel with a diameter of four or five meters and a length of nine or ten meters was quite shocking.

If nothing else, just say Wang Wei's hands-on ability, Chen Kun thinks it is quite awesome.He even tipped several times at the time.

Then, when Wang Wei really used the plasma cannon that Chen Kun thought was a model to blow up the meteorite that was about to hit the earth, Chen Kun completely became Wang Wei's die-hard fan.

Then every time Wang Wei's live broadcast, Chen Kun will watch it.I also feel more and more that Wang Wei's mind is strong.

Later, Zhaishen Technology Co., Ltd. was established, and he also paid attention.

He watched the new product launch of Zhaishen Technology on the official website of Zhaishen Technology.

At first, Chen Kun just watched the live broadcast with the mentality of knowing everything about idols.

Until later, when Liu Shi, the top executive of Zhaishen Technology, said that Zhaishen Technology's first product was a diet pill.Chen Kun was stunned, but after a few seconds, Chen Kun went crazy with excitement.

Chen Kun has witnessed that Wang Wei has never been famous until now the world is well known.

Therefore, Chen Kun knows that any technology product announced by Wang Wei will not be simple.Its performance and function absolutely surpass all the similar products now.

Therefore, in Chen Kun's view, the first product announced by Zhaishen Technology - diet pills, its effect will definitely be satisfactory.

This high-efficiency weight loss drug announced by Zhaishen Technology will definitely make him lose weight.

During the press conference, Chen Kun was still one of the people who took the lead in attacking the reporter from Bangzi Country when he saw a reporter from Bangzi Country making trouble.

After the press conference of Zhaishen Technology, Chen Kun has been waiting to buy Zhaishen Technology's high-efficiency diet pills.

At first, Chen Kun thought that Zhaishen Technology would sell high-efficiency weight loss drugs through online shopping.After all, online shopping has become the first choice for young people.

Unexpectedly, the official website of Zhaishen Technology announced that Zhaishen Technology will open [-] stores in various provinces across the country to sell this high-efficiency weight loss medicine.

Although the official website will also open online sales.

However, the official website of Zhaishen Technology clearly pointed out that the number of high-efficiency diet pills sold online this time is only [-] copies.And the amount distributed to each store, a total of [-] million copies.

Then this time, the total sales volume of the high-efficiency diet pills was [-] million copies.

This time, a person can only buy ten high-efficiency diet pills at most, whether it is online or in-store.

In other words, if everyone chooses to buy ten copies, only [-] million people will be able to successfully buy high-efficiency weight loss pills.

Although there are [-] million people.

But there are many people in China who need to lose weight.China has a population of [-] billion, and at least [-] billion people want to lose weight.

Therefore, in comparison, [-] million people are not many at all.Even very little.

Among the [-] million people, only [-] believed that they could grab high-efficiency diet pills on the official website of Zhaishen Technology.

Chen Kun didn't think he was lucky enough to be one of those [-] people.

Therefore, Chen Kun decisively went to the Zhaishen Technology store in his city a few days in advance to wait.

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