Because of this, he even skipped the class.

Compared with losing weight, what's wrong with missing a few days of class.

College students who do not miss classes are not real college students. , , .

Chapter [-]: Unprecedented popularity

The high-efficiency diet pills are sold on the official website of Zhaishen Technology at [-]:[-] in the morning.The opening time of Zhaishen Technology in stores across the country is also at [-]:[-] in the morning.

Before eight o'clock, countless people were already waiting in advance on the official website of Zhaishen Technology.

Similarly, there are long queues in front of the various stores of Zhaishen Technology.These are the people who came to the store in advance in order to buy high-efficiency diet pills.

There were long queues in front of each store, and at a glance it looked like there were at least a few thousand people.

At least more than half of so many people can't buy high-efficiency weight loss pills today, and there are even more people who can't buy them.

Although [-] million weight loss medicines are a lot, they are evenly divided into [-] stores.A store only has more than [-] copies.

Then if everyone buys ten copies, only a thousand people can buy it.

Some people are destined to miss out on high-efficiency diet pills today.

At eight o'clock, the official website of Zhaishen Technology and the previous store of Zhaishen Technology opened at the same time.

The store needs to open the door, and then receive one customer by one customer, so the time is relatively slow.

In comparison, the sales speed of the official website is much faster.

In less than a second, [-] copies of the highly effective diet pills were snapped up.In less than a second, [-] people successfully grabbed the high-efficiency diet pills.Of course, there are many more who miss out on high-efficiency diet pills.

The price of high-efficiency weight loss pills is not cheap.

A high-efficiency diet pill that can burn one kilogram of fat, that is, a high-efficiency diet pill costs five hundred RMB.If you buy ten copies, it is [-] RMB.

However, compared to weight loss products, this price is not particularly expensive.

There are hundreds or thousands of home products on the market, and most of them have little effect.Even if there is, the effect is very small, and it takes a long time.

If you want to lose weight by exercising, you will need at least a thousand yuan for an annual gym card, and there are thousands of dollars more.

Moreover, exercise and fitness not only require perseverance to withstand physical fatigue, but also do not see much effect in a short period of time.

On the other hand, high-efficiency weight loss drugs are different.

Ten servings, which is [-] RMB, if you use two servings a day for five consecutive days, the user can lose ten kilograms of fat.That is to say, you can lose [-] pounds in the fastest five days.

You don't have to work hard every day, you don't have to look at the food on the table pitifully every day and your eyes are green but you don't dare to eat more.

An obese person can return to normal in five days.Even a very fat man like Chen Kun, with enough high-efficiency diet pills, can restore his body shape to a normal person's level within a month.

With this effect, it is worth spending money on high-efficiency weight loss pills for those who really want to lose weight.

As a result, the morning of the first day has just ended, and all the high-efficiency weight loss medicines in one thousand stores have been sold out.

Although diet pills on the official website sell faster, those who line up to buy in stores have to get the diet pills first.

All the people who got the high-efficiency diet pills can't wait to go back to experience the efficacy of the high-efficiency diet pills.

In one day, the sales of Zhaishen Technology reached [-] billion RMB.

Although it is compared with the daily sales of flying cars of Longteng Motors, the sales of Zhaishen Technology are better than that every day.Although it is said that the sales of each day in the future will only be one-sixth of the first day, but this is also an achievement that most companies can't even imagine.Reading Network

Liu Shi, Tong Li, and Britney, who only own [-]% of Zhaishen Technology, will be able to rank among the top [-] richest people in China in just one year.

This is still the case when Zhaishen Technology has only one product of high-efficiency diet pills.

If other products are born later, the three of them may take half a year, or even a quarter to be able to rank among the top [-] richest people in China.In one year, you can even enter the top ten of China's richest list!

This is the benefit of monopoly.

When you monopolize a market, you can quickly gain a lot of wealth.

However, Wang Wei doesn't pay too much attention to these wealth now. With his trillions of assets, money is just a number to him.

He transformed his technology into products and brought them to the market, just to let more people experience the charm of technology.Now that Wang Wei can care about it, there are only unknown things and a few people around him.

In the days that followed, the sales of high-efficiency diet pills continued to boom, as if the number of people who bought them had never decreased.

However, this is also normal. There are seven or eight billion consumer groups in Huaxia alone. It will take at least two years to satisfy the Huaxia market.

This does not include the situation where people who have lost weight eat and drink and gain weight again.

It will take at least seven or eight years to meet the world's market and achieve the same rate of production and consumption.

However, Wang Wei will not continue to increase the production line of high-efficiency diet pills now.

The current production speed is enough, there is no need to continue to send engineering robots to manufacture more production lines.

Because of the large amount of basic materials that Wang Wei had previously ordered, the first batch has now been delivered to the island.

Now, [-] engineering robots are not enough for Wang Wei to arrange the related equipment for the construction of space battleships.Let the engineering robot go to the production line of efficient diet pills, forget it.

These days, two million or so people have managed to grab high-efficiency diet pills.

Therefore, recently, the Internet is full of people who post their weight and figure.

The feeling of losing two kilograms a day and the lifebuoy on my stomach getting smaller a day is not very good.

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