Even four or five days later, some people look at what they looked like before using the efficacy diet pills, and then compare their current appearance, they can't believe it's all true.

It was really amazing and made them feel like they were in a dream.

Because the Internet is full of all kinds of people who show their body and weight, and everyone's weight is rapidly decreasing, and everyone's body is rapidly becoming slimmer.

As a result, high-efficiency diet pills have become more popular.

Many foreigners went to the stores of Zhaishen Technology in China to snap up high-efficiency diet pills.

After all, Wang Wei has not yet expanded the market abroad.

So this phenomenon will continue for a long time.

However, a few days after the first product of Zhaishen Technology went on sale, Huaxia suddenly came out with news that shocked the world.

A week later, Huaxia will use a space shuttle to send its own space station into space.

For a time, the world was shocked. , , .

Chapter [-]: Can only succeed, not fail

Just when all the information on the Internet was full of information about Zhaishen Technology and high-efficiency diet pills, a news that shocked the world suddenly came out from the official news network of Huaxia.

Huaxia officials have mastered the full set of technology of the space station, and have manufactured the main body of the space station.Then Huaxia will send Huaxia's space station into space with the first space shuttle made by Huaxia in Jiuquan a week later.

The name of Huaxia's space station has been chosen, and the name is 'Huaxia Palace'.

For a time, the world was in an uproar.

At present, there is only one space station on Earth, and that is the International Space Station, which is built with the participation of [-] countries led by Goose and Mijian.

Huaxia has applied to participate in the construction of the International Space Station.

It's just that Mi Jian used the space station technology for military purposes, so he opposed Huaxia's participation.

In the end, Huaxia failed to join the construction of the International Space Station as hoped.

However, Huaxia has never given up its exploration of space.Since Mi Jian does not allow Huaxia to join the construction of the national space station, he will do his own research.

After years of research, Huaxia has broken through many technical difficulties.It is expected that the space station will be launched in the next five to ten years.

However, since obtaining the technology left by Wang Wei half a year ago, Huaxia's various difficult technologies have been quickly conquered.It has even been replaced by more advanced technology.

As a result, it no longer takes five to ten years, but only half a year, Huaxia has produced a complete main body of the space station, and has reserved a large number of space station docking excuses to facilitate future expansion.

The scientific and technological competition, military competition, resource competition, and space competition between China and major powers are all very fierce.

The major countries headed by Mi Jian do not want China to grow up.

Not long ago on the National Day, they discovered that China's military power had grown to the point where they were afraid of it.

And now, they found that Huaxia's technology in space has actually caught up.

Space station technology They have always blocked Huaxia, but now Huaxia claims to launch its own space station alone.This is simply a slap in the face.

They worked hard to block various technologies from Huaxia, but they were still caught up.

War, now the major powers do not dare to launch it easily, and at most there will be a little friction.After all, Huaxia's technological weapons are not like those in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Once the major powers fight against China, it will definitely be the third world war that will affect the world.

If the third world war does break out, the earth is likely to be devastated by wars between nations.It is no longer even suitable for human habitation.

For this reason, even Mi Jian did not dare to start a war easily.They can only pray in their hearts. A week later, China's 'Heavenly Palace Ascension' ceremony, it would be good if something unexpected happened.

It'd be better if the space shuttle exploded midway, the space station crashed, etc., then they would be too happy.

But it was destined to disappoint them.

After all, Huaxia's space shuttle is completely manufactured according to the technical data left by Wang Wei.That is not a space shuttle that only exists in the laboratory, but a space shuttle that is very mature in technology and can even be used for commercialization.

After all, those materials were directly exchanged by Wang Wei from the technology mall.The technical information is already mature and cannot be matured anymore.

A week passed quickly.Girls' short stories www.nsxxs.com

In this week's time, the most popular thing on the Internet, in addition to the high-efficiency diet pills of Zhaishen Technology, is the matter of Huaxia's launch of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station.

In addition, it is impossible for any star to be on the search trend.

Especially Toutiaowang, I want to be on the headlines once in my life, but I can't get it every time.

Even the news that he is going to divorce his wife Zhang Ziyi this time failed to grab the hot headlines.It can only condescend to the third position under the two popular headlines of 'high-efficiency diet pills' and 'Huaxia Palace'.

Toutiao Wang wanted to cry very much. Was the last Toutiao so difficult?Or, he has been a man who can't make headlines in his life.

The topic of 'Huaxia Palace' is very hot on the Internet, and there are many people discussing it.

"It's amazing that my country has even created a space station! When will a spaceship come out?"

"Isn't there an International Space Station, why do you want to launch your own space station? Ask questions."

"It looks like Xiaobai upstairs. There is indeed an International Space Station in space now, but Mi Jian doesn't let us use it. Of course, we can only build it ourselves!"

"The 'Huaxia Palace' space station, just hearing the name makes me feel domineering!"

"Lao Mei doesn't let us Huaxia join the plan of the International Space Station. This is to fear us Huaxia! But even if they don't let us participate, we can play alone! And it will be even better!"

"Our country can launch and operate the space station, but they need more than ten countries to complete it! This is a face-slap, just ask him if the old beauty's face hurts!"

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