"Now, let's count down together!"




Chapter [-]: Huaxia Palace Ascension to Heaven

At this time, no matter who was watching the live TV or the online live broadcast, all of them followed the reporters of Huaxia TV Station and counted down the countdown silently.




The footage flicked across the expressions of everyone in the satellite launch command center.

At this time, everyone sticks to their posts with a firm expression on their faces.The air was unusually quiet, except for the sound of reporters counting down.

The camera finally fixed on the face of Elder No. [-]. The firm and confident expression on Elder No. [-]'s face seemed to believe that the 'Huaxia Palace', which was about to be ignited, would surely enter the predetermined orbit of space smoothly.




Every time they read a number, all the Chinese people who watched the live broadcast on TV or through the computer became nervous.

Although I know that there is absolutely no problem with the space shuttle going to and from space, everyone is inexplicably excited because of the need to bring the 'Hua Xia Palace' into space.

After all, this 'Huaxia Palace' space station belongs to Huaxia, and it was completely manufactured and launched by Huaxia independently.

Everything today will go down in history.




"Ignition!" When the time was up, Elder No. [-] immediately issued an ignition order to the space shuttle.

The command was quickly conveyed to the ears of the space shuttle pilot through the radio model.

Then, several space shuttle pilots immediately started the driving system of the space shuttle and started the power system of the space shuttle.

The cranes around the space shuttle have all been evacuated, and a module of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station has been completely fixed above the space shuttle.

After the particle thruster of the space shuttle was activated, the space shuttle carrying a module of the 'Hua Xiangong' space station floated smoothly.

The distance between the space shuttle and the ground is getting farther and farther, one meter, two meters... five meters, ten meters.

When the space shuttle's suspension height reached [-] meters, the pilots in the space shuttle activated the main particle thruster behind the space shuttle.

Then, the space shuttle accelerated rapidly, and a module carrying the 'Huaxia Palace' quickly disappeared from the live broadcast.

The live footage turned back to the satellite launch command room, where all the data of the space shuttle was being monitored at any time.Such as flight altitude, flight speed, flight track and so on.

In the past, when using rockets to launch satellites, the ground command also needed to monitor all the data of the rockets. 7 Ask Novel www.7wxs.com

If the flight orbit is found to be offset in the end, the ground command room also needs to adjust the orbit and the orbit of the satellite.

But no need now.Now the ground command room needs to monitor all the data of the space shuttle.

Even if there is a deviation in the space shuttle's flight path or the like, the pilots in the space shuttle will make adjustments by themselves.

There are people in the command room constantly reporting the operation status of the space shuttle, but everything is normal and nothing abnormal happens.

The speed of the space shuttle is much faster than that of the rocket. It may take more than ten hours or even longer from the launch of the rocket to the intended orbit of the satellite.

Because in the end, before entering the predetermined track, do not continuously debug the track change.It takes a lot of time during this period.

The space shuttle is not the same.

After exiting the atmosphere, the space shuttle will directly carry a module of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station and fly towards the predetermined orbit of the space station.

After approaching the intended orbit of the space station, the space shuttle began to fly around the earth.And within a few minutes, it can accurately enter the predetermined orbit of the 'Hua Xia Palace' space station at the predetermined speed of the 'Hua Xia Palace' space station.

After the space shuttle enters the predetermined orbit of the 'Hua Xiangong' space station at a predetermined speed, the module of the 'Hua Xiangong' space station can be separated from the body of the space shuttle.

After this step, the space shuttle can return.

And the module of the space station 'Hua Xiangong', which enters a given orbit at a given speed, will deploy its solar panels under the control of the ground command center.

Although it is said that Huaxia has mastered a very mature nuclear fusion technology, and has already used it on the 'Huaxia Palace' space station.But after all, the space station is floating in space hundreds of kilometers high, and it is not convenient to replace the nuclear fusion reactor.

Anyway, solar panel technology is relatively mature, and there is sufficient solar energy outside the atmosphere.Using solar energy as one of the energy sources of the 'Hua Xian Gong' space station can also reduce the frequency of replacement of nuclear fusion reactors.

The live TV broadcast ended after the space shuttle took off.It's just an occasional interlude of the space shuttle's flight.

However, the progress of the space shuttle has been broadcast live on the Internet.

Twenty-eight minutes after the space shuttle took off, it successfully entered the established orbit of the 'Hua Xia Palace' space station.And it was successfully separated from the 'Hua Xiangong' space station.

When the 'Hua Xiangong' spacecraft successfully separated from the space shuttle and successfully deployed its solar panels in orbit, cheers erupted in the launch headquarters of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Base.

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