Because this means that they successfully sent the first module of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station into space.

Although, the 'Hua Xiangong' space station still has three modules that need to be sent to space.

But the first trip has been successful.Will it fail later?

Moreover, this time, the module of the 'Hua Xiangong' space station was sent into space, successfully breaking the previous time record for sending satellites into space.The record broken is not only the record of China, but also the record of the whole world.

So far, no country has been able to transport satellites or space station modules from the Earth's surface into space within half an hour.

Of course, this has to exclude Wang Wei.

After all, Wang Wei also has this ability.It's just that Wang Wei is only an individual, not representing a certain country, so everyone in the direct satellite launch ground command center was ignored.

The space shuttle began to return to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center after it was separated from the 'Huaxia Palace' space station.Because there, there are still three modules of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station waiting to be sent to space. , , .

Chapter [-]: Construction of the Island

After Huaxia successfully sent the first module of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station into space, many people closed the live broadcast.

Because in their opinion, since Huaxia was able to successfully send the 'Huaxia Palace' space station into space in such a short period of time, it means that Huaxia has mastered a very mature delivery technology.

Then the remaining three modules of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station will definitely be able to be sent into space very smoothly.

There is no need to continue to care about the repeated process, the ending is already doomed anyway.

However, various countries have not given up their intention to continue monitoring Huaxia's delivery of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station into space.

Although the first trip to transport the 'Hua Xiangong' space station module was very successful, some countries are still praying that the next few trips will have a little accident.

In addition, how could other countries not pay attention to such a big thing as Huaxia wants to build the second space station on Earth.

What's more, Huaxia also took the initiative to release the entire delivery process. If other countries do not monitor the whole process, they will feel sorry for Huaxia.

Once Huaxia fails in the process of carrying the 'Huaxia Palace' space station, those countries will definitely report it immediately.After all, China's limelight has been too hot recently, and some countries have been looking for opportunities to suppress China.

And if Huaxia succeeds in carrying the 'Huaxia Palace' space station, they will congratulate them on the surface, and then secretly promote the Huaxia threat theory internationally.

In the past, Huaxia could only threaten their position.And now, Huaxia will really threaten their status.

In the next two and a half hours, Huaxia still successfully sent two of the remaining three modules of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station into space, and successfully docked with the first module.

Next, as long as the module of the last 'Hua Xiangong' space station is sent into space and docked with the main body of the 'Hua Xiangong' space station.Then the 'Hua Xiangong' space station is successfully completed.

In the future, Huaxia will also be able to conduct various experimental studies in the space environment.

The island below the floating island has completely changed now.

The former island was a natural island.The island has sandy beaches, woods, mountains and meadows.

And now, the mountains, woods, beaches, and meadows of the entire island are gone.

The entire island has been flattened.The mountain was pushed away, and all the earthwork was filled into the sea area around the island, expanding the original area of ​​the island by [-]%.

Moreover, there are a large number of engineering robots busy on the originally uninhabited island.

Building a space battleship requires a lot of materials.After all, its internal space can accommodate up to [-] people, which is already the population of a relatively large county.

Ten percent of the hundreds of billions of materials purchased by Wang Wei have been delivered to the island.

An area of ​​the flattened island is filled with a large number of containers.Those are all raw materials ordered by Wang Wei.

Of course.

More than 168% of the materials sent by those material suppliers cannot be directly used in the construction of space warships. They must be refined and processed twice before they can meet the material standards for building space warships. 168 Shuku www.[-]

Therefore, Wang Wei needs to build a large amount of material refining and synthesis equipment before actually starting to build the space battleship.

This all requires a large number of engineering robots to complete.

In addition to the thousand engineering robots sent out to help various countries build desalination plants, the remaining four thousand engineering robots on the floating island were all sent by Wang Wei to the islands below the floating island to build.

And [-] engineering robots can't meet the construction needs.

According to estimates, if you want to build the space battleship exchanged from the technology mall within a year, you will need at least [-] engineering robots.

Therefore, Wang Wei has created a new production line of engineering robots.As for the previous production line that was converted into a combat robot, it was also converted back by Wang Wei.

Therefore, on the island, in addition to the densely packed containers in an area, a large number of engineering robots can be seen busy on the island.

Those engineering robots are building equipment workshops that refine unqualified basic materials into qualified high-quality materials.

Of course, after Wang Wei sent all the data exchanged from the technology mall to Xiao Hei, who was already a high-level artificial intelligence, all this Xiao Hei could be arranged properly, and Wang Wei didn't need to worry about it at all.

Wang Wei only needs to check the progress occasionally.

But since Wang Wei doesn't have to worry about the construction of space battleships at all, what is he doing all this time?

The answer is to bring students.

But Wang Wei is not an ordinary student.Wang Wei selected [-] of the best researchers from among the [-] researchers in the field of biology, and then took them to study the mystery of the longevity of Atlantis.

Investigate how to give humans the same long lifespan as the Atlanteans without the body producing the same radiation as the Atlanteans.

Of course, it would be even better if the radiation problem of the Atlanteans could also be solved.

If that's the case, then Wang Wei can get the Atlanteans to come out of the tree of life and make contact with humans.

Ever since the Atlantis civilization was rescued from the ground by Wang Wei, the elders of the Atlantis civilization have applied to Wang Wei, hoping that Wang Wei can turn off the energy shield of the Tree of Life.Because many Atlanteans wanted to see a wider environment after they came out of the ground.

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