However, this proposal was directly rejected by Wang Wei.

Atlantis creatures have radiation that has a fatal effect on the human body. If the radiation problem cannot be solved, it is impossible for Wang Wei to remove the energy shield of the Tree of Life.

For this decision, all Atlantis elders can only accept it.

After all, Wang Wei is their emperor. According to the ancestral teaching, the Atlanteans must obey all the orders of the queen or the emperor.

Moreover, the ability to turn on or off the energy shield of the Tree of Life was only possessed by the Emperor of Atlantis.The queen only has the ability to pass through the energy shield, and at most it is to help objects other than herself that are not very large to pass through the energy shield.

Therefore, Wang Wei refused to turn off the energy shield of the tree of life, and the Atlanteans had nothing to do.

However, in order to solve the side effects of Atlanteans and human beings when they obtained the ability gifted by the tree of life, Wang Wei directly took the one hundred selected students and ran into the tree of life during this time. . , , .

Chapter [-]: One Hundred Students

Wang Wei selected [-] of the best researchers from the biological laboratory.As one of the twelve captains of the biological laboratory, Kong Lingzi was naturally selected by Wang Wei.

Although it is said that after being selected by Wang Wei, Kong Lingzi lost his status as the captain, after all, the research of teammates Atlantis must not be completed in a short time.Each team must have a captain who is responsible for the team's scientific research topics and task assignments.

However, although Kong Lingzi lost her position as captain, she was not at all dissatisfied.On the contrary, she was quite happy about her own encounter.Because Wang Wei told them that what the hundred of them are about to study is the most mysterious thing that human beings have ever come into contact with.

That is the essence of life.If research can find out, then perhaps all humans can live hundreds or thousands of years.

If this is what someone else said, then these [-] top scientific researchers in the biological field will definitely sneer.How easy is it to want to live a long life? In the thousands of years of human civilization history, how many people have pursued immortality, but no one has ever succeeded.

However, these words came from Wang Wei's mouth, but these [-] top researchers in the biological field were convinced.

As for the reason, one is because of their absolute loyalty to Wang Wei, so naturally they would not doubt what Wang Wei said.

The other is because Wang Wei explained the lifespan of the Atlanteans to them.In addition, the former Atlantis Queen Silu was alive in front of them, so they couldn't help but believe it.

Wang Wei allowed them to enter the ten laboratories dedicated to Wang Wei for the [-] researchers who were studying the Atlanteans.After all, they still have a lot of knowledge of the second-level civilization, not to mention the knowledge of the third-level civilization.Many things need to be brought by Wang Wei now.

In order to better study the Atlanteans and the tree of life, Wang Wei also brought the hundred selected researchers to the tree of life.

After the [-] researchers in the biological laboratory put on fully enclosed radiation protection suits, Wang Wei took them through the energy shield of the Tree of Life and entered the space where the Atlanteans lived.

When they passed through the dark barrier for the first time and saw the tree of life with no end in sight, all the selected researchers were so excited that they were going crazy.

Although Wang Wei told them that the Atlanteans lived on towering trees dozens of kilometers high, they also imagined the appearance of the tree of life in their minds.But when they saw the appearance of the Tree of Life, they were still shocked by everything and everything in front of them.

Can a tree really grow to such an extent?Moreover, the tree of life can still grow so beautiful.

The light green fluorescent branches hanging down from the branches made people feel like they were in a fairyland.

However, if the tree of life appeared on the earth hundreds of years ago, it would definitely be considered a divine tree by the people of the earth.

Even now, if Wang Wei closes the energy shield of the tree of life and makes the tree of life appear in people's field of vision, some religions may define the tree of life as the tree of gods.

Wang Wei took the hundred people to visit all the trees of life, whether it was the mother tree or the child tree.

Of course, the altar room of the Tree of Life didn't let them in.

Although Wang Wei is now the emperor of the Atlantis civilization, he can't guarantee that other people on earth will also be recognized by the tree of life like him.

If there is a situation where someone is recognized by the tree of life, it will not be a good thing for Wang Wei.Yunnan Biquge

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, Wang Wei did not take the hundred people to the altar room.

But except for the altar room, Wang Wei took them all over the place.

And it's not just shopping, the group also obtained a lot of experimental materials.

The branches of the tree of life, the trunk tissue in different parts of the tree of life, the tentacles of the soul space, the spring water of the fountain of life, the various plants planted by the Atlanteans, the blood samples of tens of thousands of Atlanteans , blood samples of various creatures that inhabit the tree of life.

In order to complete these things, Wang Wei and others stayed on the tree of life for a week.Except for leaving the space of the tree of life when eating and placing, other times are in the space of the tree of life.

During this period, there were also some small accidents.

The people on Earth did not understand the writing and language of the Atlantean civilization, and the Atlanteans did not understand the writing and language of the Earth originally.

The two sides encountered great difficulties in communication.

Originally, Wang Wei was thinking of building a translator, but after inadvertently glanced at Silu, Wang Wei suddenly thought that there was no need for a translator at all.

Why does Silu speak the language of the earth, and why can he understand the words of the earth?Silu is not learned slowly, but is learned quickly through knowledge instillation in the soul space.

Although the [-] Earth researchers brought by Wang Wei could not use this method to master the language and writing of the Atlantean civilization, the Atlanteans could learn the language and writing of the earth through this method.

So, at the request of Wang Wei, the elders soon arranged for tens of thousands of Atlanteans to enter the soul space to learn the Chinese language and characters of the earth.

Although it is said that entering the soul space of the tree of life to pass on knowledge requires consumption of the life energy of the tree of life, but now the tree of life has been able to absorb the energy of the universe to supplement the life energy.So this consumption is nothing at all.

After that, the [-] researchers brought in by Wang Wei quickly took the blood samples of the [-] Atlanteans and marked each one with the name of the Atlanteans.

Even Wang Wei and Silu each contributed a hundred milliliters of blood samples.After all, the blood samples of the two of them were different from those of ordinary Atlanteans.

Wang Wei and Silu have the same long lifespan as ordinary Atlanteans, but their bodies do not emit radiation like ordinary Atlanteans.

Therefore, the key to studying how to solve the problem of radiation for colleagues who prolong life is likely to lie in Wang Wei and Si Lu.

Although a hundred milliliters of blood was drawn, this blood was nothing to Wang Wei and Si Lu.With the physical recovery ability of the two, they can automatically replenish the [-] ml of blood without taking half a day.

After finishing the work, Wang Wei took the hundred people back to the floating island.

After returning to the floating island, Xiao Hei immediately told Wang Wei about Huaxia's successful launch of the space station. , , .

Chapter [-]: Exploring the Universe Project

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