Knowing that Huaxia was actually working on a space station, Wang Wei's first reaction was incredible.

Because Wang Wei felt that it was completely unnecessary, Huaxia had the technology to build a space shuttle.The space shuttle can float in space at any time, and there is no need for a space station at all.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that things are not so simple.

Many countries on earth like to do experiments in the space environment.Because there is no gravity in space, and there are all kinds of cosmic radiation.Scientists are curious about how various experimental materials will behave differently in space and in Earth.

And the space shuttle can't be parked in space all the time for those scientists to do experiments.Therefore, it is also necessary to get a space station.

Of course, Wang Wei's lab doesn't need so much trouble.

Because in Wang Wei's laboratory, it is possible to simulate a variety of different environments, even the environment in space, there is no problem at all.

Therefore, Wang Weicai will not make senseless things like a space station.

Of course, Wang Wei knew that the Huaxia Space Station had another purpose.

That is to slap Mi Jian in the face. After all, the country headed by Mi Jian opposed Huaxia's participation in the construction plan of the International Space Station, which caused Huaxia, who hoped to join the construction plan of the International Space Station to accelerate the learning of cutting-edge technologies, and lost the opportunity to join the International Space Station.

Huaxia's high-profile live broadcast of the launch of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station is to tell Mi Jian and the world that Huaxia's technology in the space field has reached the top of the world.

The International Space Station has been working in space for more than [-] years. According to the original design life, the service life of the International Space Station is only [-] to [-] years.

That said, the International Space Station is old, and it may fall into the atmosphere and crash in less than two years.

But Huaxia now has a brand new space station.Moreover, Huaxia also expressed its willingness to share the 'Huaxia Palace' space station with any diplomatic friendly country, which is obviously to win over other countries internationally.

Putting this in society, isn't it just gang formation?

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this kind of behavior, whether within a small group or between countries.

After all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.There may not be swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, forks, hooks, and forks in the rivers and lakes, but there will definitely be intrigue and intrigue.

Of course, Wang Wei doesn't want to care about this kind of country-to-country thing anymore.

In the past, China's international situation was not very good.Many countries headed by Mi Jian are constantly targeting China.

Neon, Bangzi Country, and many countries in Southeast Asia will provoke China.

For the sake of domestic development, Huaxia was not very strong in the diplomatic handling of those countries before.To put it uglier, it seems too weak.

Wang Wei was very dissatisfied with this.Not only dissatisfied with those countries that continue to provoke China, but also very dissatisfied with China's foreign policy.

However, Wang Wei also knew that all this was done by Lao Mei behind the scenes. The purpose was to provoke Huaxia and make Huaxia fall into disputes with neighboring countries. It would be better if there was a war. 59 Shuku

The senior management of Huaxia understands this very well.In addition, the technology and weapons before Huaxia are not very advantageous in the world, and the national economic construction also has many shortcomings, so the senior management of Huaxia has always given people a feeling of swallowing their voices.

Once China's technology, military, and economy come up, China's external momentum will definitely become stronger.

Therefore, after Wang Wei got the system, Wang Wei has given many technologies to the country for free, and the scientific and technological cooperation with Huaxia was not for the purpose of making money.The purpose is to accelerate China's technological and military construction.

After all, only a strong military can be respected by other countries.

In fact, after China's military technology is strong, some surrounding countries are indeed a lot more honest.

Especially now, the neon is gone, Indonesia in Southeast Asia is almost wiped out due to the tsunami, and other countries such as Bangzi and the Philippines are also due to China's recent rapid development of military technology and China's tough foreign policy. policy, so that they are temporarily honest.

Even Mi Jian doesn't dare to offend Huaxia too easily now.

After all, Mi Jian didn't dare to really go to war with Huaxia.Once the war really starts, their economy may collapse.

Therefore, in this case, Wang Wei no longer wants to get involved in political issues between countries.

After all, Huaxia has grown to a level that no other country dares to provoke easily.

What interests Wang Wei now is the vast and mysterious universe.

There is no way if there is no ability before. Although the space shuttle has the ability to travel in space, if a human pilots a space shuttle, they can only fly to Pluto, which is at the edge of the solar system, and then have to return.Otherwise, the humans inside will be trapped on the space shuttle due to insufficient resources.

But now Wang Wei has a third-level civilization technology.

There is a complete ecosystem inside the space battleship.As long as the energy of the space battleship is not used up, the humans living in the space battleship will never die due to insufficient resources.

The only possibility of death is old age.

Of course, it is impossible for Wang Wei to explore space now. After all, it will take at least a year to build a space battleship with the fastest construction speed.

However, during this period, Wang Wei can create a large number of cosmic automatic explorers to explore other galaxies around the solar system in advance.Find habitable planets suitable for human existence and mineral planets with large deposits of minerals.

After all, the survival of human beings requires a habitable planet, and the development of science and technology requires a variety of mineral materials.

In this way, when conducting space voyages, there will be no aimless searching.

When Wang Wei takes a spaceship to explore space a year later, he will at least be able to grasp the data of planets in all galaxies around the solar system.

This also saves a lot of unnecessary time.

Even if he is lucky, before Wang Wei begins his interstellar voyage, the cosmic automatic explorer will be able to discover another habitable planet suitable for human existence. , , .

Chapter [-]: You have to fight!Then fight!

The technology of the third-level civilization is much higher than the technology level of the second-level civilization.

Take Wang Wei's space shuttle as an example.

The nuclear fusion energy system installed on the space shuttle can continue to fly for three years without using the energy weapons on the space shuttle.

The technology of the third-level civilization technology optimizes the reaction material, optimizes the catalyst, and optimizes the energy utilization efficiency.In the case of a nuclear fusion energy system of the same volume, if the space shuttle does not use energy weapons to fight, it can continue to fly for a hundred years at the same speed.

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