Another example is the power system. Before, it took more than [-] days for the space shuttle to fly from Earth to Pluto.If the power system of the third-level civilization is used instead, the time it takes to fly to Pluto will only take six days at the fastest.The maximum speed has been increased by a hundred times.

In addition, such as protection system, detection system, etc., its performance has also been greatly improved.

Of course, the upgraded technologies are not only those on the space shuttle, but all kinds of military technology and civilian technology have been greatly improved.

The efficiency of engineering robots is fast, they do not need to rest, and they will not have the idea of ​​​​lazy.

Therefore, although it is only a few days, some factories on the island have been completed, and some infrastructure materials can be processed.

At present, the output of high-quality materials is not large enough to build the main body of the space battleship.However, it is already possible to start building an autonomous cosmic explorer.

The cosmic automatic explorer is not very large, and its size is only as small as a small car.So not much material is needed.

A cosmic automatic explorer does not have many functions. In addition to the normal flight function, the information collection function and the sample collection function are more important.

After all, the main function of the automatic universe explorer is to explore the environment and addresses of planets in the universe.

After arranging twenty engineering robots to manufacture the cosmic automatic explorer, Wang Wei abandoned the construction on the island and concentrated on leading a hundred specially selected students to study the secrets of the Atlantis civilization.


It has been a week since the successful launch of the 'Hua Xian Gong' space station.

After the 'Hua Xia Palace' space station successfully docked in space, Hua Xia sent five people, including a botanist, a microbiologist, an engineer, and a doctor, to the space shuttle. The 'Hua Xia Palace' space station.

Huaxia has been expecting to enter the space station for too long, and there are many assumptions and assumptions that need to be verified by them.

Although Huaxia has repeatedly sent humans and various creatures to space for a few days before coming down.

But after all, time is limited, and what you can do is naturally limited.

Now that Huaxia finally has its own space station, it is natural to carry out various experimental projects immediately.After all, there are too many experimental hypotheses waiting for them to verify.

Immediately after the 'Huaxia Palace' space station began to operate, many countries that did not have the right to use the International Space Station applied to Huaxia to use the Huaxia Space Station.

Even Russia and Germany, two countries that have the right to use the International Space Station, have shown friendship to Huaxia through the topic of the 'Huaxia Palace' space station.

Because they realized that with Wang Wei as a super genius, the rise of Huaxia is already unstoppable.

In other words, the rise of China is inevitable.After all, China before the Qing Dynasty had always been the most prosperous and powerful country on earth.It is not without reason that it has been able to maintain its lead for thousands of years.New Biquge

Although China has been standing still or even declining since the Qing Dynasty, it was quickly caught up by the Western world.

But that was only due to the incompetence of the Qing rulers.

Now Huaxia has got rid of the cage that bound him, and naturally can quickly catch up.It's only a matter of time before it catches up again and becomes the world's most powerful country.

The existence of Wang Wei greatly shortened this time.

Although China still has some gaps with developed countries in education and medical care, it has surpassed all developed countries in the fields of military, science and technology.

Even the strongest Mi Jian in the world has fallen behind China in military, technology and other fields.

Since this fact cannot be changed, why haven't they had a good relationship with Huaxia.

At this time, as long as it is a country with some discernment and the leader of the country has some brains, he will not make the concern between himself and Huaxia too stiff.

Of course, not all leaders of countries have brains, and not all citizens of all countries see this clearly.

Bangzi Country is a lot worse on this point.

A week ago, a reporter from KBS TV station in Bangzi Country was angry at Zhaishen Technology and Zhaishen Technology's first product - high-efficiency weight loss pills at the first new product launch conference of Zhaishen Technology.Throwing dirty water on Liu Shi, the CEO of Efficient Diet Pills, Zhaishen Technology, and Zhaishen Technology.

Although Liu Shi perfectly wiped off the dirty water splashed by the KBS TV reporter, she was not ready to let go of the troublesome KBS TV reporter easily.

After the press conference, Liu Shi asked the company to sue the KBS TV reporter for defamation and spreading rumors, and demanded high reputation damage fees.

Because the complainant was the reason of Zhaishen Technology, the local Supreme Court opened the case at the fastest speed.

Finally, the KBS TV reporter was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of espionage and endangering national security.At the same time, all other journalists of KBS TV station in China were arrested and imprisoned on the same charges.

Although I don't know if these charges are true, or if the country is just trying to please Zakushen Technology.

Anyway, in the end, all the reporters of KBS TV station in China were all sent to prison, and they were sentenced to life imprisonment.

After Bangziguo learned the news, its embassy immediately requested the release of the arrested KBS TV reporters.

However, the Huaxia agency has shown a strong performance this time, insisting that the reporters of KBS TV are spies, and they are stealing the highest military and technological secrets of Huaxia.It means that Huaxia will never hand over those people.And also severely condemned the fact that Bangziguo sent spies to China.

This can be said to be China's strongest diplomatic performance.

Then I don't know if the leadership of Bangzi Country is crazy or crazy, but they publicly stated in the world that if Huaxia does not release their citizens, then they will attack Huaxia militarily.

And Huaxia did not show weakness, and publicly responded to the threat of Bangziguo.

Although Huaxia loves peace, it will not be afraid of threats from anyone, any country, or any organization.Your citizens are conducting espionage activities in our Chinese territory. Since they are caught, there is no reason to release them.

Huaxia will not take the initiative to provoke war, but it will never be afraid of war.If you want to fight, then fight!

For a time, there was a strong smell of gunpowder between the two countries. , , .

Chapter [-]: Really going to fight

There was a diplomatic crisis between Huaxia and Bangzi, and even the two countries issued a declaration of war. The smell of gunpowder between the two countries has reached its peak. A little carelessness may break out a war.

All eyes of the world are focused on here.

This is not the same as the Middle East, where wars and civil wars often break out.

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